
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day 2 of Giving: David's Tea

Today is definitely going to be one of our most delicious Gives yet. 

Recipe wonder Zain Saraswati Jamal has paired with DAVIDsTEA to create an Eat-Clean verion of Cocomint Creme Brulee just for us. 

It is based on DAVIDsTEA's amazing Cocomint Cream tea - a creamy combo of blackberry, mint, apple and coconut. 

And just for joining us today, you're invited to enter to win a DAVIDsTEA Holiday Countdown Calendar - 1 tea everyday from now until the holidays begin. Simply comment below with your favorite DAVIDsTEA selection and how it helps you stay on track. Winners will be announced on Monday.

Yield: 2 Servings

1 Cup Fat-Free Plain Greek Yogurt
1/4 Cup Cocomint Creme Tea (strongly brewed)
1/4 Cup Organic Light Whipped Coconut Milk
1 Scoop Vanilla Protein Powder Of Your Choice  - Optional
11/2 Tbsp Coconut Butter
1 Tsp Natural Vanilla
1 Vanilla Pod – Optional but delicious
1 Scoop Vanilla Protein of Your Choice
5-7 Drops Natural Mint Extract
1 Tbsp Fresh Mint Chopped
1 Tsp Cornstarch OR Arrowroot Powder
10-15 Drops Vanilla Creme Stevia OR Eat Clean Diet Approved Sweetener of Your Choice
1 Whole Organic Farm Fresh Egg
2 Organic Farm Fresh Egg Whites
2 Tbsp Organic Maple Syrup + 1/8 Cup Sucanat

1. Preheat oven to 325°F.
2. Brew tea and set aside.
3. In a food processor, whip coconut milk then add all remaining ingredients EXCEPT maple syrup & sucanat.
4. Add all blended ingredients to 2 Ramkins or 1 oven safe dish and bake for 20-25 mins.
5. Remove brulee from oven and increase temperature to broil.
6. Top with organic maple syrup and sprinkle with sucanat, place under broil until a hardend crust is formed or until crystals become browned (each broiler is different)
7. Refrigerate for at least 20 minutes so that the crust can set before serving.

Note: For an authentic brulee crust, use a brulee torch or grill lighter and run it over the syrup/sucanat until browned.


  1. I don't know what I'd do without David's Organic Stormy Night flavor! Its such a sweet note to end the day on when I am feeling like I need a dessert at night :)

    xoxo, Grether

  2. I enjoy Santa's secret when I am in the mood for a tea with a sweet taste and toasted walnut when I am in the mood for a green tea.

  3. I haven't had the pleasure of trying David's Tea yet, but I think the Rooibos de Provence looks divine! Tea is such a treat and reallly helps round out my eating clean routine!

  4. I truly don't believe in coincidence. Each step we take has some reason. And lo and behold yesterday was my first visit to a David's Tea. Loved the samples, the help was amazing and I just savour my mulberry magic tea I picked up for the holidays. Definitely going back and now I see David's Tea is on Eat Clean! Definitely not a coincidence

  5. My sister just brought me some Rooibas Cinnamon tea from Davids. The cocomint sounds delicious. I'm going to buy some next time I'm north of the border.

  6. I have never tried David's tea but maybe I should!

  7. I have never tried David's I would love to win this giveaway...I love tea!!!!!

  8. I love David's Tea! I like Jessie's tea, it is sweet and relaxing. I have a cup everyday when I come home from work prior to making supper. This used to be my binge time of day when I would eat junk to deal with the stress of the day and now I have a relaxing cup of tea instead. My oldest daughter introduced me to David Tea. I have ordered a couple of teas for her for Christmas, delivery was speedy.

  9. Ohhh...I hope you pick me! I too have never tried David's tea and would love to win this sampler!!

  10. I love David's Tea, my favourite is Cookie Dough, so much of a low calorie version of amazingness.

  11. Someone I know drinks David's 'white' tea and swears by it. They got me to try it and it's delicious and I drink it black - so it's healthy! Definitely recommend it.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I love the forever nuts! Whenever I am having a craving I reach for some this tea. It makes me feel as though I am doing something seriously bad!

