
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 6 of Giving: Skechers GOrun 2 Giveaway!

"On the 6th day of giving Tosca gave to me - a new pair of Skechers GOrun 2s!" Like that little ditty? You'll like it even more if you win. Skechers Canada has generally offered to giveaway 1 pair of men's and 1 pair of women's Gorun 2 running shoes. How awesome is that?!? Be entered to win by commenting below on why you (or someone you know) needs a new pair of runners this season. Be sure to check back tomorrow for the winners. Wondering what these shoes are all about read a little message from Skechers including why they are Olympic-worthy footwear...
What a hot shoe!
Skechers GOrun 2 is the next generation of a serious minimal running shoe, designed for speed with innovative performance technologies to promote a midfoot strike. Super lightweight at 6.2 ounces for men and 5.2 ounces for women, the Skechers GOrun 2 works as a great transitional shoe to foster a barefoot running experience. Did we mention it’s also the official shoe of Meb Keflezighi, a world-class marathoner who finished 4th overall in the marathon at the London Games? Performance and style fused together like never before.

For more information on the Skechers Performance Division, Like Skechers Canada on Facebook and follow on us Twitter.


  1. Those are sweet shoes! I run a lot and all of my training shoes have holes in them - I could use a new pair. Marathon number 6 coming up for me in May...

    1. I'm so glad I'm not the only one with hole in my running shoes! Haha! Mine are pretty beat up, as well. My favorite pair I'm simply having trouble letting go of because they're so comfy. I swear I have tape on them, and insoles for extra padding and will probably only stop wearing them when the sole starts to come apart.

  2. I currently own 3 pairs of the original GoRuns and am excited to try the new GoRun 2s! These are my favorite running shoes by far!

  3. I'm kind of in the place you were when you got your life together, Tosca - just turned 42 and 30 pounds overweight with three little kids. I've been running off and on for the past six months, though, and my current running shoes are worn through at the heel (heel spurs!) so I definitely need new ones! I'm ready to make a new start and get serious in training for Gate River Run in early March in Jacksonville, FL!

    Amy Wright

  4. My shoes are worn out and I am training for a triathalon, I need new shoes!

  5. My shoes are on the verge of breaking down and these would be great replacements!

  6. Here is the thing. I started running three years ago and got to a place where I was finally happy with my body, endurance and skill set. I am now 42 and have found myself going backwards, again. My nephew was killed tragically a year ago and my daughter witnessed the whole thing. He was 14 she was 12. I have taken the past year off healing her, my family, my brother and parents. I put myself on the back burner. I gained 40 lbs this last year. I now have plantar fasciitis due to the weight gain. I need to start running but....I don't have the money to buy new shoes. This would be a blessing to win a pair. I've tried running or walking in my old pair, they are too worn out. My feet kill and I stop. I recognize I have been unhealthy and have started to eat food again and work out. I really need new shoes. Thank you and God bless.

  7. I was right on track with finding me again when my husband walked out the door and didn't come back. I am now a single mother of 3 girls and I am determined to keep going!

  8. Skechers are high on my Christmas wish list!! Since my husband left me on our June anniversary for another woman, I have been eating clean and working out to help myself both physically and emotionally. It really works too as I have lost 30 lbs not to mention about 185 lbs of lyingcheat :-)

  9. I would love to be able to give these amazing shoes to my daughter Renee in college. She is training for a half marathon and has called saying her shoes are falling apart. Thanks

  10. I am frequently active in my step aerobics class as well as my boot camp class- the problem is I am very prone to getting shin splints frequently, and it's almost been a year since I purchased a new pair of running shoes! I am a full time student and a casual nurse who would absolutely love the gift of sketchers shoes!!

  11. I am entering a new phase in my life and trying to find things that inspire me to continue working out and try new things (like learning to love running) are what I am all about. I would love to win these so me and +1 can run!

