Work holds a whole host of temptations just waiting to sabotage your hard work. Breakfast, lunch & dinner meetings, coffee breaks, celebrations, and your coworker who always has a bowl of M&Ms on her desk can throw you off from your game plan.
It's important to learn to say "no thank you" to a slice of birthday cake, leftover pastries and after work happy hour snacks. Pack your cooler each day and bring it with you to work to help you resist temptation. You will be full & satisfied and less likely to grab unhealthy snacks.
If you do give into temptation, count it as your treat for the week rather than giving up on your plan. Just because you fall off the bandwagon once doesn't mean you can't get right back on it!
Don't forget all of the healthy things you can do at work:
- Take the stairs any time you can!
- Go for a walk or use your office's gym at lunch.
- Create a workout group that meets a few times each week during lunch. You can walk, run, create circuits or bring in fitness and yoga instructors to teach classes.
- Create a food group. Choose 4 or 5 members who are responsible for bringing a healthy lunch to share with the group one day each week. This is a major time saver!
Most importantly, remember why you have made the choice to change your lifestyle. This is about YOU and the goals YOU have set for YOURSELF! Don't let anyone or anything get in the way of that!
For more tips like this pick up a copy of New York Time's Bestseller Your Best Body Now!
At first it was hard to listen to other comments by co-workers because their attitude was negative about the healthy food I brought in, to the point where I almost didn't want to eat near or with them! Comments are always made if I pass on sweets or pizza when someone brings them in. As much as I can try by leading by example and teaching others, some are just resistant to change. I realized this is my life and eating clean makes me happy, and I'm not willing to ever give that up!
ReplyDeleteI was getting a lot of resistance and comments at work also, but it's just not an option for me to partake in eating the junk food there anymore. Finally just told them that I was getting off of the sugar rollercoaster and that I feel so much better. I've had a couple people lately come to me and say they need to do the same thing!