
Friday, July 13, 2012

LAST CHANCE: Sun Warrior Protein Discount!

Recovery Shake with Sun Warrior Protein and Activated Barley. Recipe here!
We had such a great response to the Sun Warrior protein discount offered last week that we decided to extend it to JULY 15. 

But this time the discount applies to ALL Raw Elements products. You'll get 10% off with the Discount Code - TOSCA

This promo can be used for all Raw Elements products including my favourites:
- coconut oil
- chia seeds
- barley powder
- raw vegan vanilla protein powder

So exciting! Definitely something to take advantage of on the hot summer day!


  1. Looks really healthy and tasty. I could not find a search function on your site, but have you ever written about the benefits of chia seeds?

  2. Hi Tosca! Was wondering if you or Rita could share why you are using the particular SunWarrior products - why the Raw powder versus the others that SunWarrior offers? What is the benefit of the Barley powder? Or the Active Greens (are these the greens offered on the SunWarrior site)? Also, what is the benefit of the Nucell drops you mentioned in your meal plan last week? Thank you for sharing your journey!
