
Monday, December 10, 2012

Day 10 of Giving: Give Beauty - Bobbi Brown Giveaway!

Oooooh! I am so excited for today's Give!!!

Many of you know that Bobbi Brown and I have a great working relationship and I was honored to put on an event with her and her staff this past year.
Now she has been kind enough to offer a few special beauty products for our giveaway today.

The first prize is a mystery box full of Bobbi Brown goodies.

The second prize is her amazing Desert Twilight Mini-Brush Set and the Pretty Powerful Coffee to Cocktails Collection.

Talk about some serious goodies.

Comment below on how Eating Clean has made your beauty routine easier and we will randomly select 2 winners.

Love it!


  1. Eating clean has helped to clear up my acne prone skin and that makes less harsh products to use! BONUS!

  2. Eating clean has made my skin GLOW!! I love how everyone says how young I look. Eating clean is my favorite beauty tip.

  3. I've been eating clean for almost 5 months now and I have had people tell me I am "glowing". I don't have to use much product and that keeps things simple. I'm sure drinking lots and lots of water helps, too. :)

  4. Eating clean has made my skin feel firmer and look clearer! I only need a little powered and i'm ready to go! Thank you clean eating!

  5. Eating clean definitely reduces my acne, I don't have to use as many steps in my routine, making it quicker (a bonus)!

  6. My skin is clearer and I don't wear liquid foundation anymore...just a little powder and I'm ready!

  7. I love it!! :) Eating clean has been a huge part of my transformation into a healthier lifestyle. I've been drinking WAY more water, my skin, hair and nails all feel healthier, I look fitter but most of all, I FEEL awesome - and having confidence and feeling great = the best way to look good

  8. Eating clean has truly helped me look and feel great! So happy I started this journey!

  9. eating clean has made my beauty routine easier because my skin has been damn near perfect since I began doing so.

  10. Great way to make the outside as beautiful as the inside.

  11. Clean eating has really improved my overall beauty regime. I lose a lot less hair when I shower, my overall skin tone and complextion has improved and I feel more confident without makeup :)

  12. It has helped my acne prone skin clear up and is no longer dry. I have that youthful glow I have always wanted and now i can go to the store and run errands without having to put makeup on if I don't fell like it!! It's an amazing feeling to put my moisturizer on and just go!!!

  13. Eating clean allows my skin to have less breakouts. My skin is not as oil or dry but has a healthy complexion to it...resulting in me being more confident and going w/ the less is more approach to cosmetic application!

  14. Eating clean has enabled me to feel the strength of my CORE & body. My brain has escaped the fog of preservatives which helps me think more clearly and productively. The best by-product of eating clean is that I Stand Tall-er...I feel amazing!

  15. Eating clean has finally gotten rid of my acne, which was very embarrassing to be in my mid twenties with acne! It has also made my skin glow, my nails don't break easily anymore and my hair seems to be growing faster! I LOVE eating clean!! Thanks Tosca :)

  16. My skin has transformed since I began eating clean! It has a glow that it never had before.

  17. Eating Clean has changed my skin. It is not as I don't need as much skin cream.

  18. Eating clean has given me a "youthful glow" and helped to diminish the dark circles under my eyes! Imagine that...treating the inside of my body well shows on the outside ;) Thanks Tosca!

  19. I have always had rough skin, but since starting to eat clean my complexion everywhere has cleared up! Amazing!

  20. Eating clean has noticeably improved my skin/hair quality. I don't have to spend as much time getting ready and doing my hair! it has also improved my confidence to sport looks i never thought i could and to wear clothes that fit better!!! :)

  21. Eating clean has forced me to drink more water during the day. I'm 35 and I still get blackheads and pimples. The extra hydration has really helped to clear it up, so now I only wear a light coating of powder and no foundation! Yay for clean eating!

