
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Food as Medicine

All the way from Vienna, Austria we have Doris Weiss of Vanillacocoberry as our Eat-Clean Diet Vegetarian Cookbook guest blogger. She shares her medical advice with an Eat-Clean perspective. Thanks Doris.
Doris Weiss has got it right!
I am honored to be guest posting all the way across the Atlantic from Vienna, Austria. First I’d like to start off by saying that even all these past years of medical school couldn’t teach me what I learned in the last couple of months from Tosca and her Eat-Clean lifestyle.

Nowadays, doctors are too busy writing all those prescriptions for statins and oral diabetes pills treating symptoms when what they really should be doing is addressing the underlying cause of these issues. There is no medicine in the world that can do what Eating Clean does, how it influences your life and transforms you physically as well as emotionally.

The food we put into our bodies can either be the best medicine or the slowest, most vicious form of poison.

I’ve always been very active but when it came to food, my choices were sometimes not so great to say the least. Those long hours at the hospital, neverending study sessions and classes to attend really did put a huge strain on me and a healthy, well-balanced meal was a rarity. When I was stressed I would always turn to sweets and chocolate to seek comfort, only to be haunted with guilt and self-loathing afterwards. It took me way too long to realize that all that processed food didn’t help me de-stress or make me happier in any way. All I got out of this was an expanding waistline that made me feel miserable and sluggish.

Now I am striving to be the best possible version of myself while following a Clean diet with lots of healthy fats to nourish my body and really make me glow from the inside out.  You only have one body after all so you’d better start taking good care of it! Looking back I wish I hadn’t wasted so much time worrying about a certain number on the scale but instead given my body all the right nutrients to function at its best.

My advice? Eat clean and train dirty. Then everything else will fall into place...


  1. I want to know what you are eating in this picture! It looks amazing! I completely identify with the 'seeking comfort only to end up with the self loathing' relationship with food. I have finally broken through that cycle with clean eating and all of the wonderful support that I've found through Tosca's books and website. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hey Amy!!! Thanks for your comment! This delicious wrap was consumed on my last vacation in the States in Cocoa Beach, Florida .. the name of the restaurant was the green room cafe and it was the best breakfast wrap (including blue corn chips and healthy salsa!) I have ever eaten in my life!!!! It was so big though !! hahaha but sooo goood ... :)

  2. Its so great that you are guest posting here!! Great post!! And greetings from Vienna to Vienna!! ;-)

  3. I love saying that line, "eat clean, train dirty".

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