  14. Haven't tried it...yet! I went to David's Tea website and oh my! how does one pick which tea to buy?! From Organic butter rum to elf help to mamma mia...the list goes on and on...some many great looking teas! I want to taste them all! And the mugs there are adorable too! :)

  15. oh they don't sell david's teas here, but from the names I can see that I'd just ADORE dulce&banana, luscious watermelon, pom power and cookie dough and merry cranberry :) whenever hungry for sweets, just boil myself a cuppa and warm myself up and beat away the unhealthy cravings!

  16. I love David's tea, especially the Chocolate Chili Chai! I'll always drink a cup of tea if I'm feeling peckish in-between eat clean meals. Helps me not to snack on something bad!

  17. I love milk oolong! Creamy, nutty flavor without the calories. Plus - you can brew the same leaves multiple times. I LOVE Davidstea!!!

  18. I'm on day two of my David's Tea Advent calendar. Oh so fun!!! I would love to sample this eat clean tea!

  19. My favorite Davids tea are movie night and pink Flamingo. i love the big pieces of popcorn and the creamy taste of movie night. Pink Flamingo is fruity and turns the tea pink.. you cant go wrong with that.

  20. Wow, just reading all the names of these teas is making me hungry! I've never tried David's Tea, but I can't wait to try! I've used tea to help curb unhealthy cravings in the past, and found it to be very effective.

  21. I love Bravissimo! Whenever I feel some soreness in my throat, I have a cup of this tea. And voila! Its back to normal.

  22. I love the detox green tea! When I'm having cravings for something bad it helps me forget about it. It's delicious and hits the spot!

  23. I just got an infuser! I'm so excited to get creative with some of the flavors. I tried the chai guarana in store and it was delicious! I love the variety of flavors and tea's ability to help curb cravings. This will definitely come in handy over the holidays :)

  24. I love cold 911 ! It always makes me feel better when I have a cold! I also love sleigh ride :)

  25. I have never tried them but have always wanted to!!!

  26. They have an amazing green tea : sencha ashikubo. I'm a smoked black tea drinker myself, but I swear, this green tea could make me change my mind. It's a lovely tea!

  27. The only Davids Tea i've tried was the Tropicalia! OHMYGOSH! I've been meaning to order more because honestly, that tea was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Tea does a good job at keeping me on track. I typically start my day off with some sort of tea and it helps my day go smoother. If i forget my tea, meditation and prayer my whole day feels sloppy, rushed and frantic. So i am defiantly a firm believer in a good tea to jump start your day healthily

  28. Right now I'm loving Jessie's Tea its soo good and when I don't finish it and leave the cup in my room it works as a wonderful air freshener

  29. My favorite DavidsTea right now is the Strawberry Rhubarb. It's herbal, so perfect for those cold evenings at home when it's too late for some caffeine. Plus, it's delicious!! Thanks!

  30. I love David's Tea Buttered Rum. Perfect way to warm up on a chilly day!

  31. There are so many amazing teas from David's tea.. but the one I really enjoy is Pumpkin Chai...especially around this time of year it really helps me to stay on track! It's like eating a pumpkin pie without the calories and the sugar! Also love ref velvet cake and buddha's blend for anyone wanting to try some!

  32. sorry meant red velvet cake!! ** ^^

  33. My favorite is by far Movie Night. It lets me have all of the comfort and delicious flavors of rich, buttery popcorn and enjoy is sans calories! No fuss no muss and it's absolutely delish! Best treat for a saturday night!

  34. Definitely love the glitter and gold. Its sparkly and delicious

  35. My absolute favourite David's tea right now is a combination of Oh Canada + Forever Nuts, when you mix them together they taste just like french toast! I always make it for my early mornings at work, it's the only thing that keeps me going in retail at Christmas!

  36. I've never had any DAVIDsTEA but they seem to have plenty to choose from. For dessert tea perhaps organic buttered rum, for unflavored the Nepalese teas on offer are sure to be delicious as well as the organic black Jasmine pearls.