  22. I already had good looking skin, but eating clean just makes it better overall. I have noticed a change in my complexion. Also I look less tired. I think it's hard to pin-point any changes in our skin when eating clean, but we can definitely see a difference. I guess you can say that eating clean makes you look and feel more alive.

  23. Eating clean has made my beauty routine easier because less sugar means less wrinkles which means less makeup trying to hide them!

  24. by eating clean my skin is clearer, my dark circles have diminished and I do not need to wear as much coverup to allow my natural glow to shine through!

  25. Not only is my hair healthier by eating clean (and therefore more shiny) but I feel more beautiful in my clothes and comfortable in my own skin :)

  26. Clean eating makes me feel rejuvenated and ALIVE! My skin has cleared up, my hair and nails are much stronger, and overall I feel amazing! I love this beauty routine and lifestyle! :-)

  27. Eating clean has given me the confidence to just get up and go. Now that is a blessing, considering my age!

  28. I started eating clean over two years ago at 50 yrs old. I've never looked back, it truly has became a lifestyle change and I have never felt better.

  29. I used to have a really bad acne problem.. I've been eating clean since Feb. 2012 and my face has never looked better!! Way less cover up (if any) and way more self esteem!!

  30. In just three weeks time, my skin started to glow! I was looking so dull, blotchy, and TIRED! Changed my diet to clean foods, and alot more water, and changed the reflextion in the mirror. I am 33, and like many women, fear "aging". I am just estatic at how smooth and fresh I look. Alot younger :) I don't feel the NEED for mounds of foundation. Much quicker in the mornings, which is nice since I have a two year old daughter and take care of children during the day. Thank you clean eating for the extra confidence and happy reflection <3

  31. Eating clean has given my skin a clean healthy glow. I no longer need to wear lots of concealer. My eyes glow as does my skin due to the water and clean food. Thanks Tosca and team for modeling the clean lifestyle.

  32. I used to suffer from cystic acne, but since cleaning up my diet, I have now have clear, radiant & glowing skin - from the inside out! :)

  33. Eating Clean has almost eliminated occasional acne break outs.

  34. Eating clean helps my skin to maintain a youthful glow. People tell me I do not look my age and I owe it to clean eating"

  35. After years of failed treatment for my slipped discs and other health issues clean eating and working out changed my health and helped me to be a better and healthier mother to my two children in times were my husband cant be here with us! Thank you to you Tosca and your team I am very crateful for your guyses work! Merry Christmas and a Happy new fit year 2013! Greetings from Germany!

  36. Adult acne is gone! My skin is even and clear, the best it has been in years. The best is hearing that I look much younger than my age (38).

  37. HI Tosca,
    I have two of your books and if I feel like trying a different meal I can use your guides for the protein, carbs and fat. The possibilites are endless!

  38. Eating Clean has helped me in many ways. I am really not a wearer of makeup but would still love to win and pay it forward to a friend that does.

  39. Eating Clean makes my skin amazingly clear and soft. My skin is hydrated, but not oily, and I have a healthy glow about me. Eating clean gives me the nutrients I need, so it shows through my skin.
    -Daina Yelle

  40. I no longer have to wear heavey foundation or a lot of concealor (except under eye) because my face has cleared up so much!

  41. I have seen much improvement in the clarity of my skin. Plus I just feel great, which always makes a person beautiful!

  42. I'm new to eating clean, but my skin is just looking brighter and blotchy skin is clearing up.

  43. Recognizing the power of food to our overall health and well-being. After struggling to lose belly fat, and health issues that had become chronic, I discovered that eating clean was the answer. Lost the belly fat. Feeling so much better and the illness related to food sensitivities is getting resolved. I'm amazed at how much better I feel.

  44. Eating clean has helped to clear up my skin and make it glow. I turned 40 this year and got more comments about "you can't be 40!" than over-the-hill-jokes!

  45. Eating clean has simplified my beauty routine because I need less make up to create a glow...clean eating has provided it!

