
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Skecher GOWalk Giveaway!

Hurray for super-fun, summer-sun giveaways! SKECHERS is giving away 1 pair of their fabulous GOWalk shoes to 1 lucky winner today. Just tell us what your favourite summer activity is and we'll randomly select a winner. Check back tomorrow to see if you won. 

Summer is here and it’s time to enjoy the weather! Unfortunately for many of us, shedding the winter weight continues to be a challenge.

Not surprisingly according to a recent health study, the number of fast food establishments in North America has increased significantly over the years. Equally alarming is the fact that the average serving size for burgers, fries and sodas have tripled since the 1970’s.

With fast food chains and obesity rates on the rise, us nutrition and diet specialists are eager to offer helpful basic tips for Cleaning our plates, including:

-          Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables
-          Eating more whole grains
-          Cutting sodium
-          Controlling portion sizes - you know the hand rule!

Aside from following The Eat-Clean Diet, let’s not forget the other important aspect of healthy living: physical activity!  Performing two to three hours of moderate activity each week can help shed pounds and maintain a healthy fitness level.

Many of us fitness gurus will extol the virtues of running, but even brisk walking will keep you in shape. In fact, for many beginner exercisers taking a walk is the best way to start - even if it's just down the driveway. I like SKECHERS GOWalk for daily walks or errands around town because they are radically lightweight and flexible while promoting a natural stride for a more efficient and responsive walk. I think they might be my go-to shoe for the season. 

Here’s to a healthy summer!


  1. I love going to parades with my kids!

  2. My favorite summer activity is the watermelon carving contest my family has every 4th of July at the family lake house.

  3. Favourite summer activity is RUNNING!!! I love running all year round, but I especially love running during the warm summer months in tank tops and shorts, I think think it gets any better than that :)

  4. We're a family that loves to run! Of course, a nice walk is always a welcomed change in pace. ;)

  5. Spending time outdoors with my daughter ~ swimming is always at the top of our list.

  6. Playing in my gardens. I can spend all day puttering. I have come to realize you get a great glute workout squatting in the flower beds.

    Bring on the blooms

  7. I love going to the beach with my husband. Usually when we go, we set out the chairs and the go for a walk (about 2-3 miles). Sometimes when we're super motivated, we'll show up in our running stuff w/ swim gear in totes, go for a run and THEN change into our swim stuff and lay out for a bit as a reward.

  8. OMG those shoes are gorgeous! Favorite summer activity is being out with the dogs. Every single morning either my husband or I spend an hour at the offleash. What a beautiful way to start the day - rushing river sounds, loads of birds and even the odd deer or coyote to keep it interesting.

  9. Going to the zoo with my kids. Not only do they love seeing all the animals, but I get a great walk in too!!

  10. My favorite summer activity is swimming at the beach! Iam orginally from Nova Scotia and lived on the shore. Now that im living in torono my favorite activity is playing fun two player sports with my Hubby, We play football,frisbee and play ball we think its fun to act like kids in the summertime!

  11. I love just hanging out with my family all day ! Im a mother of four! We love taking walks and riding bikes and swimming! love love love skechers!

  12. My favorite summer activity is reading a book at the beach, and swimming. My fiancé and I have also started a workout regimen together for everyday.

  13. I love going to the beach with my husband and three kids. Building sand castles and jumping waves!

  14. gardening

  15. I love spending time with my 3 year old daughter splashing around at the beach, pool, splash pad and even in puddles! If there is water, we'll be there! ♥

  16. Spending quality time with my kiddies!! :-) Picnic's, kite flying, bug catching, marshmallow roasting, bike riding, running through sprinklers kind of days....WE LOVE SUMMER!!

  17. My favorite activity is going for walks and exploring with my 5 month old daughter. Whether it be a walk on the beach or a day at the park, we do our best to plan as many family outdoor activities as possible!

  18. In the warm weather I get up early with my kids and we have a breakfast in the park before school time. It gives us a chance to enjoy one another and get some active outdoor time before we all head for our desks! Wake kids up with a lets go to the park and the morning routine is easy!

  19. Riding my bike! Nothing beats it. It's like being a kid again. Always young at heart.

  20. My summer active is walking with my daughter who will be 6 in october & bike riding & exercise & Strength trinering as much as i can((:*HUGS*<3

  21. LOVE being outdoors with my little girl, running thru the water hose and playing in the pool.

  22. My favourite summer activity is walking the Mono Cliffs every weekend with my family

  23. My favorite summer activity is early morning runs on the beach! :)

  24. Summer is garden time! Love playing in the dirt and watching the veggies grow. Then comes the harvest and the season of canning and preserving. I remember my mom sitting on the basement step admiring her wall of preserves knowing that she has done her best to provide for her family through the coming winter months. I do it too.

  25. Go to Bounce U ( bouncing house) with my son and have a fun time bouncing and burning calories in the afternoons.
    Walk along the creek side (opp to my apartment) in the evenings.

