Tosca Reno


Wednesday, May 4, 2011


My ACV and Eat-Clean abs baby! 

Yes those are my abs and no I have not taken steroids to get them.  Instead I have been learning how a little more acid in the stomach helps to chase bloat.  Many of us in North America are under the false belief that we have too much stomach acid and pop Tums and other acid reducing supplements.  The truth is most of us DO NOT have enough stomach acid and this is where so much tummy trouble begins including carrying extra inches around your waist.

Not long ago I began to add apple cider vinegar to my nutrition regimen.  The reason I did this was not so much because I intended to lose weight around my middle although I would gladly accept it but because I suspected I may not have enough stomach acid myself.  Why did I think this?  Because in many instances after I had eaten a meal I would experience intense intestinal discomfort, enormous bloating (I looked like I was pregnant) and other related symptoms.  I was fed up.  Something had to change.  So I did my research and stumbled on apple cider vinegar.  I visited site of nutritional crusader Patricia Bragg, whom I have met several times, and familiarized myself with what apple cider vinegar could do.  

Kiersten's toned tummy! 
Let me tell you that in a few short weeks without too much effort on my part other than pouring 2 tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar into a glass of water before every meal, I could see and feel marked differences in my abdomen.  Now I was still Eating Clean which means no sugar, no processed foods, no junk and a lot of leafy greens, veggies, minimal fruit, whole grains and lean protein from varied sources and I was still training regularly but this was fantastic to me!  My daughter Kiersten tried it too and now we are seeing a difference in her abdominal definition too.  She also has far less bloat and other intestinal troubles.  Yay for us!

Other wonderful additional benefits happen when you add raw apple cider vinegar to your eating habits.  Here is a short list:

you are better able to digest your food

that means you get more nutrients from your food

ACV contains potassium, pectin and calcium

ACV improves bowel workings

ACV slows down the digestion of starch which breaks down into sugar and helps to buffer the otherwise sharp rise in blood sugar after a meal

ACV helps to maintain healthy pH levels

Works as a detox

Helps body break down fats into a readily usable state rather than storing them

Make sure to purchase a good quality organic version of raw apple cider vinegar.  It should have a cloudy film at the bottom of the bottle.  This is called "the mother" and is loaded with healthy bacteria and other nutrients. 

Go ahead!  Drink up, get ripped and show me your abs!


  1. I've always heard Braggs was a good brand. Thougts?

    1. Yes, Braggs is the best. Completely raw and organic :-)

    2. Have been doing this for years for stomach problems. An old home remedy from my mid-western grandmother. It definitely works wonders.

    3. I have been using braggs apple cider vinegar for along time.

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    5. Good sharing, yes, apple cider vinegar (ACV) helps to boost metabolism, blocks the body’s storage of dietary fat plus breaks down and dissolves existing body fat. Read more benefits about ACV at:

  2. should you drink it before meals only or will using it as an ingredient in salad dressing work as well?

    1. Drink 1-2 tsps with honey and 6-8 oz water first thing in the morning and 1 hour before your meal. I prefer it has a hot tea.

    2. Hi Brooke, Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) helps to Boost Metabolism, a study at Australia’s University of Sydney in which subjects who consumed two tablespoon of ACV daily experienced fewer surges and crashes in blood sugar levels and therefore consumed 1,400 fewer calories per week than volunteers in the control group. See the detail info at:

  3. I have been working hard with exercising and eating better. 3/4 of my diet is clean but I am finding it hard to make dinner time clean since I have to make sure dinner will be something my kids and husband will like :) I just have smaller portions and add in a salad. I've seen amazing results, never really needed to lose much weight, just inches and tone up, but since my stomach has been stretched from 2 pregnancies I feel that my stomach has extra skin that wrinkles. My youngest will be 2 next month. How am I supposed to firm this or will it just improve with time while I follow a clean diet and consistent workout regimem?

    1. My second child turns 2 years old tomorrow and I have the same question. I have lost 65.5lbs so far since he was born, but my ultimate goal is to lose 102 so I still have a ways to go. I have been contemplating a tummy tuck after I lose the weight. IDK....

