
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 4 of Giving: Time in a Bottle

I am so excited to have two of the original Eat-Clean Diet Ambassadors, Chelle Stafford & Tracey Weaver, joining us today to share in the holiday giving spirit. Not only are they encouraging us to think outside of the box and save our pennies, but they are also suggesting ways to increase health and wellness for the people we love most. Thanks ladies. What a great idea!
Tis the Season! It’s that time of year when we each strive to get just the right gift for our dearest friends and family.  Many of us spend hours searching the stores for that special something, and never quite find it.  We tend to get caught up in the latest trends, and give things that don’t really represent our true feelings.  And before we know it, the season is over and our loved ones have a sweater instead of a sentiment of how much we actually love and cherish them!

This year we have vowed to do things differently! We aren’t going to say that we won’t be buying gifts; however, we will be giving our loved ones “Time in a Bottle”, too.  This “gift” works for everyone.

For example, Chelle’s grandma loves to go to the bookstore, but has no way to get there.  So Chelle will put slips of paper in a bottle (or mason jar, or other creative vessel!)  that say “An afternoon trip to the bookstore with Chelle.”

Tracey’s friend loves to change her home décor and pick her own fabrics.  Tracey is a handy seamstress, so she will put a slip of paper in a bottle that says “Bring me your fabric & I will sew up a set of custom placemats!”

Here are some ideas for your “Time in a Bottle” gift to get you started.  We especially like “gifts” that can help foster a life of health and fitness by spreading the Eat-Clean Diet word, too!

- Spend an afternoon at a local farmer's market
- Share your talents and help a loved one learn a skill (how about kettlebells?)
- Sign up for a Fun Run to do together
- Be someone’s workout partner or texting support buddy
- Give a pantry makeover – Eat-Clean Diet style!
- Schedule a weekly tea time to stay connected with a friend.
- Start a “health” book club & start with any of Tosca Reno’s books!

You know your loved ones best.  The key is to make the “gift” personal which will evoke feelings of specialness.

Be sure to tell us your great ideas for “Time in a Bottle”  in the comment section below!

Happy Holidays Everyone!!

Looking for more from Chelle? Join her on Twitter @chellestafford or on Facebook. You can also visit her on her blog - Recipe for Fitness.

Looking for more from Tracey? Find her on The Kitchen Table.


  1. I am a pretty good gift wrapper. I know that many people at my work with young kids don't have time, so last year I offered to wrap their gifts :)

    1. That's such an awesome idea, and so thoughtful!

    2. I love that! What a great way to give of yourself! Very thoughtful!!

  2. Great ideas! My sister loves to make greeting cards amongst other crafts. I am going to give her the gift of child free creativity time.

  3. I love this idea. I just was telling a friend yesterday while having some much needed coffee time that "time" is all we have. I took off work this week to connect/reconnect with friends for little visits. We have to make the most of our time. I will give coffee hugs (coffee time with hugs and laughter). For my nephew's wife, Mommy "me" time while I soak up some great aunt love and play time. I could go on and on.... Tosca, you are truly a gift. You make me feel so empowered and stronger because of your remarkable strength and courage. Praying for your during this special time of year.

  4. Giving the gifts of "Help with housework" to anyone of any age. They name the jobs!, "Child care" to parents so they can have some time without kids, "Help in the kitchen" to those with major events coming up such as graduation, wedding/baby showers, dinner parties etc. "Snow shoveling" for eldering relatives/neighbors and busy people!

  5. Hi Tosca, I am new to the blog so I looked into your books and lifestyle. I think your concepts are terrific and your advice is PERFECT! Yes, eating clean is a way of life and there is no "counting" or points. I have been successful with this way of life for the past 6 years and love it. I am healthy and loving my life.

  6. I think your concepts are terrific and your advice ..

