
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Rebecca's Eat-Clean Principles & Muskoka Bean Salad

Today's Eat-Clean Diet Vegetarian Cookbook guest blogger is Rebecca. She tells why it's so important to follow the Eat-Clean principles eaten for vegetarian eating. Don't miss her Muskoka Bean Salad recipe  below. 
Rebecca and son. 

Before my son was born I was a devoted follower of the Eat-Clean Diet plan.  I lost 40 pounds using Tosca’s principles and felt better than ever!  Throughout my pregnancy I continued Eating Clean and felt great. I continued losing weight after my delivery and was able to lose 80 pounds in total!  It was wonderful.

Last summer my husband and I decided to adopt a vegan diet for health reasons.  I felt great at first but as the months passed, the pounds crept on. Ten pounds crept on and I was devastated.

Looking at my diet I realized what was missing, the Eat-Clean Principles!  I had moved away from combining protein with complex carbohydrates.  I wasn’t regimented with my eating 5-6 times/day.  I knew this would have to change.  Immediately I started paying attention to what I was eating and when.  I began to feel better almost instantly.

Now I fill my cart with healthy proteins like tofu, quinoa, beans and unsweetened soy milk.  I search for minimally processed whole grains to accompany that.  Then I frequent my local farmer’s market for vegetables and fruit that is fresh, local and delicious.

The best way to eat when you’re a vegan is to follow the Eat-Clean Diet. Being vegan doesn’t guarantee being thin or easy weight loss {after all Oreos are vegan} but following the Eat-Clean Principles helps to stay on track, remain healthy and fuel your body in the best way possible.  Combining this way of eating with my regular workouts has made my body feel better than ever.

Now my body is running clean again.  I feel good, am losing the pounds I gained and am focused on keeping my body healthy by following the Eat-Clean Principles.

Muskoka Bean Salad
Delicious Muskoka Bean Salad.

One of the hardest things in transitioning to a vegan diet was what to do when we went over to friends houses.  We didn’t want anyone to feel obligated to find recipes for us.  One of the ways I’ve handled this is by offering to brings something that everyone would enjoy.  One of our favorite summer bbq dishes is this Muskoka Bean Salad.  It’s filled with protein, easily paired with some quinoa or greens and is lovely beside some grilled portabello mushrooms.  I hope you enjoy it as we have!

One can of chickpeas, drained
One can of kidney beans, drained
A couple of handfuls of fresh green beans (approx. 1 small box) washed and cut into bite sized pieces.
One cup of frozen corn.
1/2 of a sweet onion, chopped.
2 cloves of garlic, minced.
1-2 tbsp Olive Oil
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp dried basil
salt and pepper

1. Combine the olive oil and onions in a pot and cook on medium heat until the onion is softened and beginning to brown.  This usually takes about 3-5 minutes.
2. Add the garlic and cook for an additional minute.
3. Add the green beans and corn. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring regularly to ensure that they don’t stick.
4. While the beans and corn are cooking, combine the balsamic vinegar, basil and honey.  Set aside.  Add the chickpeas and kidney beans to the pot. Cook for another minute.
5. Remove from heat and stir in the dressing. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
6. Chill in the fridge for at least an hour before serving.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing my story Tosca!

    To celebrate this occasion on my blog I've posted our family's top 5 eat-clean recipes if anyone wants to check it out. Eating clean is definitely the way to go!

    ~ Becky
