
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Pescetarianism for Health

Today is our last day of our Eat-Clean Diet Vegetarian Cookbook guest blogger series. We've had so many wonderful stories, lessons, recipes and workouts shared by our amazing group of vegetarians, vegans, pescetarians and more. Thank you so much to everyone who has participated. We'll still be sharing more guest blogs in the future so stay tuned!

Today's final Eat-Clean Diet Vegetarian Cookbook guest blogger is Angelique Costa. Her message on pescetarianism (and her great physique) will have us all eating more fish instantly! Don't miss her yummy and simple salad, too. 
I learned a valuable lesson after both my parents were diagnosed with cancer and seeing my father buried on my 16th birthday. Losing someone you love at a young age is an eye opener and remains a constant reminder that life is precious.

I decided to become a pescatarian less than 10 years later at a university seminar about health.  I learned that nearly 70% of cancers and diseases are preventable with proper nutrition. One of my first endeavors after my decision to change my lifestyle was to do research on diet to make sure I was going about it the right way. I discovered Tosca Reno’s Eat-Clean Diet and it intrigued me. I read the whole book in one night and felt energized and excited to begin my new lifestyle with Tosca’s guidance. I had learned all about how to Eat Clean and I was ready to combine it with my personal training skills.

I never realized how integral diet was to the success of training. I thought I could out-train a diet of pizza, mac-n-cheese, and French fries! No wonder I never saw changes even cheerleading for 3 hours a day! Once I became a Pescatarian AND started Eating Clean using Tosca’s delicious recipes, my skin looked better, I had more energy, my muscles started to develop, my stomach issues subsided, and I became an overall healthier person! Your body is definitely a product of what you put into it. Both diet AND exercise are key!

I began competing shortly after reading the Eat-Clean Diet in 2008 and took 4th place in my first Figure competition. I was hooked on Eating Clean and competing ever since. Thank you Tosca for teaching me that a healthy lifestyle for pescatarians is not only possible, it doesn’t have to be bland or boring!

Angelique’s Amazing Salad
3c organic romaine/spinach blend
4oz canned or freshly-cooked wild Alaskan salmon
1/4c shaved carrots
4-5 sliced mushrooms
4-5 cherry tomatoes
¼ avocado, sliced
Small handful of dried organic apple chips
Small handful of raw walnut pieces
2tbsp. or to taste Goddess Dressing (just Google it)
Optional: Small handful croutons

Combine and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post! And thank you for the recipe. Definitely going to try it for lunches this week!