  12. Awesome shoes! My friend and I are training for a 5 km holiday season run together. We alternate our workout days and provide babysitting for each other. Future Olympians in training! :)These shoes would put a definite spring in our stride!

  13. I need these shoes because my husband always gets mad at me because I go out running at night dressed in all black...Shame on me. I just bought myself a pair of mitts with reflective patches on them as well as a light. With these shoes too, everyone would see me running. Plus I just completed my first 5K race and have signed up for my second, The Brita Resolution Run on January 1st, 2013. A new pair of shoes would be a great thing to win as my shoes now are over a year and a half old. Old shoes = injuries Skechers GOrun 2 = running in style = no injuries.

  14. As a fitness instructor I go through shoes like crazy!!! It would be fantastic to win a pair instead :)

  15. Putting on a new pair of shoes for my 5am group fitness classes is just what I need to stay motivated through the holiday season!

  16. I need a new pair of runners because I am a mom and grandma and their shoes come first.

  17. I would love a new pair of runners as I am just starting my "get healthy" journey to prepare my body to become a mother in the hear future.

  18. I am overworked, and under-exercised! I could REALLY use some of these awesome shoes to inspire me!

  19. I would love to win a pair for my brother and myself. We can wear matching shoes and go challenge each other on 5K runs. He never buys himself anything nice because he is always giving to others. This is perfect!

  20. Just started the eating clean diet. Would love a new pair of shoes to help me with my motivation.

  21. I have 2 mini-marathons coming up and these would help the drivers see me as I train in the snow!

  22. I need these sweet new pair of runners this season so I can get in shape for the first time in my life at 46. Thanks for the chance to win.

  23. I've just recently started running and my brother has challenged me to complete the Blue Ridge Marathon. My current running shoes are showing the years and they make training a bit uncomfortable. It would be great to be able to train and finish the BRM in a new pair of sneakers.

  24. I'm just getting into running.. these are SO cool

  25. I've lost 20 lbs with just diet alone. I think a new pair of sneakers would motivate me to start moving more and to get those last 20 lbs off.

  26. Training for a Survivor Mud Run and my shoes are due to be retired.

  27. I'm just now at the point where I can actually say that I like the way my lungs burning feel :) Which probably means it's time for new runners!

  28. I need a new pair of runners because I use having an old pair as an excuse to not run. It's not my favorite activity, but I do it because it challenges me. I need to get out of my comfort zone in the same way I push my personal training clients to get out of theirs.

  29. I need new shoes!!! Mine are old and wornout and new shoes would be the best motivation to get out there and get moving!! Especially these bright and colorful ones, who wouldn't look at them and want to strap them on and go for a run?

  30. I so need new runners, the bounce (cushioning) in mine are all gone...I guess that's a good thing, since it means I use them often, but not so good for my knees and feet.

  31. I have not bought myself new runners in 2 a single mom and small business owner everything is about paying the bills and taking care of my girl..not much left for me. I don't let my lack of new shoes stop me from working out as I train with my boxing trainer barefoot but I sure would love & appreciate after knee surgery in June this year a new pair of comfy runners now that I have started working on my running on the treadmill & climbing the stairs again here in Hamilton :)

  32. I'm just about to deliver my 4th baby and they would be the perfect gift to get my body back in shape!! :)

  33. I'm starting a workout and eat clean program tomorrow. I recently had a baby and had bad experience with my c-section incision getting infected. So now that I'm in the clear, I'm ready, determined to get by body back to the best its ever been for my upcoming 30th birthday. I hope to one day hit the stage and wear my stripes proud!!! Those sneakers would just set the stage to new beginnings :)

  34. I would really appreciate a new pair of runners because i have run right through the soles and the heels of my two pairs i have bought this year, a good pair of running shoes is expensive and not affordable with my income, but i love to run because it has helped me lose weight and start to feel better about myself. God Bless and Happy Holidays to whomever wins!

