
Friday, May 18, 2012

Bob's Birthday - A Message from his Cancer Doctors

Today would have been my husband's 74th birthday. 

As a way of honoring him today, I want to introduce you to the people who cared for him throughout his tough journey, Dr. Douglas Andrews, ND & Dr. Akbar Khan, MD and Medical Director of Medicor Cancer Centres in Toronto. They will share with you how they cared for Robert with integrated therapies. Spending time with these men was what made Robert the happiest during his short battle.

Thank you for joining us today. We have a powerful message to share.
At the request of these 2 gentlemen donations in Robert's honor will be made to the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine where both Dr. Andrews and my daughter were trained. We are so close to reaching our goal so please contribute to the future of cancer care. 

Finally, as a special thank you, we will be giving away 3 copies of Robert's book, Bull's Eye. Coincidentally, his book came into stores a mere few days after he passed. When I read it it is like he is speaking to me & it keeps me going each day as I step into my new role. If you would like a copy please be the first to comment below. 

Dr. Akbar Khan, MD - Medical Director of
 Medicor Cancer Centres. 
Robert Kennedy’s life was steadfastly dedicated to fitness and he did not smoke, so it may have come as a surprise to many that he was afflicted with lung cancer. However, there are several genetic and environmental causes of lung cancer that are either unidentified or beyond our control. As medical research attempt to identify these factors, we still must contend with the immediate need for more advanced cancer therapies.

For lung cancer, chemo is the accepted standard of systemic (whole body) treatment in mainstream medicine.  Chemo can be viewed as “a controlled poison” that may temporarily hold back metastatic cancer, but in the process it weakens the immune system, and damages good cells in the body. In keeping with the Clean Living philosophy according to which Mr. Kennedy lived, he declined to have toxic chemotherapy injected into his body.  We were able to run a special test called ChemoFit on a sample of his cancer cells that established that 10 out of the 12 standard lung cancer chemo regimens would have failed. This confirmed that chemo would have accelerated his decline.

Instead, Mr. Kennedy decided on an “integrative” approach to therapy - a combination of non-chemo allopathic medication with scientifically chosen natural therapies. Combining the power of natural and synthetic medicines gives more than the sum of the parts.  The synergy improves desired anti-cancer effects, decreases side effects, improves quality of life and maintains mental clarity. After receiving high dose vitamin C, B complex, alpha lipoic acid, dichloroacetate, amino acids and minerals (all infusions), Mr. Kennedy felt better and had more energy. His wife Tosca remarked that “he would come home [after treatment] and want to eat his favorite ‘sunny, runny eggs.’ “

Dr. Douglas Andrews, ND -
Naturopathic Doctor at Medicor Cancer Centres.
Mr. Kennedy was living with a particularly aggressive cancer which was diagnosed at an already advanced stage.  He also had a very unusual and dangerous complication: metastasis to the inside of the heart. This tumour grew despite radiation and medications, eventually forcing us to stop treatment and focus on comfort measures rather than risk a massive stroke or sudden organ failure.

It seems fitting for a man who lived in an all-out effort to succeed that his body would challenge the integrity of his beliefs.  Integrity — the state of being whole or undivided— directed his approach to treatment. The food that we choose to eat, the medicine we take, the way we conduct ourselves in our relationships, all influence our ability to heal old wounds, retain a healthy self, all the while facing our ultimate challenges.

It was an honour to be a part of Mr. Kennedy’s healthcare team.  He faced his ultimate challenge with grace, creativity, self-reflection and strength.  A true testament to his integrity and the power of the love that surrounded him.


  1. I'd love a copy :). I always loved his pub page and found him so inspring :)

  2. Hi Tosca, thinking of you today. Would love to check out Robert's Bull's Eye book!

  3. Id love a copy too. My husband is a colon cancer survivor.

  4. I as well am a firm believer in natural methods to heal the body and soul. I have cried along with you during your journey and admire your strength and have both touched this world in ways you will never know. XXX

  5. I have a copy and BOY what a read!

  6. Beautiful life he lead. Thinking of you today!

  7. Thinking of Robert and Tosca today. We were blessed to have shared a part of Robert's life, especially over the last several years. We miss him dearly.

  8. What a wonderful way to celebrate him , I would love to read his book.

  9. Very insightful health care I hope no one ever has to use. The best we can do is LIVE WELL and and EAT CLEAN. Thanks for always sharing such good advice to do just that Tosca. Still thinking of you. Tomorrow is my 45th birthday and there are ways I know I can do better.

