
Friday, September 7, 2012

Striking Sugar & Eating Clean at College - Chelsea Kennedy Shares Her TOP Tips

I'm super honored that my daughter, Chelsea, has shared her helpful college tips with you today. Pass them along to those in need in your life. This is a challenging time in the lives of young adults, but that doesn't mean the Freshman 15 is inevitable. Keep that mind working with healthy food, exercise and love. Take it away Chel...
Me with my stepmom and sisters!

Every September brings major change in the Kennedy/Corradetti household. Our summer days are spent together Eating Clean and training. We even cook and eat together almost every evening. When September rolls around, it’s time to leave home for the school year again. 

At times this change can be a downright shock to my system. Instead of our my fridge being packed with fresh vegetables, fruits and an assortment of nut butters (like at home), it is now stocked with cookies, cheese, frozen pizzas, beer and what are those orange crunchy things? Cheetos?

Living in a home with five of your best friends is definitely a blast. But the late nights and junk food can really take a toll on your health and mood. I have learned to do a few things to keep my body in tip-top shape:

1. When going to class, I pack a lunch filled with fresh vegetables, fruits and some delicious protein pancakes. This helps me avoid the cafeteria Pizza Pizza and a daily Subway run.
2. To avoid spending countless hours each week cooking, I prep my food for the week on Sunday. I cook enough chicken, vegetables, and sweet potatoes for my weekly dinners.

Finding time to exercise is also very important. It is so easy to get stuck in a rut of going to class, doing homework and going out at night.

1. I prefer waking up and starting my day with wind sprints in the local park.
2. Another easy way to exercise is to recruit your roommates. Group exercise DVD’s in the living room are a great way to spend time together.

I’ve learned that managing such a busy schedule with school and social activities means Eating 100% Clean is not always possible. What’s most important is to do the best you can and never lose sight of your goal to live a happy and healthy lifestyle.

Find me on Facebook @ChelseaECD to follow more of my college-friendly tips.


  1. Thanks for sharing Chelsea! You inspire just like Tosca does. Keep up the great work! Best of luck in college.
    A Sister In Iron from Ann Arbor :)

  2. Thank for the great tips! Students who can keep up their fitness and clean eating regimens deserve some admiration :) It is hard to stay on track when the school stress kicks in. Since I am also a student, this post has been very relelvant, thank you for sharing :)

  3. Very well done Chelsea. Great information. Hope your school year goes well and have fun.

    Joe Salottolo

  4. It would be cool to see a picture of the inside of Tosca's fridge and pantry. The bog does this every once in awhile and it's cool to see how she stores food and the different brands she uses.