  35. I haven't purchased a pair of running shoes since summer of 2011. I love running, but with such a strict household budget, can't find it in there to buy a pair! Kids come first! Whomever gets that cool pair of shoes, I hope they put them to good use. The track up the street is calling my name...

  36. I'm training for my first ever 1/2 marathon, and I need some great running to shoes to kick my training into gear! My old running shoes are falling apart, and I've run over 500 miles in them - they are ready for retirement!!

  37. I am training for my first half-marathon (mom of 5) and I would love these shoes! I have lost 50 lbs, 50 more to go! These would be great motivators for me.

  38. I would love to give a new pair of running shoes to my husband. His current pair actually has a HOLE in the heel of the sole. Seriously. Wish I could post a picture. He was recently laid off when his company closed so he refuses to spend money right now to buy new sneaks.

    It makes me feel bad every time I ask him to go running with me! It would be a great gift for me to surprise him with this Christmas.

    Thank you for your wonderful giveaways and your Eat Clean books! My hubby is a Vegetarian who loves your Eat Clean Vegetarian Cookbook.

  39. I am a 2nd yr Kinesiology student and I worked with Shauna-Leigh last summer and this spring to bring you to Fort Frances! I am a runner and my current running shoes have been well used for the past year. New shoes are needed and I can guarantee you if I receive those ones they will be well used.

  40. I currently have a pair of go walk shoes and LOVE them. I would like to start running and these would be the perfect shoes

  41. I have a lot of injuries to my legs and back, so I constantly need to be changing my shoes in order to keep training without being in too much pain or making my injuries worse. I change shoes almost every 3 months, but to be honest, it costs a lot so I haven't bought a new pair recently and am quite overdue. i keep the "old" ones for playing at the dog park with my dog, those get pretty muddy!

  42. I was put on bed rest for 3 months (2 in hospital) for pregnancy. My sweet son was born on the 17th of November and passed away 3 days later. My body is so overweight and trying to recoup from his loss, my cesarean and the havoc 3 months in bed did to my body has been hard. I would love something to motivate me to be healthy and get my body to healthy so that I can work on being happy.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. I have fibromyalgia and have found that sketchers have been the best shoes to cushion my step when I walk. I have tried other brands, but nothing works as well sketchers. With fibromyalgia, I'm in pain all day, everyday and am always looking for the littlest thing to make my day more comfortable/tolerable. The cushioning and support I have with sketchers helps reduce the impact of my foot striking the floor/ground enough to notice the difference between sketchers and other brands. There are days I can't stand shoes, clothes, jewlery or anything because of the sensitivity and pain, but any time I can find the littlest comfort/support, I make the most out of it.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I recently lost 45 pounds eating clean and working out and reinvented myself as a professional personal trainer and wellness coach to help others on their fitness journies. A snazzy new pair of shoes would be great for runs in High Park while I dream up awesome new workouts for my clients! As well, my dream is to do a half marathon and plan on tackling the Goodlife Half Marathon in May.

  47. Check out those beauties! Shoes like that would be another great incentive to get out there and hit it hard! To date I've committed myself to eating clean, daily trips to the gym and educating myself on nutrition and training. Here's to 40 being the new 20 ;) Thanks for the opportunity Tosca and Skechers!!

  48. I had a baby at the age of 43 in July and started Eating Clean in far I've lost about 15lbs. I have yet to start exercising. A hot pair of new Skechers are just the motivation I need:)

  49. I would love a pair of new running shoes! Just bought your eat clean recharged book and loving every second of it! Thanks for being an inspiration and motivator!

  50. My Husband & I could both use a new Pair!! We just had a New Wellness Centre open here & We could use new Sneakers!! We also Have 4 children so this close to Christmas we are extremely Broke :)

  51. New shoes would be awesome for me and the man. I've challenged myself to run 1000 miles this past year and I'll though I'm going to fall a bit short, I've gone through a lot of shoes this year.

  52. I want! I want! I am starting training in January for the Toronto Women's half marathon and I need new shoes! Thanks!