  46. Hi Tosca!! I love how some eat clean foods can actually be used in my beauty routine!! My faves are coconut oil for smooth, wrinkle free skin and white teeth, green smoothies for glowing radiance and fresh veggies and fruits for bright eyes!! I too as with the other comments have noticed the end to acne and enjoy wearing less makeup- but for Bobbi Brown I make an exception;) happy holidays!!!

  47. Since eating clean my skin has dramatically cleared up. I have struggled with acne since I was 15 and now at 23 I can say that I have found my secret to healthy skin! My hair has also improved and is healthier and shinier than ever! Eating clean has given me a total body makeover!

  48. I never used to break out, but after years of eating horribly, I had to use cover-up to cover both of my cheeks! Once I got a trainer and - at first grudgingly - went on a clean diet, everything got better! My skin's cleared up, I have hardly any dark circles and it feels great! Clean eating is amazing!

  49. Even though I've come to realize that the scale isn't always right, there's something to be said for making it from 220 lb to 160. The road definitely wasn't easy, but a huge portion of my success is thanks to eating clean and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. My energy levels are much higher, I don't feel sluggish (though we all have our days!) and my confidence is much higher. Thank you Tosca, for providing an outlet for feedback, and great tips on clean eating!

  50. Inner and OUter beauty have been much improved!

  51. Eating clean is the best foundation for make up there is! My skin is bright, clear, and glowing thanks to a healthy diet! Blush and Bronzer are no longer for camouflaging, but are my favorite contouring agents. I honestly love eating clean, and the beautiful side affects are incredible!

  52. Eating clean keeps my skin clear and radiant!

  53. Eating clean has given me the ability to feel better about myself emotionally and physically. I am kicking butt in the gym and my self confidence is soaring. I am able to push myself in the gym because I am properly fueled. All while not craving things I that are unhealthy! Eating clean has made my skin, hair and nails so healthy and shiny! At 42 years old, I am finally able to put my bad habits behind me and prove my doubters wrong.

  54. Eating clean has made my skin so much healthier! I used to be really prone to acne breakouts and since I've started eating clean it's reduced the amount of breakouts I've had and makes my skin look SO healthy and beautiful! Even now when I have a cheat meal, I usually get a pimple! Booo!

  55. I'm a true testiment to how eating veggies from my garden and cooking clean meals at home have cured my fogginess in my head after lack of sleep from a newborn and how my skin now has a glow from all the nutrients I feed my body. I never used to want to garden, or take time out of my day to workout after a child, but after gaining 60lbs and gaining a renewed energy from workouts/eating eating clean from Tosa I feel like a new woman and mommy! Thank you for the inspiration. I had my little girl in march and all the weight is off, but now I have new goals and ambitions to go further to make my daughter proud!

  56. Eating clean has turned back the clock on my skin! Last week a supplier rep came to my work after not seeing me for a month and wondered if I had just gotten back from vacation, I looked "so rested". Hah! I was anything but rested...and was happy to receive the complement. Eating right is the best skin care you can give yourself. Call me a believer!

  57. My skin is so happy and radiant now and acne is not a factor any longer!

  58. My skin is clearer and I am healthier than I have been in a long time. I feel well (something I didn't feel for a long time).This summer we also started growing our own vegetables, we have an apple tree, and plan to plant more fruit trees this coming year to help round out our choices for growing our own healthy food.

  59. Eating clean allows me to eat fresh fruits and vegetables which are so cleansing to your skin and over all health.

    I love the simplicity of cooking the turkey Asian lettuce wraps recipe in one of the Eat Clean books .. such a simple and nutritious meal. No refined carbs needed.


  60. I've just started but already noticing a difference in my skin! It is much clearer and brighter also getting thinner as a result of the working out and eating clean.


