
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Super-Fit Sarah

We have super-fit Sarah Fechter as our guest blogger today. She tells us about pursuing a career in fitness & following your dreams. Thanks Sarah!
My name is Sarah Fechter and I am the proud owner of SarahFechterFitness located in Saginaw, Michigan. After making a life decision to follow my passion and earning my Bachelors degree in Exercise Science, I am now living my dream every single day. What started out as a group fitness class, has grown into a large fitness family. Lifelong, fulfilling, friendships have been developed through exercise and a positive atmosphere. My career is very rewarding. I have the honor of witnessing lives being forever changed, not only physically, but emotionally, and mentally as well.

In 2005, I began running outdoor Boot Camps. The camps are a major staple in the SFF Family. Together, we learn proper tools to take home and keep in our tool box for a lifetime. As a team, we have adopted, and faithfully practice, Tosca's Eat-Clean Revolution. Educating yourself about nutrition and fueling your body with clean foods is the only way to achieve a true life upgrade. Nutrition is 80% of the battle, it goes hand in hand with physicalfitness.  There are several success stories I have witnessed over the last seven years along with "Eat Clean" habits that have saved lives and have been passed on to younger generations.

Each and every person has the ability to change their lives and the lives of others. Surround yourself with positive people. Start by making small changes, such as finding a group fitness class or gym you can attend with your girlfriends. You may find that you'll meet your best friend there. Invest in yourself by taking the time to educate yourself on proper nutrition with Tosca's Eat-Clean Diet.

Passion, fitness, and Eating Clean is what I live for and has forever upgraded my life.


  1. I've known forever that you were very special. No surprise to me to find you here with the other professionals.
