Tosca Reno


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Arnold and Bob

Photo Credit: Paul Buceta
At the crux of our family's most difficult days we gathered en masse to celebrate the man we love so much.  My invitation to the family members closest to Bob were "Please make yourselves available Easter Weekend to make memories with those you love."  Bob was home from the hospital so he could be loved, doted on, pampered, kissed and cherished as he rightly deserved.  My children thought I was crazy to put this on myself when there was already so much to be concerned with regarding Bob.  But I reasoned that I needed my family and that each of them had a right to give Bob that wonderful nugget of love right now. So the preparations began in earnest.  Twenty six were coming to spend 4 days with us.  It was madness but what a happy mayhem it was.  I had invited long time family friend and photographer Paul Buceta to come and record the happenings on Sunday afternoon so that we could preserve our memory making.  Everything was set.

Then something magical happened.  In the midst of the commotion, I received a call from Arnold Schwarzenegger's office that the big man wanted to come up personally and pay a visit to Bob.  I knew this would be a historic moment.  Two great men in the sport of bodybuilding and in public arena would be coming together.  And it happened.  On Sunday afternoon, April 8, 2012 Arnold arrived at our home with his brawn and a heart of gold.  I could't actually believe this was happening right here in our home amongst so much family, but it was.

When I answered the door to welcome him in, he said to me "Hmmm, what's this? Your new Easter dress?"  And from then on I relaxed as I ushered him in to greet the family and ultimately Bob.  It was difficult not to shed tears as Arnold gently held Robert's hand and began a conversation that would bring a sparkle back into my husband's blue eyes and cement their friendship forever.  The two laughed over training, women, butts (both apparently love that body part), business, the challenges of magazine making, painting and Austria.  Both men have much in common.  It did my heart good to see this exchange.  Arnold made good on his promise to visit his old friend, something I am ever grateful for and will never forget.

Arnold also gave the entire family a thrill when he wandered over to the kitchen and had wine and cheese with the gang.  Can you believe it???  My two nieces Anika and Alissa were giggling like crazy when Arnold posed for a shot with the two of them.
Photo Credit: Paul Buceta
So Arnold, thank you and we hope you'll "be back!"

And Robert what memories we have made you and I.  Nothing about me is less because of you.  You have made me whole, loved and cherished as I have never experienced before.  What joy I will carry in my heart for having known you. I love you.

Photo Credit: Paul Buceta


  1. Beautifully written. Bob still looks amazing! You are all so lucky to have each other. Still praying and sending love your way.

  2. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing a look into your family. You truly are a strong woman, let no one tell you differently!!

  3. Tosca, it breaks my heart that you are going thru this right now. I know your pain and i wish i could take it away for you, even if only for one day! My thoughts are with you right now and always.

  4. My heart aches for you and your family. I just lost my father to cancer on March 18 after only knowing for a mere 2 months he even had cancer and only 4 days that it was terminal. Make those memories and hold them dear. Nothing else in this world matters right now than being with Bob. Take Care! -Renee LeBlanc Halifax, NS

  5. Tosca - thank you so much for sharing this story with us. You're in my prayers as it is not easy what you are going thru. God Bless you always.

  6. What a beautiful sentiment written by a beautiful and strong woman! I am so amazed at your strength and faith! Tears are flowing for you and your family as you face the days ahead! Please know that "friends" far and near are with you in your hearts as you, Bob, and your family are in ours!!! May peace be with you............

  7. I shouldn't have read this before going into a meeting...Thank you for sharing such a beautiful memory with your friends and followers during such a difficult time. I am so happy to have gotten to know Bob "tough love" Kennedy via the magazines and articles I read. His tough love has changed my life. Thank you.
    Pam Martin -

  8. Tosca, I know you are cherishing every precious second. We cherish it with you. We are blessed to still have a legend among us. Thanks Robert for staying strong....we feel your presence and thank you for it!!

  9. Yes, BEAUTIFULLY written from the heart! Thank you for sharing such a personal journey. I pray for you all. What a gift that you are able to share this time with such a lovely family. Blessings to you.