  53. Hi Tosca. I am a new runner and my younger sister who is the jogger in the family insists on me getting a new pair of runners. I would love these shoes. Thanks;)

  54. I am in need of a new pair of running shoes so bad right now. I am a single mother who is putting myself through college, working full time, and supporting my two amazing children. Both myself and my daughter are runners and we go through shoes like crazy. I will buy her a new pair of shoes before I spend the money on my own. At this point we both need new shoes. You have been such an inspiration for me to be the best version of myself. Reading The Eat Clean diet years ago started me on my path to health and happiness. I am now going to school for dietetics!

  55. I am currently dealing with some health issues that are stopping me from running. These shoes would be the perfect motivation to get me going again once the issues are over with.

  56. I would love to win a pair! I am running my 2nd half marathon the day after I turn 30, and could use a new pair to run in! :)

  57. Hi Tosca, I gained 90 pounds as a result of an auto immune disorder and the medications I had to take to treat it. The medications made me puffy and lethargic. I have just started eating clean and going to the gym again. Honestly, I am embarrassed when I enter the gym and go for walks in my neighborhood because of my weight gain. I need a new pair of running shoes and a beautiful stylish new pair would help my confidence as I head into this new journey. :)

  58. Ooooh these are adorable!! I really need a new pair of running shoes as I've pretty much worn out my last pair during marathon training this fall :) I'd love to win a pair as all my disposable income is currently consumed by Christmas shopping!!

  59. I'd love to have these! I'm just starting to get back into an excerise program and these shoes would be an awesome start to give me just the right inspiration I need!

  60. These shoes are fun and colorful - just like me! They certainly would make the morning runs a lot more exciting.

  61. Just looking at these shoes takes me somewhere tropical! Yes I know I should be used to the weather in Canada, I'm not complaining! I've lived here all my life and love it!! But please Tosca pick me because every time I put on these shoes something tell me I am going to work harder and run farther!

  62. I've lost 90 pounds eating clean (and I'm not done yet!!). As I get healthier each day I look for new ways to crank up my fitness activities to keep my metabolism fired up. Recently I've started adding running intervals to my daily brisk walks. There was a time in my life that I never thought running would be possible for me. I've heard that having a good pair of running shoes makes all the difference and I'd love to test the theory with these bright beauties!!
    Thank you, Tosca!

  63. I have done 3 5Ks this year, my first ever, and I look forward to many more next year. My running shoes have about had it, though, so it would be great to win a new pair!

  64. I'm training for my first 100 Mile ultra in April of next year and I'm sure I will run through MANY pairs of shoes in that time. I love that Skechers was willing to make such a generous donation!

  65. I have been inspired by your recent competition and have decided to hire a pro trainer and compete in a fitness model or figure show in May 2013! I definitely need new shoes for the amount of cardio I'll have to do to burn all this fat away!

  66. Oh I love these! They sure would add a pop of color to my otherwise neutral workout clothes!

  67. I will be 40 in 163 days. I need to drop 25 pounds before then and adding running to eating clean seems like a great way to do it!

  68. I'm just finishing my 1st 12 week challenge today and I'm not yet sure what I should do to celebrate. These would be enough and I'd love to wear them as I start my next challenge!

  69. I have developed shin splints and am now only using an eliptical. I would love to get back to the track, but I think I need a new pair of shoes.

  70. I'd love to win a pair! After taking care of everyone elses lists, the monies are spent! Can Santa leave a pair under the tree for momma?

  71. I need some new running shoes for the winter months! Even though it's chilly out, I live in FL and will enjoy running in the cool weather with my cool Skechers!