  10. I would love a copy too
    I lost my Mom in 2004 when I was 24. Birthdays are still very difficult for me, even all these years later. Wishing you peace and love today, the first one is by far the most painful

  11. Beatiful story for a beautiful person - Happy Birthday Bob!

  12. He was an exceptional man. I would love to read his book.

  13. Happy birthday Bob! What a lovely way to recognize him today! Thank you Tosca!

  14. Thank you for posting this inspiration. Robert was amazing and inspiring, I cannot wait to read his book. Anytime I read anything from Bob, I felt as if he was talking to me. I admire his steadfast belief in keeping things clean until the end. Many hugs to you Tosca, stay strong, you are a huge inspiration in my life.

  15. I feel like Bob and you have been a part of my life everyday since I found Eating Clean. You both are so inspirational and I know Bob will continue inspiring so many people through all of his life's works. Happy Birthday Bob!

  16. Hi Tosca,
    My husband doesn't smoke either and is very fit as well and I couldn't imagine going through what you are going through now. You and your husband inspire me and I have a few of your books. Stay strong, which I know you will (you're a strong woman) and keep on doing what you're doing, for you and Bob!! xo Darcy Gervais

  17. I think it is a wonderful thing to bring out the doctors who helped in your husband's fight; a lot of times people think living a natural lifestyle means no medical intervention whatsoever. But this is good to show that it can go hand in hand, especially if you have open minded compassionate physicians and a patient, like Bob, who played an integral role in his own treatment. Of course, the love and support of your family was the rock it all stood upon.
    Continued blessings and strength~

  18. Thank you for sharing such valuable information. And thank you Mr Kennedy for being such a leader. Many people will not question western medicine and explore options more in line with our bodies innate intelligence, and for a public figure to do so is inspiring. Hopefully this display of extreme courage will encourage others to take charge if their health and help the body do what it was so brilliantly and beautifully designed to do. Love and peace to you all!

  19. Thank you for sharing. I was unaware that he went with natural therapies. As of late, I have converted the entire family to homeopathic remedies and am constantly learning about natural therapies. Sending thoughts and love to Tosca and family today. XO

  20. Happy Birthday, Robert, wherever you are.

  21. What a great article! I have totally changed my eating over the past couple years and completely embrace your out look on health! Thanks for sharing!

  22. Thank you for sharing this Tosca. I think of you and your girls everyday!

  23. What a wonderful story. A real inspiration to those that will face a similar challenge. Thank-you for sharing with us!

  24. I just caught this link on my Facebook, and it is funny, i just got back from Barnes and Noble. My find Bull's Eye. And wouldn't you know it, not one copy left in the store! Hopefully, I will be able to find it at another location.

  25. Thank you for sharing. I especially found the information on the ChemoFit test quite interesting and glad to know this option was available to you.

  26. Oh, Tosca, the similarities between Bob and my MIL are great. She died in Oct. 2010 of lung cancer. She never smoked or drank a day in her life...she did only 1 session of chemo and stopped...and finally, her 75th birthday would have been yesterday. :( Praying for continued comfort during this time of mourning.

  27. What a statement of healthy living!! Gods Blessings and Happy Birthday Bob!!! We are all thinking of you today.

  28. Bob was, is, and will continue to be an inspiration to many people...his gifts will be remembered and shared for many years to come. God bless.

  29. I would love a copy of his book!!! I'm thinking of you Tosca and your family <3

  30. i would love to read. We have lost all the men in my family to cancer - both my grandfathers before I was born, and my father 6 days before my birthday. I constantly wonder what type and when cancer will hit me - its what keeps me focused on a healthy lifestyle - hoping to fight the genetic curse that runs in my family.

  31. Thanks for sharing. Your family is inspiring. God Bless.

  32. Thank you so much for sharing. This is truly educational and inspirational. Thank you to the wonderful men who took care of Robert and his family.

  33. The "firsts" are always the hardest. The first birthdays, the first summer bike ride alone, the first snow fall, the first valentines day, etc. I think it's admirable that you chose to invite his doctors to say something about the treatments, to say something about the illness on his birthday.
    I hope you and the family are doing well.


  34. I would sooo love a copy:) You are amazing Tosca and so are those doctors:)

  35. If you’re facing cancer, you want options—you want the cancer treatment that’s right for you. South Florida Radiation Oncology has options, and we’ll work to get you the treatment you need with the care you expect.

    Cancer Care