  26. My favourite summer activity is eating breakfast outside at the cottage on the weekends. I love looking out on the lake in the early morning hours when its quiet and there's just me, my husband and ducks and geese and birds. Love it!!

  27. My favorite summer activity is rising early on a Saturday or Sunday morning and making a morning of walking through farmers markets. These shoes would be perfect for market strolls.

  28. Taking the boat into town for ice cream when we are at the cottage. I know..not so "clean" but it is nice as a treat once in a while. The kids love it! My favourite active summer activity if golf. I'm horrible, but I love it!

  29. My favorite summer activity is camping!!

  30. I love walking in the sunshine or hanging out by the pool

  31. My favorite activity is spending time with my family at the trailer.Being outside with the kids keeping them active!

  32. The big Canada Day week-end in my hometown with the parade, the country dances and the activities for the kids.

  33. My favorite summer activity is training for my first 5k. I am in week five of a fantastic training program, I have a great run coach, I am getting up, lacing up and moving my body. My first race is in July and I have my sights on continuing to train for a half marathon!

  34. I love to go golfing with my husband, it is our weekly date away from the world.

  35. Going to the Beach with my Family!

  36. I love taking walks with my husband.

  37. Can't wait to hit the beach with my kids this summer !!

  38. Visiting new cities and exploring.

  39. I love going camping with my kids. Just "doing nothing" without the distraction of tv etc.

  40. My favorite summer activites are, I love going for long hikes near where I live on a trail called forks of the credt trail, and I love camping!

  41. My favorite summer activity is stand-up paddle boarding on Lady Bird Lake with my husband!

  42. My favorite summer activity is spending time in my flower and veggie gardens. :)

  43. LOVE going to the cottage...lots of swimming, hanging at the beach, bonfires, laughter and family relaxing and rejuvenating! :)

  44. Love summer because it means camping - usually with a large group of friends in our travel trailers - and getting out on a lake in a canoe with my husband and kids (8 & 11)

  45. Packing a yummy picnic and heading to the beach!

  46. my favorite summer activity is going to the cottage and going for an early morning run on the beach :)

  47. Just being anywhere outside in the lovely sunshine!

  48. Going hiking in the mountains. We live s close, but don't take advantage often enough.

  49. I love going to the cottage and water skiing :)

  50. Hiking in the beautiful Big Sky Montana.

  51. I love to do anything outdoors with my family...I have 2 kids and we love the outdoors. Camping, playing at the park, picnic's.

  52. This is a hard one because I love so many things in the summer! My all time favorite thing to do though is to go berry picking with my kids- we hit all the major ones- strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries! Then we go home and freeze them and/or make jam after so we reap the benefits even in the winter!

  53. I love going camping in an area where I can do a lot of mountain biking.

  54. I have 6 kids and this summer has been all about camping!! We like to play in the creek, pick blackberries and enjoy talking around the campfire !! There's nothing like it.

  55. I just discovered mountain biking and the Durham Forest is just around the corner...perfect for the sport!!!!

  56. Roller skating! Yes skating! I even joined a team.

  57. Picking up fresh fruits and veggies and packing a picnic for my son and I to enjoy after a walk in the park :)

  58. My husband and I have started geocaching. All you need is a GPS (a smartphone works too!). We've learned a lot about the history of our city while solving clues, and usually manage a few kilometres walk every night after work while hunting for the caches!

  59. My husband and I try very hard to keep our parkland noxious weed free. We spend hours and hours walking the hills behind our community and pick and dispose of the dreaded Hound's Tongue and Knapweed. We get lots of exercise (some of those weeds are darn hard to pull) and the dog gets a great adventure too!!

  60. I love spending time with my grandson - it doesn't matter if it's at the amusement park, hiking in the woods, swimming or just playing in the backyard - anytime outside with him is the best!

  61. My favorite summer activity is to bbq with the family in the evening and enjoy the warm weather and watch the kids play outside.

  62. My fave summer activity is to walk around my neighborhood at dusk, and watch the sun as it sets..the lightning bugs start to come out and the everything seems to be buzzing with vibrant energy. It's soothing and energizing at the same time.

  63. My favourite summer activity is camping with my husband and dog. We go for a bazilion walks, swimming, running and hiking :) I love the outdoors and staying active.

  64. I love taking my son to the park and just being outside.

  65. My favorite activity is partaking in the annual water balloon slug out. We pitch water balloons to the kids, watch them hit them and then get soaked. We all get a turn!

  66. Nothing beats hearing the kid's say "it is time for our family walk?" It confirms my belief that the healthy lifestyle that we have adopted will continue on with my children! Thank you Tosca!

  67. I enjoy going on day hikes with my children and our dog.

  68. I love to take a walk with my grandsons!

  69. My son and I love going to the Baton Rouge Zoo and to the Tickfaw State Park to walk the board walk and play at the water playground.

  70. I like SKECHERS GOWalk for daily walks or errands around town ...