  61. In one year Eating Clean has helped me lose 50LBS and get so lean that I look good in anything I wear (my husband's comment). I don't need to wear as much make up as I used to when I was overweight and unhealthy. My eyes look brighter, my skin looks amazing, people think I'm 10 years younger and I feel it!! My hairstylist is amazed at how soft and thick my hair has gotten:) Everyone in the salon asks me "What is your secret?" to which I reply, "Eating Clean, exercise and following Tosca Reno for inspiration!

  62. Eating clean has kept my skin looking younger than my age...(according to people I know)...I've been told that I look like I'm in my mid 30's when I'm actually 45! thank you Eating clean!

  63. Thanks to eating clean my skin is clear and glowing, and my the white of my eyes is bright! Thanks to eating clean I require little makeup and let my natural beauty shine through!

  64. Eating Clean boosts my liver, so my skin is clear and radiant even without make up!! My hair is shiny and healthy, my nails are strong, there are so many benefits to eating clean!!! It is so great to feel I don't have to hide anything!! I love Bobbi Brown's lipgloss!! they are awesome!! Tosca you are an inspiration!! I am amazed at your work and dedication! xoxo

  65. eating clean has helped me lose more than all the baby weight i put on so i feel better about how my face looks and it has helped keep my skin clear.

  66. Before eating clean my skin was always a mess. Acne, Oily, Dry, splotchy. I tried every product I could get my hands on to control my acne, I spent thousands of dollars but Ive learned that part of the reason it was so inconsistent was directly related to what I was putting into my body. The skin is an organ of excretion and is part of the detoxification process. So when I put junk in my body my skin pays the price. Now my skin is healthy. Is it perfect? NO! But it isnt all over the map either. I love that my skin is bright and clear and Happy! Thank you ECD for everthing especially my skin!

  67. I suffered with severely dry itchy skin (to the point where I was struggling to sleep) for years and doctors and dermatologist told me to use cortizone creams and antihistimes to calm it down. Clean eating and regular exercise (sweating) has completely changed my skin :) along with my energy level and body composition. I have soft healthy skin now and don't suffer with constant itch anymore.

  68. Clean eating has helped clear my skin! Since ditching diet drinks and processed foods I have few pimples and blemishes.

  69. Eating clean has provided my body with the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients. It has not only changed how I look on the outside (skin, hair, nails) but it has changed so many things on the inside. I feel being healthier and balanced, the beauty on the inside shines through to the outside and people notice. With that being said, I believe that every woman that allows their inner beauty to shine and radiate would focus more on enhancing the beauty that already exists making makeup routines a much more positive and fun experience. That's what eating clean has done for me...

  70. Clean eating means clearer skin and less makeup! Plus way more confidence!

  71. It has really helped with my rosacea I got when I was pregnant with my daughter!

  72. Eating clean is my beauty routine! not only makes me healthy on the inside, but it reflects it on the outside by making me feel great and giving me beautiful and healthy skin. :)

  73. Beauty truly comes from within. A clean diet supports good health in countless ways and leads to a more youthful complexion free of acne, wrinkles and dull skin. Your skin is your largest organ, reflective of the state of health on the inside and can fluctuate just as our diets do. After years of failed acne treatment and dermatologist treatments I decided to try something new. That’s when I picked up Tosca Rena’s Eat Clean Diet book and changed how I eat. I know seek to consume foods as close to their “whole” state as possible, holistic approach, avoiding processed and convenience foods in lieu of simple fresh produce, lean proteins, and whole grains. As a rule of thumb; if there are any ingredients on a product label that you don’t recognize or can’t pronounce, it’s probably not a good choice. And forget about fast food and prepackaged items at the grocery store. I said goodbye to sodas and processed meats like hot dogs and bacon. And junk cereals, candy and everything else packed with refined sugar.

  74. Drinking lots of water and cutting out sugar has cleared up my skin tremendously. I barely have to use foundation anymore :) Also,I started using coconut oil as a multi purpose beauty tool! Moisturizer for the body + face, eye make up remover and mixed with sugar for a body scrub!

