
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Krystal's Lean, Mean & Green!

Today's Eat-Clean Diet Vegetarian Cookbook guest blogger is Krystal Algier. She has adopted vegetarian eating into her life & even her husband and kids enjoy it. Take it away Krystal...

Krystal is super fast on her lean, mean & Eat-Clean greens diet.
Eating clean was a revolutionary idea I adopted January of 2011.  I completely transformed my body.  I had always been an organic girl, but never truly a “clean” girl.  However, there is one major difference with my diet.  I don’t eat meat. I am a vegetarian who Eats Clean. I have transformed my body into a lean, mean, Eating Clean with greens machine, and so can everyone else.

I have adopted many of the Eat-Clean principles and have been able to alter the recipes to "meat" (pun intended) my family’s needs.  I rely on a little creativity and food knowledge.  I try to incorporate a lean protein source along with a protein-rich grain and green veggies for many of our meals…simple!

There are so many vegetarian, vegan, or pescatarian options.  For example, breakfast options consist of oatmeal, flaxseed, and chia seed mixtures.  Vegetarians, who eat eggs, may have limitless options with eggs.  Veggie omelets, frittatas, or many other combinations are easy, delicious, and protein rich.  Vegan options may sub tofu scramble for omelets, or may stick with oatmeal.

Snacks are pretty easy to come by.  We enjoy almond milk with protein powder.  Kefir or Greek yogurts have a ton of protein.  Almonds or pistachios are a household staple.  Edamame is also a delicious, quick, and protein containing snack.  The kids love edamame!

Vanilla whey greens drink
with spinach, banana & chia. 
Lunch and dinner are also full of protein with items such as quinoa, couscous, and other whole grains to provide additional protein to our diet.  Lentils and beans are delicious and high in protein, and these two can be used together to make awesome soups. The choices are truly limitless to add flavor and protein while Eating Clean.  From time to time we had veggie “meat” crumbles to staple dishes (think brown rice pasta, clean pasta sauce, and faux meat crumbles).  These are great meal basics.  Not all meat substitutes are created equally so watch the labels!  Textured vegetable protein is even available in bulk at some popular health food stores.

Eating Clean, while being essentially, meat free is an easy and effective alternative.  Tosca’s recipes can easily be altered by omitting the meat and substituting a protein rich alternative.   My whole family, including my husband and two small children, has adopted this lifestyle.  I am more muscular, toned, and fit than ever before in my life.  There is no reason to feel like building muscle and/or toning equals eating meat.  A plant based diet has enough protein to keep the body toned!

Go get lean and mean while Eating Clean with greens!!!


  1. Congratulations! Good to know even your kids are in on this lifestyle change. My husband and I are transitioning to becoming vegan. Kids laugh but they don't miss meats. They love their eggs and cheese though.

  2. I have discovered recently that my body does not do too well on a lot of meat! I know when I have stayed with my friends who are vegan I felt so good afterwards. I am starting to go that way more - I love reading these articles because it helps me to see what can be done and also the confidence that it isn't that difficult if you think about it and plan it! Thanks for this Krystal really appreciated your article.
