
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving America - I'm Celebrating with You!

My mother and I travelled to Michigan to celebrate Thanksgiving with my brother Ron and his family.  The weather here has been spectacular and very conducive to exercising and getting outdoors.  Yesterday I trained at The Arctic Coliseum which is really a series of ice rinks, but includes a gym as well.  My brother's entire family plays hockey including their endurance athlete mom, Tammy (she is a Sister in Iron aka Sister in Speed).  It felt great to move the old body around in the weight room.

It is exciting to be here in Ann Arbor visiting fun places, seeing all the fit people (Ann Arbor is one of the fittest cities in the USA) and checking out the Zingerman's line of food shops.  They were featured in the movie "The Five Year Engagement" - check it out this weekend for a laugh.  But Zingerman's is an Ann Arbor destination where you can buy superb breads, desserts and other baked goods, cheeses, ice creams and butter made from the milk of grass fed cows, peanut butters and finally my favourite, delicious coffees!  There is something for everyone here.

Today is Thanksgiving Day but more importantly, Turkey Trot Day in this neighbourhood where my brother lives.   I am starting the day off with a 2.5 mile run.  Just about ready to roll out the door into the mild November temperatures.  Afterwards Ron and Tammy have invited their friends over for coffee and treats.  Tammy spent the day baking yesterday - I wash't much help but I did supervise the "clean" aspect of food.  It will be fun.  Hope I can keep up with the runners.  Perhaps I will be the one trotting while everyone else is running.

Later today I will send you details about our Thanksgiving Day Meal but for now I want to let you know how thankful I am for all of you who follow the Eat-Clean Diet and Tosca Reno.  You give me the spark I need to work harder and harder!  Thank you.

I am also grateful for my loving family who has stood beside me through so much this year.  Thank you girls!

Finally I am thankful for the gifts Bob has given me.  They will stay with me always.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!



  1. What a lovely post, Tosca. I'm from the Ann Arbor area, but live in Idaho now. I miss those beautiful Michigan fall days. Hope you enjoyed your run and the day with your family!

    After reading several of your books, I started eating (strictly) clean about 4 months ago and have added frequent and heavy lifting (I'm a marathoner) to my workout regimen. It's going great and I thank you for your example and wisdom. After sharing your books with a friend, she has also changed to a clean-eating lifestyle and today she and I have prepared our first clean Thanksgiving feast for our families to enjoy! You inspire!

  2. I'am glad to read the whole content of this topic and am very excited.Thank you.

