
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Angela - Post-Pregnancy Vegetarianism

I am excited Angela Peters is here with us today as our Eat-Clean Diet Vegetarian Cookbook guest blogger. She is a huge proponent of The Eat-Clean Diet lifestyle. Don't miss her amazing circuit that she generously shares with us, too. Thanks Angela. 
Angela at peace, post pregnancy!
I have to say, I don't know that I've ever been this excited about putting a new cookbook on my kitchen shelf. And I don't let just any book hang out there. As a busy mom of 2 young girls, I have my stash of go-to recipes that help me efficiently create healthy meals for my family.

But something has been missing in my collection of Clean & Vegan cookbooks. And that hybrid is finally here!
Angela's collection of cookbooks. 
I've been Eating Clean for about 5 years now; prior to that I fell into the low-fat-everything trap and felt miserable. After I had my first daughter in 2009, I (and my husband) made the change to a plant-based diet. This way of eating really works for us as a family...we are strong, active & full of energy.

Going into my second pregnancy, I was definitely the healthiest I had ever been in my life and I credit my clean, vegan eating greatly for this. I was able to maintain daily workouts throughout my entire pregnancy and felt awesome!
Angela 38 weeks pregnant.
And now, five months post delivery, I'm back to my pre pregnancy weight and feeling strong! My plant-based eating continues to give me the energy I need to hit the gym daily, motivate my clients and be the best wife & mother possible to my two little girls.

So I'm obviously pretty pumped about the new Eat-Clean Vegetarian Cookbook! As a personal trainer, I am constantly talking eats with my clients as this is the biggest part of the health equation & the key to reaching their goals. Documentaries such as "Forks Over Knives" & "Hungry for Change" have created a lot of buzz, and I am always being asked about how they can ensure they are getting enough protein on a vegetarian diet. I'm so excited to add over 150 more Clean, meatless recipes to my list and Tosca never disappoints in her creations.

When you get the book yourself, I want you to rabbit ear the recipe that screams mouth watering to you (and there are many). Then I want you to head to a quiet room in your house and plough through this circuit workout to really earn that meal. At least you know your muscles will be taken care of after ;)


  1. Ang I have followed your blog for a year now.I love it and your YouTube are inspiring because of your plant based diet and workouts.cheers!!!

    1. Awe - Tan that is so sweet! I'm so happy to hear that you've enjoyed the info on my blog/YT. Thanks for commenting!

  2. you look absolutely amazing ange!!! I wish to be just like you - a healthy fit glowing girl when I am pregnant (in 10 years lol) !!

    1. Thank you girl! I don't think it's ever too early to start preparing your bod for a healthy pregnancy ;)
