
Monday, November 19, 2012

In Robert's Honour

Today is the day toward which we have been putting a lot of time and effort. It is the grand re-opening of the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic (RSNC) at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM)in Toronto, Ontario where we have donated in order to have a clinic room in Robert's honour.

Robert used a combination of conventional and naturopathic medical care during his battle with cancer. You can read more about his journey and his wonderful doctors here.

As a way to give back to the community, myself and Robert's doctors decided it was best to donate to CCNM and the RSNC, further facilitating the integration of medicine. Robert benefited best from a combination of care.

RKP has also made a donation to outfit the Sports Medicine rehab room at the clinic. Patients will now have complete care and it furthers RKP's mission to provide support for the individual who wants to improve his or her physical, mental and emotional well being.

It will be a great honour today to stand with my children and see what our hard work has done.

We also thank you for your support along this journey. We honestly wouldn't have been able to do it without you.

You can read more here.


  1. Thank you for doing that Tosca - I believe it will benefit numerious families in multiple ways... You and your donation are definitely inspiring!

  2. That is such a neat gesture. I am sure many will benefit from this. I love the new blog look.