    2. Good Job
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  4. Tosca thank you sooo much for sharing this! I follow your Eat Clean daily and I too would have discomfort after eating somtimes and I always thought it was weird since I dont eat dairy due to me being lactose intolerant but I knew it wasnt that because I truly avoid dairy it bloats me like no other. Im going to try this!

  5. Wow... Just tried it, and that is the WORST tasting thing I've ever drunk. Blech!!! HOW do you do it before every meal? Does it get easier to swallow?

    1. I realize this is a super late reply but in case you're still interested-

      You can make a pretty tasty drink by taking 2 tablespoons of ACV putting it in a mug with 1/2 T or so of raw honey and then filling it with hot water. (You can make it cold after too.) I also put it in with tea as well sometimes.

    2. Take a shot of it. Its quick and easy. I even do half a shot of ACV with half a shot of pure cranberry juice mixed in. Then drink your water after.

    3. I was extremely excited to find all the health benifits ACV has. I am lucky though because I love the taste I was actually drinking about a table spoon in my water occasionally not knowing how benificial it was. Now I will use it all the time.

    4. I just take a shot, and then chug a bunch of water afterwards!

    5. I am worried about those who drink it straight. It is highly acidic and is meant to be diluted in water or juice.
      DON'T drink straight, it can burn your mouth and esophagus. Please dilute!

  6. SO crazy! I randomly look 5 months prego and have never been able to figure out why...I am going to try this! And my husband will love this idea as he is a firm believer in the many wonders of Bragg's ACV!!

    1. I worked with a woman once who had the same issue - her stomach would bloat out to the point you'd think she was heavily pregnant. She discovered it was a reaction from gluten, wheat, and yeast (which many GF products still contain). She also took the celiac test from the doctor and came out negative. Worked with a Naturopath to figure it out. Hope this helps.

  7. I use Bragg's ACV (has to have the mother in it lol) for dressing and such, drank some with water from time to time, but will now drink it everyday again....I use a shot glass 1/2 ACV & 1/2 water...should I drink it with more water??


  8. RAW Organic ACV also helps with seasonal allergies! I NEVER take allergy meds anymore, once I started adding ACV to my regimen. gives many ailments which ACV is good for!

  9. Oh Lawd... I tried this for the first time today and I can see how it gives you a flat tummy because I lost all food I had consumed in the last 24 hours!! By far, the WORST experience of my life. Ugh... Horrible!! I would like to try it again, but, not sure I have the guts.. heehee...

  10. I'm looking to add this to my regimine... I picked up a bottle of Braggs, and a bottle of pills... I'm told (though I have to research it) that the pills have the same effect, without a glycemic spike. Anyone know about this?
    Another question... with every meal... all 6 or just the 3 larger ones?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Yes, PLEASE clarify how much are we suppose to use? If we are eating 6 small meals/snacks a day, do we use 2 tablespoons in water all 6 times, for a total of 12 tablespoons per day? The Bragg bottle only recommends 2 TEASPOONS at a time, so I'm bit concerned about taking too much. Especially when all the dental hygeinists are saying it strips the enamel off our teeth. Thank you for clarifying what the effective daily dosage should be...

    1. You should probably just be concerned with Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. The meals that you eat in between should really just be snacks. And I would imagine that if you're taking a shot of ACV three times a day, the snacks that you eat shouldn't make you bloat.

  13. yeah I was wondering about taking it before all 6 meals too?? Also I agree with everyone who said this was gross, I gagged! Tosca what do you chase it down with or what do you combine it with??

  14. I just stumbled across the same thing about 2 weeks ago. I have had intense bloating and indigestion and had tried everything. I have only been doing it in the mornings every other day, but after reading your blog I think I will increase the frequency. I could not believe the instant relief in just the few times I have done it.

  15. Ok... I'm back! I have been doing it twice a day for the last week. Before lunch and before dinner. I can't believe how much it has helped. My stomach feels so much better and the bloating is just about gone! Only thing, is, when I run my 6 miles... My sweat smells like vinegar...EWWWW...

