Tosca Reno


Monday, May 5, 2008

On the Weekend

Hey Everybody,

Finally the sun is shining!

I spent this past weekend in Belleville, Ontario. My daugher, Kelsey-Lynn, had her Spring Performance with the Quinte Ballet School of Canada. I am such a proud mama! She looked so great and I'm so excited for her summer adventures at The Nutmeg Conservatory of the Arts and The Joffrey Ballet in New York City. Woohoo! Guess I'll have to make another trip down there to see her.

I also visited the local Goodlife and trained a few ladies for a couple of hours. It was a lot of fun. I think they may have been a little sore yesterday. I find it so exhilarating to teach people how to lift weights and get the healthy bodies they deserve.

I also got a lesson myself this weekend. But it wasn't on weight lifting... it was on my new Blackberry. I finally caved and got one of these crazy little things. I actually had to have my computer-genius friend come over and show me how to work it. It's a steep learning curve for someone as technically-challenged as me!

So now I'm off to do some groceries and pick up my other daughter, Kiersten, from the airport. She just spent a week in Bermuda with friends on exam detox. Can't wait to see her!

I'll post more behind-the-scenes videos as soon as I can. Have a great Clean-Eating day!


  1. Tosca, just found your website today and have been quite inspired by you. I am going to order your diet book. I just turned 30 and really want to live a healthy life. My 10 year old daughter's name is Kiersten too! Funny how we even spell it the same way!

  2. Tosca, thank you so much for your blog!! I have both of your books and have been eating "relatively" clean for a while but am really amping things up after this Detox Cleanse I'm doing - really liking the results. I'll be checking your blog every day.....and I am a major "Crackberry" addict so let me know if I can pass on any pointers!!
    You are the greatest! Keep on inspiring all of us!


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