  72. My sister could use a pair of runners! She is a single mom of three boys and every week is a struggle to pay bills and put food on the table. She is overweight but can't afford to spend money on gym passes but of she had shoes she could start running. :)

  73. I would love these because I am going to kick my trainging up and hope to compete next year. These will help with the sprints:)

  74. These would be great to start running again!

  75. Wonderful giveaway! As a full time student i cannot afford new runners, even though they are on the top of the list!

  76. Single mother of two! I need to get some new running shoes! I wanna run til I don't giggle anymore!

  77. I had a running injury and am ready to get started again!

  78. Well, I would love to win these shoes to remind me that I am not doing this alone. And that I can and will lose the weight while being a single parent to a 3-year old. Thank you so much for inspiring us all! Hoping to one day be a sister in iron.


  79. I've wanted this shoe since seeing it reviewed on shoe talk. I just started making the switch to a minimalist shoe after becoming injured after the Athens half marathon with IT band issues. This would be awesome, been searching for this shoe in stores with no luck. Please consider me.

    -Single father of an 8 yr old daughter

  80. I need a good looking shoe! I'm wearing old, bland mens running shoes that are worn out on the bottom. I need to bring some more energy to my look & my steps!

  81. The tip of my shoe is coming off and the bottom of my shoe has large patches peeling off! Please...I need new shoes!

  82. These are beautiful! I'm looking for a good running shoe and my pair are just about done for!

  83. My husband was laid off and I was put on disability for a while. The budget is extremly tight and there just isn't the money in it for new shoes for us especially with 2 kids. However we are not letting are circumstances get us down. We are focusing on what we can control and know that we will get through this. So we continue to walk and get strong by weight lifting and would love the new shoes to help us continue our journey in health and fitness and to help us to walk through this storm in life and into the sunshine again.

  84. These look like awesome running shoes, I can't ever seem to find some that I truly love til they absolutely wear out. I just graduated from graduate school and am having a super difficult time finding a job and paying those loans (i have a temp position making minimum wage and live on about $100 extra after those loans are paid each month). Going to the gym and/or walking my puppies is about the only thing that keeps me going on a daily basis. These shoes would defintely help brighten my day, give me a boost in my step, and give me that extra kick of motivation to switch my workouts up a notch.

  85. How amazing are these??!! And since I don't own, and never have owned, running shoes, I would LOVE to have them! In the grip of winter in here in southern Alberta they would be very handy :) Pick me! Pick me!

  86. Wow, these lime green and watermelon Sketchers GOrun 2's are fierce and would make any tootsies fly fast! I am 40 lbs lighter than when the year started all thanks to eating right and walking 10,000+ steps each day. There's more to lose and more walking to do, however I have noticed that my walking is getting faster these days and developing into a walking sprint or modified run. The Sketchers Shape Ups I currently wear are too heavy for running so it makes perfect sense to graduate to the GOrun 2. Thanks for the chance Tosca.

  87. My niece began running competitively last year and I'd love to give her a pair of colorful Skechers for Christmas :)

  88. I would love to have some new Skechers! I am just starting the eat clean diet, along with working out daily. I always love having new workout gear to motivate me!!

  89. My old shoes need to be replaced & I'd love to try Sketchers!

  90. I had to take a leave of absence from work to care for my sick husband. My training and everything else has taken a back seat for awhile. I'm just getting back in the workout groove (TODAY!) and I NEED new runners but there is no money in the budget for them. These would be a Christmas wish come true >:)

  91. I have five children, four under ten, just returned to work and will be going back to school this January to work on my Bachelor's Degree in Leadership. I just recently discovered my spouse has been being unfaithful for the last eight months and just today got news of the father of two of my sons having just passed away only five days ago on December 3,2012. I have sensed for some time a change coming just around the corner and want to start with myself. Maybe then I can make sense out of a life that seems far out of control, by getting in control of myself first!

  92. i just bought 2 pair of go run and when i got home one pair is uu-stitched on the tongue and I just drove 75 miles to buy them and will have to drive 75 miles back to return them. I was so excited to final buy a pair just to find out i have to return them. I looked on and found the go run 2 and would love to have this pair. Love the look and feel when i tried on just the regular go run.

  93. I am entering a new phase in my life and trying to find things that inspire me to continue working out and try new things..