  75. By eating clean I am able to use less foundation than before, my skin glows, and my hair and nails are so healthy!

  76. clean eating has made my skin so much healthier! no breakouts, no dryness, it glows!!

  77. I am a 39 year old mother of four who works full time and still manages to fit in 1-2 workouts every day. Eating clean not only gives me the energy I need to navigate through my very busy life, but it has also given me a radiant complexion. Eating clean and working out has also resulted in me hugging various people who comment that I look 10 years younger than my actual age.

  78. Eating clean has given me an attitude and a body I can be proud of. Now I get excited about getting dressed up to look my best when I go out with friends! Would love to try this line!

    1. Nothing better than buying a new dress or putting on an outfit and saying; WOW! I rock!

  79. I've saved money on makeup since I don't use as much, and because of clean eating my skin tone has evened out quite a bit (no more dark under eye circles, redness, acne, dryness). Clean eating is the best makeup trick, and with the least amount of effort (gotta eat anyway right?) I've never looked better! Love it! :)

  80. Eating Clean helps me control my rosacea. My skin is clearer, more even and less oily. In fact, since I eat clean, I have a beauty routine. Before, I just didn't take care of my image. My self confidence is so much better now!

  81. Eating clean helps me look and feel my best! Beautiful skin begins on the inside and depends on what we put into our bodies.

  82. Eating clean and drinking plenty of water is sooooo good for clear, vibrant, fresh looking skin!

  83. I've noticed the same as many of the other women-my skin looks so much better. I don't have to use blush anymore, my cheeks just are naturally rosy now:)

  84. Eating clan has helped me notice a difference in my skin, but I have gotten many compliments on my overall appearance! My skin looks terrific, I'm feeling good, lots of energy and a general sense of well being.

  85. I used to eat a lot of sweets. Over the past 5 months I have been eating clean and have lost 16 pounds and feel great. My body, which I never thought possible, actually craves heathly food now! I don't eat anything that is not clean anymore because it makes me feel like crap. I now eat clean 100% of the time and I feel great! Thank you Tosca for giving me the inspiration to turn my eating around!!! Jaime

  86. i dont really need make up any more only on speacial occasions. im always to busy with my three kids . i workout and stay fit and eat right all year long so make up is not needed .i may look tired but i feel great cause i eat all things that i can grow in my back yard. i over endulge in fruit and vegies. ill eat meat like chicken breast . fish. ground meat that is low on fats. its hard cause money might be tigh at times butwhen i eat clean i dont really need much.

  87. Clean eating has affected my beauty routine in many ways! Obviously my skin is much clearer and I feel that I have a glow about myself! Clean eating also gives me more energy. Instead, of climbing straight into bed and sleeping in my make up I actually wash my face off and moisturize my skin with Bobbi Brown's hydrating Face cream! It has helped me in sooo many way!

  88. My skin is so radiant since I started Eating Clean! My skin used to be blotchy and sallow, and I needed to cover it up with makeup, but now I can let my skin shine through!

  89. Eating clean has made my routine easier in that I am not comfortable with just wearing a tinted moisturizer. My complexion and skin tone has improved by taking care of it from the inside.

  90. Eating Clean has improved my sleep, which has resulted in a reduction in under eye circles. My skintone and clarity is also improved.

  91. I can definitely tell when I have been eating "not so clean". My diet shows in my eating habits. With work and life, I have been struggling to eat clean as of late...and unfortunately, just in time for the skin is showing my poor last minute choices!

  92. It helped me with the green smoothie.. and it shows in my face..thanks

  93. My skin is much clearer. I've had issues with stress breakouts, but eating clean and working out helps with the stress and provides my skin with what it needs, instead of junk.