  10. Tosca, I have tears in my eyes after reading your post and have since I heard the news about Bob last week. You, he and your family have constantly been in my thoughts. What a beautiful message and story you shared. I reread some of Bob's old articles and Welcome letters in Oxygen. His enthusiasm and support will remain with your Sisters in Iron and the health and fitness world forever. May you find strength in this difficult time but feel our prayers and love.

    Best, Ali S.

  11. This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing it. I am still praying for you all.

  12. You and Bob have been such an inspiration in my life as I worked my way back to health after several years of acute depression and weight gain after the unexpected back-to-back deaths of my parents. I gained over 100 pounds during my grieving process. I never thought I'd find the determination to succeed and get back into a healthy life, then I discovered Oxygen magazine and Bob's wonderful advice. That in turn led me to you and all your amazing wisdom. I lost all the weight and became a dedicated weight lifter and clean eater.

    My heart is heavy as I type this. My prayers, thoughts and love surround you all in this difficult time Tosca. You and Bob have created an amazing legacy together. He's iconic in a way that the world doesn't see so much anymore. He'll always live through you and every life he's touched. I pray for a miracle...but if that's not in the cards, I pray that there's a gigantic gym in Heaven and that Bob's name is on it.

    Hugs and love,


  13. What a wonderful, touching, memorable story. Thanks for giving us all insight to your life. I hope all is well and I am praying for Bob, you, and the rest of your family. Much love and sincerity, Cortney

  14. OMG Tosca.... I'm laughing at this as well as crying my eyes out.... You are so brave to write such eloquent words to your husband to whom you love and cherish so dearly, and you are such a wonderful person to be sharing all of your personal heartache, memories, and family fun/ Arnold time with all of us! In a world where fame tends to overpower privacy, you and your family have graciously shared your private moments with us, and have allowed all of us who care so deaply for you to be a part of your suffering, your love, your darkest moments of not knowing what tomorrow holds, your strength, your courage, your light..... I am so touched by your story today, Tosca. You are such a brave, brave, beautiful woman. Bob is a lucky Man. And You are a lucky, lucky woman. How do I know this? I can hear it in your writting voice, I can see it in your smile, I can feel it in your words... your love for Bob radiates on your face. All I can say is that, above all else, we are so lucky to have been a part of Bob's life and career. He has done so many wonderful things for so many people. And Tosca, you are no exception. I may not know you or your husband personaly, but I have so much love, respect, and gratefulness for the both of you, I really do feel like I am losing a member of my own family. And for this, I am sad. I am so very sorry that you all have to suffer through this. It's not fair. I am praying, praying, praying so heavily for a miracle for Bob. He deserves a miracle from God. And so do all of you. I send you all my love and prayers. Keeping you close to my heart and thoughts, always. <3 ~Kymberly (Kaptain Morgan)

  15. Just beautiful. Many prayers from my family to yours for comfort, strength and perseverance through this unimaginable time in your lives. Your honesty and heart only add to the inspiration you provide to so many each and every day. Hugs from Winnipeg.

  16. Tosca, I cried when I read this. You are one amazing woman and I admire you more than I ever thought I could. I know your heart hurts, but you are making these final days more memorable than most of us make in as many years. I just don't know what to say other than "thank you" for keeping it real for us readers and followers. My heart is heavy with sadness when I heard. To capture the sentiment of the poster above..... Hugs from the Ottawa Valley.

  17. That was amazing of Arnold to do! What great shots. Your photographer friend is a great one. I bet that was such an amazing and special weekend for Bob!

  18. Dearest Tosca, It saddens my heart to know the difficult times you and your family have to endure, I specially imagine how hard this may be inside Bob's heart. I thank you for sharing this memories and pictures with the rest of us. Perhaps I am not alone when I say we all feel very close to you and Bob, we will be forever grateful not only for the inspiration he represents but for his amazing work and contributions into this industry. My prayers and heart are with you, Bob and family. It is with the most horrendous storms when we prove the strength of our ship. And you guys have an incredible strong ship. Constant prayers and love from New Mexico.