  16. Everyone google Dr. Axe's secret detox drink. He has a recipe that you can use that taste a lot better than just straight up in water. I make a double batch each day in my blender bottle and stick in the fridge.

  17. I have been giving this to my hubby for several years now. When we first got together he would take a prescription pill for his stomach just about every day. I have always been into the more natural way of doing things, so gave him about 2 tbsp of cider vinegar, mixed with a shot of water and if needed a small amount of organic honey just to add a little sweetness. It instantly got rid of the acid reflux and any burning he had. Tosca is right, the reason you feel like you have a burning is not because you are producing to much acid, it is because you do not have enough in there to digest and process. Needless to say, he very rarely has to drink this now for that reason, but we do it for the health benefits.

  18. I use Braggs and drink it neat in a medicine cup (just to make sure I get right amount) Hubby thinks I'm crazy!! It works though!!

  19. I take 2 tbsp then guzzle about a cup of water

  20. Sorry forgot to add 3 times a day

  21. This might sound odd, but I mix my ACV with water and some Berry flavored liquid Stevia and a splash of lemon juice and soda water...Yum!

  22. I'm just starting with this today and praying for great results like you've all shared! It totally takes my appetite away though---I wonder if you need to take right before a meal or if you can give it some time? I have my steel cut oats (oh so healthy!) right beside me but bleck I don't even want them anymore lol

  23. I love ACV...I have been drinking it for 3 years. I drink it before every meal and add it to my salad or cooking whenever possible.

  24. I make my salad dressing with Braggs 2 TBSP of Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 TBSP of Olive OIl and 1-2 tsp of spicy mustard. I love what the ACV has done for me, no bloating, I digest my food very well, no yeast, and I weigh the least I have in 10 years! Love It

  25. I use it as a salad dressing, too. I'm going to try drinking it. Better digestion? Sign me up!

  26. I'm wondering if Kombucha would have the same effect... I homemake it and if I leave it "brewing" for long it smells and tastes like vinegar... and all my production has some "mother" in it....
    I drink it fairly often during the week (I produce 2.5 liters weekly) but I take randomly during the day.... I honestly don't feel particularly good (or bad) but I keep on drinking because I like it.... It would be interesting to try it as you do with ACV+water...

  27. This is a really great idea. My piano teacher suggested drinking hot tea with honey and apple cider vinegar. I tried the vinegar in water the other day and felt a little nauseas. Is that just because I'm not used to it? Thanks!

    1. I found that if I didnt have enough water to dilute the cider a bit, I would feel a little nauseated too.

  28. We use Braggs organic ACV. Going to start taking it regularly and adding it to our health regimen. Thanks for sharing!

  29. Just a suggestion, Braggs is the best and does not say to have 3 tblspoons but 3 teaspoons a day. People who have commented how it made them sick or it tasted gross.... yes and yes.. you may have had too much to start with it is a detoxing agent... and Patricia braggs suggests putting a teaspoon of honey with the teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 8 ox of water on her bottle. Try that and see how it goes for you, at least once a day working your way up to 3 times a day. In any new regimen that has a detoxing effect, start off slowly!

  30. This is copied and pasted from
    "11 - Is it possible to take too much Apple Cider Vinegar?

    There is no clear limit as to how much Apple Cider Vinegar an individual can or should ingest. However, one should remember that, as with anything in life, one can have "too much of a good thing". It is recommended that an individual take the ACV cocktail three times a day for maximum results. The cocktail consists of 1 to 2 tsps. organic raw ACV mixed with 1 to 2 tsps. raw honey in a glass of distilled water."

  31. Definitely have noticed a flatter tummy! Plus, it helps with constipation!!! Thanks Tosca!

  32. I squeeze the juice of a lemon in with my ACV and water twice a day. Love it!

  33. I have done the ACV detox and at first I felt as some of you do. It was horrible! I started to only use a little (not even a tsp) in my water and worked up from there. It came to a point where I was actually craving water with ACV. I stopped drinking it when I realized that my body reeked of ACV. I need to restart it because unfortunately my belly has come back but that's due to my lapse into old habits. Hope this helps.

