
Saturday, December 1, 2012

25 Days of Giving BEGINS!

Photo Credit: Paul Buceta
Today is the beginning of the most wonderful time of the year here on my blog. It is the start of the 25 Days of Giving.

Throughout the next 25 days we will have amazing giveaways, donations, stories and more from the likes of Bobbi Brown, Skechers, DavidsTea, and Eat-Clean Diet Ambassadors - just to name a few.

Welcome to new readers who are just joining us for the first time, and for those who have gone through the Gives with us in the past.

You can start by telling us What 3 Things You are Grateful For This Week.

And don't forget to enter our Be Generous Contest for a chance to win 2 signed cookbooks.

This is an exciting time so stay with us as we countdown the days until the holidays.


  1. I am grateful for the opportunity to empower others to be their best, my health, and my loving friends and family.

  2. I'm grateful for the opportunity to live near extended family for the first time in 35 years; I'm grateful for my husband and our two fuzzy kids; and I'm grateful for answered AND unanswered prayers.

  3. 1) I am grateful that I share the same birthday (December 1) with my brother who is 2 years older than me.

    2) I am grateful for my family and my supportive fiance.

    3) I am grateful for my vitamix and being able to buy one for my parents for Christmas - now we all drink green shakes!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Tosca! There was an audible gasp and a huge smile that spread across my face when I opened this post! It's here again! Joy!

    I am grateful to enjoy the love of small children in my life. I am thankful for a world class husband and I am thankful for the kick ass strong women in my life that get me excited and energized for the future.

  6. I am grateful for...
    1)my daughter and grandkids
    2)my hubby who supports my menopause moods!
    3)my survivor genes. I am alive for a reason!

  7. I'm am grateful for: 1. My family, they have always been there for me no matter what and make every holiday/birthday special. 2. My co-workers, who are like a second family to me. I love my job and the people I work with. 3. My friends who truly are family to me. 4. Christmas/Holiday decor and music because is makes me so cheerful in the mornings when I feel grumpy! and finally 5. The ability to always improve on my eating and exercise because it's nice to know that a small change can have a huge impact.

  8. I am grateful for:

    1) My amazing 4 kids and wonderful husband!

    2) God who without I wouldn't have all these blessings!

    3) My body which stands by me after all these years of feeding it unhealthy foods and not taking very good care of it!

  9. I am grateful for my health, still having my 81yr old mom in my life (even though at times she is trying), and a support.

  10. I am grateful for my 4 beautiful children and that as a single mom in a struggling economy I am able to keep a roof over their head and food on the table.

  11. I am grateful for my family, friends & my Eat Clean diet!