  19. Tosca if there ever was a woman on earth that could make it throw this it's you and your girl's I send love, Prayers and hugs your way. Bob is am amazing person that has helped so many and i can totaly understand you wanting to give Bob an amazing weekend. If only we could help you guys in your time of need as you and your family have helped so many of us. your forever in our hearts.

  20. Dearest Tosca,

    I am so sorry for all of you. I know this is a really bitter sweet time for you all. May you find comfort in the fact that you will meet again, when all is made whole by God.
    Peace and God's love to you all,
    Amy Jo

  21. Tosca, you are a beautiful writer and thank you for sharing :) I hope that when it's time for me to go to my True Home, I am as blessed and fortunate as Bob.
    Due to your FB post today, I worked out my triceps and prayed for his peace and smooth transition into the arms of Jesus, and for you and your family.
    Thank you Bob for all of your hard work creating the BEST fitness magazine for women! You are loved by many!

  22. Dearest Tosca,

    Since I read about Bob's health yesterday I cannot keep you and him out of my mind. Every time I think of what you're going through I tear up. My sweet MIL lost her battle with lung cancer on Oct. 1, 2010. This is a woman who never smoked nor drank a day in her life. Because of her and Bob's shared diagnosis, it touches me even more. Every time the Lord brings you to mind I pray for you. Praying you'll feel His presence and peace as you travel this difficult road. Praying for Bob's comfort. Praying for the girls.

    With much care,

  23. Much love and prayers to your entire family.

  24. Keeping you in my prayers. What a beautiful day and memories you shared.

  25. Thank you so much for inviting us into this intimate moment for you and your family. It's an honor to witness it. Sending you prayers and love.

    And to Mr. Robert Kennedy:
    Your life has touched innumerable people, you have made the world a better, healthier place. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Godspeed.

    May angels surround you both.

  26. You both have done so much for so many people with your knowledge of fitness and one of them!! Always very hard to see a loved one in this battle where the winner seems clear...cherish every moment you one is 'exempt' from this terrible inexplicable disease...My bf lost his Father a few yrs ago and misses him every day still....2 weeks ago i attended a funeral of my friends 5 yr old son, who lost a 14 month battle,,just doesn't seem right...If i had one wish, it would be to find a cure. My thoughts are with you.

  27. Tosca, first I'd like to tell you how sorry I am that this is happening. Finding out about Bob and reading your writings is very intense and makes my heart very heavy. I think it was a wonderful thing you did to gather the family and friends for a long weekend to celebrate Bob's life. I can only imagine what you're going through and to still have the courage and strength to do all of this is only by the grace of God above. He will always stand by you and give you strength when you think you've run out. Life is too short to take any loved ones for granted, something I'm sure you know. I only wish I could reach out and give you a hug and give you some comfort. Bob and yourself are loved by many and all our hearts go out to you. Much love to you both.

  28. Thank you for a sharing, Tosca.

  29. Absolutely touching. You are a wonderful wife and partner for him. You two were meant for each other. Thank you for sharing your heart. Love you all.

  30. Tosca
    it has been a long time since you and I spoke (via internet) when I heard about Bob my heart and prayers went out to you and your family. This year my father in law was diagnosed with Cancer and a good friend just recently passed from the same...I hold you in my heart and GOD knows what you carry in your heart right now...xoxoxox Tecora

  31. This shows you just how much Robert Kennedy is beloved by everyone who ever read his publications, met him, etc.

  32. Tosca,

    I've never met you and only recently began eating clean. I love to write and I wrote this piece just last night. I hope you and Bob gain something from it.

    I am a broken vessel.
    I am not whole.
    God loves me anyway.
    He gave me a soul.
    My body breaks.
    My spirit awakes.
    God loves me anyway.
    He gave me a soul.
    Pain is just pain.
    Life too easy is without gain.
    God loves me anyway.
    He gave me a soul.
    The body is a wonderful creation.
    But it is just a temporary station.
    God loves me anyway.
    He gave me a soul.
    The soul is most important of all.
    I must nourish it and not let it fall.
    Because God loves me, and
    He gave me a soul.