  34. My question to those who have been taking it, does it ruin the enamel on your teeth?

    1. Hello,
      I have worked in the dental field for over a year now and yes it does put your enamel at risk, what I would suggest is drinking it through a straw, also such things as lemon water, I always drink mine through a straw.

    2. Would capsules work? (they would protect enamel)

  35. how long does it take to see results?? is it safe to shot it straight in a shot glass?

  36. I've been taking 1T of raw ACV in about 4-6 oz of water each morning for 6 months. I haven't noticed any change in belly bloat. But-when I had terrible heartburn for several days it was recommended that I take a shot glass of ACV (straight up) which I did a few times a day. It helped! My father is a big fan of ACV and when he gets diarrhea,he takes a shot of ACV. Says he only has it once. When my tummy gets upset,the last thing I want is vinegar! Blech!
    Regarding the tooth enamel: rinse your mouth with water really well right after drinking the ACV.

  37. Sylvester Stallone recommended this in his book, Sly Moves. I've drank it some but need to get back into the habit.

  38. thanks so much for sharing this! my mom always used to mix up water with some apple cider vinegar when we went for walks of long bike rides, because it's really refreshing and thirst-quenching. i find it rather strange some of the above commenters find it so hard to drink it! i always used to really enjoy it! i guess it takes some getting used to. maybe try smaller quantities at first and slowly increase to two tablespoons would work better for some?
    anyway, i never knew it had positive effects on ab definition. i'm definatly going to add it back to my diet!

  39. I have been doing this for a couple weeks now, it's part of the tone-it-up plan. I make up 8 oz of water, 2 oz of ACV, 2 oz of organic pressed apple cider (I use Simple Apple brand), a little cinnamon and cayenne. I make a large pitcher and it lasts all week. Doesn't taste bad at all.

    1. I have done the ACV with cayenne and then I have done honey with cinnamon. Thanks for you post b/c this morning I had ACV, raw honey, cinnamon and cayenne and it was super yummy!!!

    2. Wendit,
      Are you to drink the entire 8oz at a time? Or do you make more for the large pitcher?

  40. What about the acv pills? I take 2 a day

  41. This is very good information. I used to have a booklet on ACV by Patricia Bragg.

  42. Wow didn't know it had such amazing benefits. This was a great informative blog. I use it as salad dressing but will take your advice and start drinking it before each meal. I have lots of belly fat to shed. Maybe I need to buy a gallon...LOL!

  43. Since Tosca's blog post hasn't been revised, has everyone been taking 2 tbsp of ACV/serving instead of the 2 tsp/serving as recommended by Patricia Bragg?

  44. I've been doing 2 tbsp once a day with at least 8 oz water and I just CHUG it down ! It is awful tasting, but it seems the faster I get it down, the less I taste it!

  45. To clarify - 2 tbl 3x a day? I'm sure 12 tbl/day is too much!

  46. I find that it helps to add a few drops of liquid Stevia, do you think that would interfere at all ?

    1. No...I add stevia and it's wonderful! Natural sweetener and 0 calories. (but no health ben.) Just a sweetener.

  47. I learned this little trick from a father-in-law. He uses it for any stomache ailment he has also is wonderfull for arthritis.

  48. I was told this was good for high blood pressure, too. Keep a jar of 1 part raw honey and 1 part Bragg's ACV mixed, then add one Tblsp of the mixture to a glass (or bottle) of water every morning. My uncle and cousin got good results with this.

    FYI, there is a little book about the wonders of ACV put out by the Braggs. Very interesting!!

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. After reading all the comments, I really confused as to how much ACV to take, what & how much to mix with it, and how often to take it. Could someone please clarify for me? Thank you!

    1. I do what it says on the bottle....1-2 tsp in 8oz of purified water 3x's a day.

  51. Would fresh squeezed grapefruit juice do the same thing?

  52. i eat 6 times a day i usually do one shot a day idk if i could do it before every meal wouldnt that be too much!?