  94. Clean eating has helped me beautify my insides as well as my outside!!!!

  95. I found that I am happier and more joyfull when I eat clean and it shows on the outside. I kind of glow

  96. Eating clean has made my life easier by knowing what I'm going to eat each day. Not having to stand with the fridge door and the pantry doors open wondering what I'm going to eat for breakfast and to only eat a bowl of processed cereal. This allows more time getting ready in the morning which empowers me and gives me much more self esteem, because I get to spend time on ME.

  97. Clean eating has helped my face to be clear, and balance my hormones to way that I won't break out regularly. It is amazing!!

  98. clean eating has given me clear glowing skin! my husband loves it!

  99. eating clean makes feel and look younger :)

  100. green smoothies puts the sparkle back in my eyes! and skin!

  101. I am so thankful that I found Tosca and learned about Eating Clean. I am trying to lose weight, but while that takes some time, I feel better and have so much more energy. Thank you Tosca!!
    ~Keli Weinstein

  102. I first learned about about eating clean when I saw the very first issue of Clean Eating Magazine. It changed my life! I had no idea that all the white flour and sugar I had been eating was making me exhausted and and making my skin look dull. In my mid-30's now, I truly believe the ways of eating clean have given me radiant skin and has kept my naturally dark brown hair free of gray hair!

  103. I had a dental appointment last week and my hygienist looked in my mouth and was amazed at how healthy my gums and teeth looked.... hardly any plaque to remove! She asked what I was doing differently since my last appointment and I told her all about eating clean. I gave her the titles of Tosca's books and the website address. I'm sharing Tosca's wisdom with everyone around me :)
    My hair is much shinier and my skin also glows. What a difference eating clean has made!!

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. I've always had young-looking skin - thanks Mom! - but I know that eating clean helps with not only my face, but my skin on other parts of my body. I am generally healthier all-around and I love the way I feel and look!

  106. Eating clean is way of life that can only be understood by doing it!. The benefits are amazing and I can only hope to look as good as you one day! My skin is so much softer and has a smoothness to eat. Getting all these benefits from my food? Who knew...Tosca did :-)

  107. My nails are so strong! My friends are always asking me what I do to prevent chipping, I just tell them to borrow my clean eating books by Tosca!

  108. Eating clean helps me to be healthy!

  109. Clean eating has helped me have glowing skin, boundless energy, & completely cleared up my 'foggy' thinking. It has been a huge catalyst for me loving life again. Thank you!!!

  110. Better skin, brighter eyes, more energy...actually, better and more of...everything! I never liked oatmeal, until I tried the EC baked oatmeal recipe. Now, when I make that before my long walk on Saturday mornings, I know I am fueled up, and ready to conquer the world!

  111. I have just started eating clean. I am 6 months pregnant and my energy has skyrocketed!
    Love Bobbi Brown as well. Just began using her products this fall! :)

  112. My complexion has definitely improved since I have started eating clean. People have actually told me that my skin is glowing!

  113. Eating clean makes you feel great, especially with some nice new makeup!! :)

  114. most days I don't need makeup. Eating clean has made my skin smooth and pores smaller. I also sleep better, so no bags under my eyes!

  115. Eating clean and drinking plenty of water has helped clear up my complexion and smooth away the wrinkles. Before I changed my way of eating, I was spending way too much on anti-acne, anti-wrinkle and anti-aging products. I used to look in the mirror and think how old and 'haggard' I looked. Today, that couldn't be farther from the truth and I've shaved a good 5-7 years off my appearance...not to mention all of the other health benefits I reap :)

  116. Since eating clean I not only read food labels but I read the ingredient labels on my skin care and make up. Our skin is our largest organ so I make sure that I use natural and organic products whenever possible.

  117. Eating Clean means my skin & hair aren't dry & lifeless like they were before. I get complimented on both all the time. Plus I haven't had any problems with my eczema since I started eating clean.

  118. My skin is much more supple and luminous since I started eating clean. All I need is a little concealer and some bronzer/blush and my skin really glows!