    I wish you and your family comfort,
    Mitzie Thompson

  33. May you find comfort in your loving memories. My thoughts and prayers are with you. <3

  34. Awe! How sweet...brought tears to my eyes. God bless! What fond happy memories you made in your home.

  35. oh Tosca.. my heart wants to leap out... I wanna hug your neck..what can a person say when there is such loss. What a legacy your husband has left and for that os many will be forever grateful..Praying for comfort and peace. <3 Kassy Hodsdon

  36. My prayers to you and Bob and family....may the peace of God be with you.

  37. There is so much love going out to you, Bob, and your families. May you feel the peace and love of God the Father surround you during this time.

  38. My prayers are with you and your family. Hang in there!

  39. Tosca,

    Tears are streaming down my face as I write this, that's how beautiful your words were! Bob is a Legend, a Hero, an Innovator, & someone I look up to personally. But we also forget he is a Husband, a Son, A Father, & a Friend to those closest to him. Thank you for sharing that with all of us. God Speed!

  40. What a beautiful story - thank you for sharing. May God bring you strength, and courage, and comfort. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  41. What a wonderful story of love, hope and cherished memories! You all are truly blessed! I am touched, honored and so moved by this, thank you so much for sharing your 'home' and your love with us Tosca!

  42. I'm having a little trouble seeing to write this thru the tears. What a beautiful soul you are to handle this tragedy so graciously. Thoughts, prayers and positive energy are sent your way...

  43. How inspiring that you have the strength to write this post.... To share your most innermost feelings..... To share your life and love for Bob with us.
    I can only hope that you find strength in all of this.... I'm pushing the tears away trying to type this comment so that every word written will let you know you're not alone. As the 41 previous comments all indicate; you are very much cared for and as your community grows, you become more and more loved.
    Thank you for sharing. As you told me a couple of weeks ago, "sharing is caring". I appreciate that. I believe in that too.
    We are all sisters sharing this magnificent planet together.

    ....My heart is so heavy for you. It wasn't supposed to go this way. I know what it means to marry the 'right' guy the second time around. He IS the love of your life and will always be.

  44. Tosca, your beautiful expressions of love bring tears to my eyes. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you, Bob and your family during this difficult time. I pray that the coming days are filled with more love and joy than you can imagine, even in the midst of your pain. Please let Bob know how much he is loved by those of us who've read his words of tough love and encouragement. He is one of a kind!

  45. Dear Tosca, I am overwhelmed by this sadness. I am so very sorry for all that you and your family are going through right now. My heart and prayers are with you right now. I dont want to cause you any more pain or give any false hope but I really think you should call a Functional Medical Doctor. There have been situations where they have been able to help, even when someone only has days left... I am a patient of Dr. Bruce Hoffman in Calgary. I dont know if he can help but I really hope you will make the call just to see if there is still something that can be done. It is The Hoffman Centre for Integrative Medicine. They are not covered by health care and very few people know about these doctors. I am so saddened by this news about Bob, I feel like this is the only way I could help. I hope this suggestion is not taken offensively as it comes from a place of love. I do not wish to add to your burden and am praying that something can still be done. I do not know if there are doctors like this in Toronto or their names. I am praying for all of you. With love, Tara King

  46. You did the right thing! I gave permission for people to come visit during my husband's last week of life, so a stream of bikers (his friends), his employees and coworkers (security guards), and his daughters were by his side. He got to tell so many people he loved them, and hear it back. Trust me when I tell you that you will treasure those memories forever. YOU DID GOOD!

  47. So beautiful. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I pray God's comfort, strength and peace during this difficult time.

  48. Tosca - I have admired your strength and conviction for a very long time. After reading this entry I type this comment with eyes full of tears. Thank you for sharing such an intimate and incredibly special family time with us. It reminds me how uniquely precious my love is for my husband and my family. May God bless you and keep you all as you go through this journey. May Bob have peace and may you continue to find the strength and courage that you have so graciously led with all these years. God Bless. Deanna

  49. So heartbreaking to hear. Praying for continued strength for you all now and in the future. Such beautiful memories to have and hold forever. God Bless You, Bob and your whole family.

  50. Tosca, I feel like I know you and Bob personally. My prayers are for peace for you and your family during this time and that your joyful memories carry you through what is to come.


