
Friday, September 9, 2011

Follow My Team!

Social media is making the world go round these days. Some of the best parts of my day come from Facebook and Twitter chats, along with getting my day-to-day life out there on here. Well, social medialites it's time for you to meet the people who make what I do very very possible.

We've decided to bring my lovely team to the forefront so you too can chat with them about anything Tosca Reno & Eat-Clean Diet related. We're always up for a good chat, willing to share tips, tricks and links, and hungry to learn all about you and your Eat-Clean life.

So without further ado please welcome my team:

1. Rachel - Associate Editor, Naturopathic Medical student & daughter 1: @rachelecd (Twitter) & Rachel ECD (Facebook)

2. Kiersten - Social Media Coordinator & daughter 2: @kierstenecd (Twitter) & Kiersten ECD (Facebook)

3. Amy - Senior Editor: @amyecd (Twitter) & Amy ECD (Facebook)

4. Brittany - Editorial Assistant: @brittanyecd (Twitter) & Brittany ECD (Facebook)

5. Meredith - Online Editor & Editorial Assistant: @meredithecd (Twitter) & Meredith ECD (Facebook)

6. Patricia - Marketing Coordinator: @patriciaecd (Twitter) &  Patricia ECD (Facebook)

Add them, tweet them, buzz them... connect with them however you like. We're just happy that you choose to hang out with us... thank you!

Now let's get chatting!

P.S. If you don't already, you can follow me on Twitter (@toscareno and @eatcleandiet) and Facebook (Tosca Reno and Eat-Clean Diet)

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