  37. I just came across David's Tea today so I haven't tried any yet. We've decided to head down and take a look for some baskets we're making and I can't stop looking at the website lol. I'm definitely craving something chocolatey.. maybe Chocolate Cake or Chocolate Chili Chai! Looking forward to it :)

  38. I like the vanilla oolong, its a nice warm treat when I'm trying to avoid another dose of coffee

  39. Love Davids tea! Chai tea is my fave!

  40. I love cocomint! It's just that right blend of calming and exciting :-)

  41. My favourite is Organic Detox, since no matter how sick or tired I'm feeling, it always makes me feel good as new after drinking it.

  42. My favourite is green and fruity, its caffeine free so I can sip it when I'm up late with homework and stuck jittery and caffeinated :)

  43. Santa's Secret is definitely my secret too. On those evenings where I need an extra boost to finish off one more paper for grad school, I make a pot of this peppermint black tea. It has mark-boosting capabilities! My only issue with it is I can't decide whether I like it better hot or iced. And I just ran out.

  44. Toasted Walnut green tea! Keeps me going through my classes as a university student and it's amazing because I never get bored of it!

  45. Chocolate Rocket gives me the boost I need without the crash of regular caffeineted drinks...but what it really does is warms my soul knowing I'm having a sweet treat that won't spike my sugars and really make me crash....

  46. My favourite DT changes daily! Today's choice: Santa's Secret or Le Digestif.

  47. Alpine punch is delicious and sweet enough to ward off any temptations!

  48. My go-to is mango diablo. The green tea revs me up just enough, the spice and mango taste amazing, and I feel fantastic and energized!

  49. My daughter got me hooked on David's Tea after she ordered it online. I love ice cream cake. So excited to see DT on Eat Clean!

  50. My favourite David's tea is the "organic Japanese sencha" - it has a refreshing taste. I drink it in the mornings to help me get through the whole day!

  51. I got the David's Tea sweet sampler last year for Christmas and I loved it. I'm dying to try the cookie dough tea!

  52. Vanilla almond is a fav morning go to! I keep some at work to pack a punch!

  53. I'm a David's Tea virgin - I have drooled over the website, but as yet haven't tried it... so here's hoping!

  54. I have so many of flavours from David's tea. However hands down "forever nuts" will always be my number one choice. It has such a flavourful taste to it that can make me feel so much better and relaxed after a long day. The pink colour it turns is also a nice perk as well.

  55. Santa's Secret is my new favourite, though I'm a big fan of Pumpkin Chai and Midsummer Night's Dream too :)

  56. This recipe looks amazing - can't wait to try it as this is one of my favourite teas! David's website has lots of great recipes too (forever nuts bread yum!) and proud that they are a great Canadian brand.

  57. I absolutely love forever nuts!! it's naturally sweet and delicious. I enjoy it after dinner or in the evening when i'm craving something sweet. it hits the spot.

  58. I recently tried Cocomint Cream and absolutely love it. My other favourite would be Checkmate, a combination of black and white tea, but has a chocolate taste. Great for fending off cravings.

  59. I love Jessie's Tea. It makes me feel so warm and fuzzy. I discovered Davids Tea this year. As im breast feeding my first baby (Elinor loves the green cups) i cant drink coffeine. So i am super thankful for all rooibos kind teas and all herbal ones. I have Oh Canada, Forever nuts...and some more. Im super excited to taste all the coffenated i love green, white, black teas. ( eventually ill be done
    I wanted to buy the 24 tea advent calendar but it sold out too quick. I would be over the moon if I win. Good luck with all the new store openings!!

  60. So hard to choose... Saigon Chai is probably the one I can't get tired of!

  61. Mother's Little Helper helps me sleep!

  62. After a long 12hr hospital shift I come home to a cup of toasted walnut and it brings me to a cozy cabin in the mountains in front of a nice warm fireplace.

  63. I love anything vanilla, especially the vanilla almond! mmm!

  64. I love love love davids tea!! Do you think all teas are safe to eat? Im loving one of the white tea blends at the moment that contains coconut slices.. but wondering, can we eat all the teas do you think?

  65. I know drinks David's 'white' tea and swears by it. They got me to try it and it's delicious ..