  51. May God bless you and your family in this difficult time. Surround him with love and let him know you and your family will keep his memory alive with tears and laughter. Wishing peace in your heart and soul to comfort you in your darkest hours ahead.

  52. As long as I have been reading the various publications by both of you, I feel like I have gotten to know you both. This is so very tragic. It is my hope the memories of this weekend and the memories you have made with him sustain you and your family through the sorrow of losing someone so obviously special as he is. As long as you all honor his memory and keep him alive in your hearts, he will never truly be 'gone'. Best wishes to you all.


  53. My thoughts and Prayers and Love are with you and your family.
    1 Cornithians 1 - He is God of all comfort. John 3:16.
    You both are truly an Inspiration to everyone. I thank you both for all you have done in this industry and I am grateful and thankful for what Bob did for me in my career. He is an amazing person who has helped so many live their dreams. THANK YOU.
    If you need anything, please let me know. God Bless you!

  54. I shouldn't have read this at work either.
    I am so glad you had a family Easter - may the memory stay with you forever.
    Stay strong Tosca, we're all hoping for good things for you and for Bob.

  55. Tosca, I am so glad that Uncle Robert met you. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, emotions, inspiration and love with us while you are going through all of this. You are an amazing woman. We are all here for you if you need us at any time...

  56. Yours is an amazing life to celebrate:) The kind of life that changes others, inspires and touches... A life of purpose that will carry on in the spirit, actions and hearts of the millions you continues to touch. We are so blessed to have such a generous, funny, caring spirit walk among us. Your entire family is moving and inspiring us all to love each other with all we have and live out our purpose. A million thanks will never be enough. I will never forget you and Tosca coming down during my very first Oxygen shoot. I remember thinking that it was so unreal to be living a dream while being in the presence of two people who impacted my life. It was a definite pinch me moment. Tosca was such a warm, wonderful woman and you were so funny and immediately put me at ease with your affectionate tone when you said in your accent "Great job Girl!" That is a memory I will cherish forever. THANK YOU! Wishing you comfort and love:) - Lori Harder

  57. So sad to hear of this news. What an inspiration you both have been to myself and the world at large. I wish you much love, peace and comfort during these times. I also look forward to furhtering the mission you both have set in spreading encouragement, motivation, and accomplishment in health and fitness. My heart and prayers are with you and your family. - Leslie Mansour

  58. My heart is with you. We are all here for you and your family.

  59. Tosca, My heart is breaking knowing Bob is terminal. I have loved his "tough love" approach and will so much miss it. You are both very special for giving so much to the world. My thoughts are prayers are with you both!
    Sandy Hancock

  60. Dear Tosca, dear Bob: Thank you so much for sharing some highlight of your Easter weekend gathering with us. I read this with appreciation and Bob will be in my prayers. I think your way of expressing and sharing this transition, is very brave and much needed. I am sending you all a big, warm hug. Much love, Linda Saetre

  61. So touching! You know who your real friends are when times are tough. They are the ones who will make it their business to be there. Such a loving family...and I have an extra respect for Arnold now!

  62. I am touched by your strength. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  63. Tosca, you are forever an inspiration. Your strength as a woman,mother and a wife is incredible! Stay strong, ALWAYS!

  64. I used to love going to Brampton and talking to Rob in the early 80s at the store. He was a wonderful person to talk to. I remember buying a limited edition Black satin World Gym Canada jacket from him that I still wear today on occasion. It was allways a special occasion when I drove from Oshawa to come in and pick up clothing books and suppliments and running into Rob. So sad to hear.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Tosca, Thank you for sharing your life with us here online. You are such a strong woman and I feel blessed to be living the same time as you. Bob is the one person who believed in my modeling and gave me the strength to pursue a career in it. He sure had a knack for that hey? It was always a dream come true to hear from him. The last phone message he left sounded like this; Fawnia Mondey, you look beautiful my dear... you are probably wondering who this is. Some old man on the phone. It's Robert Kennedy.' My heart would stop as I hung on to every word. Though I had the pleasure to hear from him personally only twice, both times were life changing. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family Tosca and I am glad his suffering is over. Big Hugs.


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