  119. Can Canadians win? When I first started eating cleaning, I broke out everywhere for a few months. I guess it was my body detoxing. Now I find my skin to be more vibrant and notice that I don't dry out through the colder months like usual.

  120. Eating clean has helped me be more conscious of what I'm putting in my body. :)

  121. When eating clean and drinking a lot of water, I have fewer breakouts and my skin isn't as dry.

  122. I totally see the difference in my skin the day after I eat clean foods, especially salt, and sugary days would leave my face irritated and more red than usual.
    Of course I didn't notice this until I started eating clean and then would have a slip up! Perhaps this is vain, but while weight loss and fitness are long-term results, I can sometimes think "If I eat/drink that, I will look like **** tomorrow" and it keeps me from eating it!!! Whatever works.

  123. What has eating clean done for me? It has Enabled me to find alternative ways to eat and cook food i love. after years of having what a gastroenterologist labelled as "ibs", I have suffered from sorting out my food sensitivities. Tosca's cookbooks are my go to for enjoying a variety of food in creative ways that don't make me feel like I've bloated to two sizes beyond my real waist size! Now that is something!!

  124. As they say; YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! Eating clean has helped me not only look better, but feel better also. How you feel on the inside radiates to how you look on the outside. Eating clean isn't just about losing weight, it's about being a better person, and eating foods that help you get there. The Eat Clean foods I eat control not only how my skin reacts to hormonal changes (pms, menopause, etc.) it also affects my moods, outlook and overall well being. Can't you agree, when you look your best you feel your best? Bloating, lethargy caused by additives, and sugars, those things ultimately affect how you look and feel. I want to be at my best... and Eating Clean helps me get there! Good LUCK ladies...

  125. Eating clean has helped improved my skin tone and texture. I think drinking water has helped tremendously. I find that I use less products on my face, yet I feel even better about myself. It's a win-win situation! (Not to mention all the other great benefits of eating clean!)

  126. Eating clean has helped my skin to get purified and anti-aged. Also, I don't have to purchase expensive cosmetics contained with tons of chemicals.

  127. My skin is better and I don't have to "cover up" as much! Healthy fats make me glow!

  128. Cutting down on sugar was tough for me, but became easier when I noticed small acne bumps on my face disappear. The texture on my skin seemed improved too! Coincidence? Think NOT!

  129. Eating clean has made my skin feel better! I have never had much trouble with acne, but looking and feeling "vital" is so much better than how I have ever felt!

  130. The greatest difference I have noticed is the elasticity of my skin. Over 50 isn't exactly flattering when it comes to abdominal and upper thigh/ glute cellulite. I have noticed the greatest difference in regaining the natural elastic-ness of my skin that reduces thewaffle like appearance. The puffiness under my eyes is going away and I have a ton more energy. Thank you so much .. I love it !!!!!

  131. Eating clean makes me feel beautiful from the inside out.

  132. Eating clean has helped me make more healthy foods for myself as opposed to getting take out and breaking out in nasty hives all over my face and body from hidden ingredients that I'm highly allergic to and not realizing they're even in there. No more scratch fest for me!

  133. Ever since I picked up my first copy of Tosca's book my world has changed. I thought I had been eating clean but after reading her book I had to tweak a lot of things. My face has never seen a pimple and everyone always ask how old I am. I attribute this to eating clean and drinking plenty of water. My advice to everyone is eat foods with only one ingredient it can't get better than that!

  134. Eating clean helps my skin glow! I find with eating clean my eyes look more alive, clear and awake.

  135. Eating clean has brighten & hydrated my skin. My face has a healthy glow. Love my healthy fats especially.

  136. Eating clean is the best beauty tip. Youth covers a lot of sins but as you age you need to come clean for the best results. I have clear glowing skin and feel great. You are what you eat!!!

