Tosca Reno


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day 11 of Giving: Give the Cleanse - Holiday Detox Shake Recipe!

 On the 11th Day of Giving I give you the gift of cleansing!

Treats, sugar and alcohol are common indulgences during the holiday season. To keep your body in balance start your morning off with this Green Detox Shake recipe, courtesy of my daughter and her new favourite website The Chalkboard. This shake helps keep pH neutral, you want to do this because an overly acidic body invites disease.


3 celery stalks or 1 whole cucumber
4 cups spinach
Juice of 2 ruby red grapefruit or 4 limes
1 avocado
1 tbsp nut butter (or flesh of a coconut)
1/2 cup whole strawberries
1 scoop Powder Greens - I use SunWarrior Greens (you can purchase them at, and use the discount code "Tosca" for an additional 20% off)
Water and ice if necessary

Optional Ingredients
*small piece of ginger for zing and warmth
*sub strawberries for pineapple

If you are interested in maximizing your detox, as soon as you wake drink 1 cup warm water and lemon, skip the coffee and opt for green tea. Eat as clean as possible throughout the day!


  1. Looks delish! I'll give it a go for sure :)

  2. Thanks so much to you and your daughter for the recipe! :)

  3. I love the straws! Where are they from?

  4. Tosca, I noticed the greens have wheat grass in them. Is there a gluten/wheat free alternative to using your powder greens?

  5. how do you know if your shake is ph neutral or overly acidic? I drink a spinach smoothie with an orange, lemon and some pineapple every morning. I feel great after it but definitely don't want to overdo it with citrus.

  6. Thanks for posting .. I really like the Chalkboard site.


  7. hi - what kind of blender are you guys using to get this to a drinkable consistency!?

  8. I think I will have to try this one... I hope it will mix well in my blender as I don't have a juicer and when it comes to celery I am just not sure how it will perform. thanks for the recipe..

  9. You're looking so young and have so much energy!!!

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  11. this the best shake i've known so far as it will cleanse with the Holiday Detox Shake Recipe.

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