
Friday, December 7, 2012

Day 7 of Giving: Visiting those in Need

On my way to Give some time.
Today I am going to pay an extra-special visit to Kelsey-Lynn, my daughter in her 4th year of university.

She has been struggling with a heavy workload including: having to prepare for and write exams, having to complete several canvases for her for fine arts program, and maintaining her job as a ballet instructor all at the same time. As a result she has been eating terrible food, running out of money, and missing home.
Kelsey-Lynn's amazing artwork. See more at Maverick Behavior.
The best thing I can give her right now is my time.

When we get to her little apartment we will scoop her up and have a delicious latte and time together.

I will help her restock her fridge, clean up her little space, and enjoy seeing her beautiful face and beautiful paintings.

Never underestimate the value of giving someone something as simple, and as valuable, as your time.

P.S. For my other school-bound daughters-in-need: I'm picking up a meal for Rachel (my naturopath-in training) who is finishing up tons of assignments and also has a set of exams, and I'm washing Chelsea's absolutely filthy car tomorrow before picking her up from the airport to bring her home for Christmas.

Oh these poor students!

Is there someone you can help out today by offering your time?


  1. I love that you are a MOM first, and everything else second! What an inspiration!

  2. Absolutely agree! We usually think the only way of helping those in need is by providing financial support, when what they really need is your emotional support, time to listen, and company!

  3. You're such a good mom!!! Really, it's lovely of you to help your daughters .. xoxo


  4. I give my time to my children and the children of others on a daily basis. I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, a tutor and a state registered child care provider. I've always been a giver, and when I can't buy something, I make something, when I can't make something, I share something... and when there's nothing to be shared... I simply give a part of myself. It's wonderful your daughter's have a mother who offers support and time in the way you do. My mother passed w/ ovarian cancer over 15 years ago at age 46. She was a compassionate, selfless... giving and caring person. I aspire to be just as giving and caring as she was; If not more so...

  5. You are such a wonderful mom Tosca! You gave me your time last year with a very sweet email when my daughter was struggling. Your words really helped me!! Thank you! I always enjoy reading your blog too! Love,, Liz

  6. I was just talking about giving the gift of time to my daughter. She could use some help in the house and some love and laughter filled conversation. So I'll be spending time with my daughter Rachel too! Enjoy your time with your daughters Tosca!:)

  7. You are so amazing Tosca. I don't know how you find time to do everything you do!

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