
Monday, September 10, 2012

Alcohol = Sugar

I am excited to have my daughter/naturopath-in-training, Rachel, here with us today. She is going to challenge you to take the next step in our September Strike Sugar movement. ALCOHOL FREE! I'll let her fill you in on the details. And don't forget to visit her at The Traveling Naturopath, Twitter, and Facebook. Here we go! 

Hey Eat-Clean Dieters. I am happy to be back guest blogging for my mom. Conversing with a group of healthy, motivated people like yourselves is a treat - a sugar-free treat. I'm here today to keep you going as you Strike Sugar this month.

We're already 10 days into September. How are you doing with your mission?

Have you also said goodbye to alcohol, too?

This is my challenge for you today - alcohol has to go.

Why? Your body reads it just like sugar, but with more calories. For each gram of alcohol you consume you take in 7 kilocalories. This is 3 more than healthy carbohydrates and 2 less than healthy fats. Unfortunately, most of us don't just stop at straight vodka or gin. We usually top it up with our favourite fizzy beverages, juices or (ugh) energy drinks. With every addition we add more and more to our energy intake for the day. Not to mention, alcohol can make us sluggish, headachy, and stagnant - think water retention, bloating, swelling - yuck, yuck, yuck. It's true that red wine contains healthy antioxidants like resveratrol, but most of us don't just stop at 1 glass.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, a part of my Naturopathic Doctor training, alcohol is seen as a healthy liver stimulant when used in moderation. This doesn't mean bingeing or having more than 1 glass every once in awhile. And as soon as you reach that "buzzy" feeling you've automatically gone from stimulant to stagnant, at which point liver damage can occur.

So let's just give it up! For just 1 month. I promise.

At the encouragement of my coach - Rita Catalino - I gave up alcohol for the entire month of July. You can read about my experience on my Traveling Naturopath blog. You can make a countdown calendar like I did and fill your fridge with other options like my Sparkling Kombucha Iced Green Tea.

Are you in? Let's do it together!


  1. i quit drinking 3 yrs ago i dont even have a craving for it! i was a huge party animal i would drink every night then it all clicked one day i knew i was overweight and needed to change my habits i quit drinking,smoking,no soda,no junk food and no fast food! now i'm fit and healthy i also eat super clean thanks to you tosca!

  2. I was thought of alcohol as an acquired taste... a taste I never seemed to acquire. I consider myself lucky that the stuff tastes vile to me ;p

  3. I am in! I used to do this challenge 2-3 times per year, for my own health, but I haven't done in about 2 years now. Thanks for the motivation! So far the rest of the sugar has been cut out this month, other than nature's candy a.k.a. fruit:) I've been eating healthy carbs with every meal, so I've had very little cravings. Eating Clean Rocks!

  4. I limit my consumption of alcohol to Friday and Saturday evening, one to two glasses per evening. It's a vice I choose to keep.

    Are we to ignore the growing number of studies that endorse MODERATE alcohol consumption for improved health? I think sometimes one has to step back and look at the big picture. Researchers tell us that 1 to 2 alcoholic drinks per day reduces the risk of dementia by nearly 40 percent. For "aging women," it's worth consideration, especially if balanced with an otherwise fit and healthy lifestyle of a balanced clean diet, regular exercise, and sufficient rest.

    All things considered. All about balance sometimes.

  5. After a Labor Day Sunday brunch of bottomless bellinis I decided my body needed a break! I like to do this a couple times a year too. So this article is perfect timing. My boyfriend and a girlfriend initially decided to join me on being booze free for a while but after a week they have already given in!