  137. I love that I don't have to use as much concealer under my eyes an my skin is alot less dry.

  138. Eating clean has made my beauty routine easier by adopting lifestyle changes that help enhance natural beauty.

  139. The more greens I eat and the more water I consume, the brighter and clearer my skin looks. I can rock a naked face all day long and I don't look tired or washed out!!

  140. Eating clean has changed my life! I feel so much better and my skin has never looked this clear!

  141. Hi Tosca, I've been trying to eliminate dry skin my whole adult life. Clean eating has certainly helped with that. I've also noticed my fine lines disappearing even though I'm nearing 50!

  142. Eating clean has made my skin so clear! My pores are smaller than ever

  143. Clean eating has definitely cleared my skin up! Way less breakouts!

  144. Dear Tosca,
    Eating Clean for has changed my skin, made it clearer, cleaner and more ' fresh' but it that is mainly because I have changed my insides and how I view myself. I never thought I would see myself as 'beautiful'. Formally weighing in at 245 pounds and having lost 90--I have a whole new view. It use to be ' I have lost all this weight' and now a year and half later and some struggles, it's an 'I have a new lease on life, I am on beautiful on the inside' and that shows the glow on the outside and THAT is where my true beauty comes from. I can't tell you how much this new lifestyle and cleaned up my skin, my body and my soul--it truly has changed my life in SO many ways so thank you!!

    Traci--The Walkerlady

  145. Eating clean has definitely helped my skin stay clear and I feel better too!

  146. Eating clean gives me more energy to work out which means less stress and less break outs!

  147. Eating clean has made getting dressed easier, everything fits better. So I guess there's been less stress as well LOL

  148. Eating clean has helped me feel healthier!

  149. Clean eating has helped me clean and clear my skin. It has slowed down the aging process and I have less break outs.

  150. Clean eating reminds me daily that you can't put a price on your health as my husband reminded me last week when grocery shopping. My food choices determine my energy, mood, skin, glow, attitude and show everyone else my health is a priority.

  151. My skin has never been better! Eating clean makes for a clean body!

  152. I feel more confident and more willing to take care of myself as a clean eater. I feel like if I'm going to spend the time and effort to care for my body by eating clean, that sense of wellbeing spreads into other facets of life such as beauty. The better you feel the more you glow from within, and that's exactly what clean eating does for you.

  153. I am now more motivated to pursue my daily exercise.

    go here

  154. There is defiantly something to say about Eating Clean and good skin! Your body shows outwardly put you are putting inward. I love the way my skin looks and feels when I am taking care of my Temple!

  155. What is funny about clean eating is that it has made me be much more creative when cooking than ever!:) And not only do I get joy from being creative, but also from eating healthy, knowing that I am treating my body well as I deserve, and accomplishing my goals!:)

  156. Clean eating has helped my energy level so I can run after my 2 and 3 year old kids !

  157. Bobbi and Tosca will both tell you that beauty begins with what you put in your body! It's absolutely true - what you eat is seen on your skin and I can always tell if I have slacked off with my diet by eating sugar or not enough veggies. The other biggies: hydration, sleep, and making sure to wash my face before bed...

  158. When you put in good nutritious food into your body you see good results. Less blemishes and brighter healthier skin is the payoff.

  159. My skin is so much healthier and literally glows. On the weekend I take the liberty of not wearing any makeup if I can and it is so nice! Thank you clean eating....!

  160. My skin is clear and bright so I don't have to use as much makeup but the make I do use looks flawless...

  161. I always thought I was very prone to acne. (I'm 29, that should be over by now.) But, after eating clean and drinking water properly I've found that it was the processed junk I was putting into my body, that was showing up on my face.
    I'm very happy I made the decision to eat clean & healthy!

  162. I would never have left the house without makeup before I started eating clean, now I often forget to put it on!

  163. Energy! Never mind the smaller size, losing weight and staying in shape.... I LOVE having enough energy to keep up with all of life! Not getting the viruses and flus going around (for several years now) is also a huge benefit!

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