  53. Gotta get me a tummy like yours ....don't know if it will ever happen(apron belly) but I'm not giving up . Thanks for the tip I'm going to try the apple cider 2 tbsp before every meal ....yikes my hair will stand up when drinking this cocktail..

  54. You should ALWAYS DILUTE the ACV with water...always always always!!! (or any other healthy liquid) But water is always best, naturally.

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  56. Commercial energy drinks contain higher caffeine levels than coffee, as well as other legal stimulants, including ephedrine. Other ingredients can include taurine, a substance for which little information is known, and high amounts of sugar and sodium. Thanks.

  57. I mix acv into my green protein smoothies and can hardly taste it. Just started this week and expecting good things from all what I have read so far.

  58. Hi.. Looks like this blog is quite updated. I am starting using Bragg ACV + Manuka organic honey 25+ today. I hope it works well. I had no idea of manuka honey but when I went in fairprice yesterday, I found out that there were other organic honey in multiple numbers and this one bottle was left alone so I thought let me finish it :). Later i looked up and found out that Manuka honey itself is quite good stuff. I am just concerned, I may be overdoing this stuff. I am very new to this organic magic stuff and have nothing particular in mind as a result except 'good health benifits'. anyways, one question if someone knows - should we refrigerate the ACV bottle after starting to use or not required?
    tx and have a great organic health :)

    1. I keep mine in the fridge but it's not necessary.

  59. I was extremely excited to find all the health benifits ACV has. I am lucky though because I love the taste I was actually drinking about a table spoon in my water occasionally not knowing how benificial it was. Now I will use it all the time.

  60. I smell horrible with ACV...hope it works!!

  61. just linked this article on my facebook account. it’s a very interesting article for all...

    Bloated Stomach

  62. Its also great for curing sinus infections!

  63. I cannot thank you enough for this post. I have chronic IBS-C and was giving-up on finding a remedy to help battle the bloating, bowel irregularity, heartburn, and many other embarrassing unmentionables. I read this and immediately called my local GNC to see if they carried it and the sales associate I spoke with happened to be an avid user of Bragg's ACV. I can't wait to buy it on my lunch hour today and start using it right away. I'm willing to try anything to curb the side-affects of my IBS-C. Even though I've been eating clean since 2007, it's amazing how many good things are toxic to those of us that suffer from IBS (lettuce, onion, garlic, potatoe skins, beans, and the list goes on). Try eating clean but then having to cut out half of the things that are supposed to be good for you, but aren't when you have IBS. It's not fun. Again, thank you for having this discussion. I'm very anxious to give it a try!!!!!

  64. I found this recipe and will be trying it tomorrow. Sounds delicious!

    Daily Apple Pie ACV Drink

    2 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar
    2 Tablespoons all natural apple juice
    6 ounces of cold water
    4 drops of vanilla liquid stevia
    sprinkle of cinnamon
    1-2 cubes of ice

    Here is the link, there is a lot of great info on the page.

  65. Just started today! Was surprised to find Bragg's in my local Meijer, but there it was. Am following instructions on bottle of 2t in 8oz distilled water. Drank first thing and now mid morning - will have 3rd mid afternoon. Hope this helps - I am trying to lose weight but also have had bloating lately.

  66. I have been using acv.for tanning .for years now and i always get a dark tan. I have also drank it as well.good stuff

  67. Hi Tosca,
    I loved reading this piece! Well written! :)

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  68. I need to start back with my regimen of Organic Raw ACV, it had so many benefits on me. As I have had stomach issues seems like all of my life, and when I would take this everyday, I didn't get stomach aches, I didn't feel bloated, I ate less because I was fuller longer and I didn't crave junk and processed foods, I lost some weight, my bowel movements were easier and more frequent, my skin cleared up, and once, everyone in my house was sick, but I didn't get sick at all, so it definitely help to build up my immune system. Will definitely go back to taking my ACV. By the way, I just take mine straight at least once a day, in the morning, followed by water. The more, the better though.

  69. Do you have any "before" pics of you or your daughter's abs, so that we can get a better idea of the difference before and after taking this product er no?

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