
Monday, September 12, 2011

You + Me + Fall Fit!

I am so excited for Fall Fit's Women's Weekend this October 14-16 in beautiful Haliburton, Ontario.

We're going to box, Crossfit, yoga, hike, and more all while enjoying the amazing company of other fit, healthy and fabulous women. All proceeds will be donated to Swigg - motivating teen girls to learn, lead and grow!

Please come and join us!

I can't wait to meet you and get fit with you all for a good cause.

For more information please visit my events page.


  1. Oh i so would love to come. However i've already committed to a event on the 16, could you participate for just the one day? Thought i would ask..
    kimbob27 at hotmail dot com

  2. You will have to visit the website linked to above to be in touch with the organization. I don't know the answer to the administrative questions like attendance. Thanks Kimberly and hope to see you there.

  3. I am out in Alberta but I am a big fan! I think I am going to ask for this for my birthday!!! Hope to see you in person soon! Big fan!!!

  4. Hi, I have ahuge question. I'm 30 year old female. Due to depression/anxiety issues , I lost a lot of weight over years and for last 3 years I've been under....I'm 5 feet 1.5 and about 75 lbs. (I'm medically stable and seeing doctors). But nutritionists I've seen in past only confused me or made me obsess. Do you have thoughts on anything? I force myself to eat 6x a day and am never hungry. My intestinal systemm is a mess from always eating and an environment with less healthy bacteria...I'm definitely not vegan. I worry about my proportions of foods, combinations...maybe too acidic...too many grains or dairy, etc...I eat a ton before bed...I'm at about 2000 cals now, and gaining only very very slowly..but I don't exerise...except for a short walk a day. I feel horribly guilty for this...lazy? justified?
    I used to be a competitive runner and miss it and fear my body is exhausted and burnt out forever. If you have any thoughts...maybe you can email me at ? I'd lovve to know how to straighten out my weak digestive system and gain weight without it all being fat.
