
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Off the Couch Cuties Kelsey & Rita Share Stories & Recipes

Today we get to here from the latest Oxygen Collector's Issue cover girls - Off the Couch cuties Kelsey Byers & Rita Catolino. They share their stories and recipes with you below. Loving this? Get your own copy of Off the Couch by commenting below. We'll choose 3 winners.

From Kelsey: Eat Clean & follow your dreams
I am Kelsey Byers, one of Oxygen’s new Off The Couch cover girls.

I have lost about 50 pounds since college.  I lost quite a bit of weight by avoiding both fast food and alcohol, however, the real results did not come until I started Eating Clean.  By that I mean eating non-processed meals every three hours therefore eating 5-6 meals a day.  This meal frequency keeps my metabolism sky high and allows me to keep my body lean year round.

I learned to choose a lean protein and complex carbohydrate at each meal.  Eating complex carbs allows your body to use the food as fuel for energy versus storing fat.  I avoid simple carbs such white bread, white pasta, white rice, chips and other snack foods.  I stick to complex carbs such as oatmeal, whole-wheat bread, brown rice, beans, sweet potatoes, grits and wheat or corn tortillas.

I hired a nutritionist to help me with my portion sizes and that made the biggest difference in my physique.  My body was able to hold more muscle and my midsection got really lean.  Within just 3-4 months of Eating Clean, my body had completely transformed itself.  Eating measured portions of clean, complex carbs helped me to achieve the body of my dreams.

I would like to share one of my favorite recipes that helps curve my sweet tooth and still eat my proper portions of protein and complex carbs.

Egg-White French Toast

Photo Credit: Kelsey Byers

Olive-oil based cooking spray
6 egg whites
2 pieces of whole-wheat bread
Ground cinnamon


1. Lightly coat a medium-size pan with cooking spray.
2. Turn your stove burner to medium heat and place the pan on top of the burner.
3. Once the pan is hot, place one piece of whole-wheat bread in the pan.
4. Pour three egg whites on top of the piece of bread in the pan.
5. Let the egg whites soak into the bread and then use a spatula to flip it bread over to its other side.
6. Once the other side has cooked for a minute or so, continue flipping the piece of bread over using the spatula, until both sides are slightly brown and fully cooked.
7. Use spatula to place the first piece of toast on a plate; then repeat with the 2nd piece of bread and three more egg whites.
8. Once 2nd piece of toast is cooked, place on the plate with the 1st piece of toast. I sometimes add a little ground cinnamon at this point.

Enjoy your healthy and sweet meal!

From Rita: Changing my life one bite at a time

Photo credit: Rita Catalino

Here's  how a pasta-loving Italian woman lost over 30 pounds and 15 percent body fat and took back her life with the Eat-Clean Diet.

Some of you may know me as Tosca’s Trainer, but there is (and was) a lot more to Rita Catolino.  I am a former unhealthy, unshapely, un-everything woman who has transformed herself into a new healthy, shapely and anything-goes woman, thanks to the Eat-Clean Diet and resistance training! This new way of life, which helped me lose over 30 pounds and 15 percent body fat has led to a career change, a new found sense of confidence and leadership, the opportunity to train and coach my mentor Tosca Reno, as well as landing me on the cover of my favourite magazine, Oxygen’s Collector Issue - Off The Couch! I am thrilled to be able to share my story and hopefully inspire, motivate and educate other women and men to start making proper health decisions one step, one bite and one rep at a time.

The first step in my transformation came with education on proper nutrition and how to fuel my body.   I learned how to eliminate processed and packaged foods, and started looking at what mother nature offered, slowly changing my palette and taste buds.  Sweet potatoes started to taste very sweet, and my heighted sense of taste craved fresh sweet raspberries and tart blueberries over sugar-laden cookies and cakes.  Growing up in the Italian culture, white pasta and bread were daily staples.  I started to eat these “treats” in moderation and making different versions including brown rice pasta or sweet potato gnocchi made with coconut flour.  The results of my new lifestyle were doubly rewarded − I learned to love new flavours and enjoy food at a different level as well as “uncover” the optimal Rita that was covered way too long in layers fat, guilt and unhappiness.

But don’t forget your greens!

Vegetables are a great source of clean carbohydrates, and through my transformation I have relied heavily on leafy greens and bright red tomatoes and peppers to first fill my plate and give me the energy I need to navigate through my day. Starchy carbs like yams and sweet potatoes, or butternut and acorn squash help my refuel post workout and have substituted unhealthy processed carbs like flour and sugar in many old “not clean” recipes into clean, energy-giving, craving-curbing goodness!

I cannot thank the Eat-Clean Diet Team, Tosca Reno or Oxygen magazine enough for giving me the guidance to take back my life and a platform in which to live it.  Grazie Mille.

Don't miss my Pumpkin Protein Mini Muffins!


  1. I'd love a copy! I still have 18lbs to go before I 'uncover' my real body. I hope I look like Rita when I finally get there!

  2. Great blog! I check it daily. You truly are an inspiration. I am on my journey to clean eating and am struggling a bit, but I know with the motivation from reading your blog I can do it. Thanks for all your information.

  3. I am currently on the road to eating clean and am struggling a bit. You guys are such an inspiration. I check your blog daily and hope something is there, you are my motivation. Keep of the good and I would love to see this special edition isn't Oxygen. Thanks for sharing your stories.

    1. Sorry for the double post, I was having trouble.

    2. Sorry for the double post, I was having trouble.

  4. I would love to win a copy. I have been following Tosca's journey and it has inspired me to clean up my diet and push heavier weights.

  5. Love to read their whole story in this issue. Would love to receive a copy!

  6. You are so inspiring especially to us older folks! I lost 115 pounds in 2003/2004 and I'm still keeping most of it off, winning this will give me another tool to use to keep me going strong. Thanks for your blog!

  7. Thank you ladies. Clean eating and heavy lifting is the only way to go and this is from someone who used to HATE working out! Sisters in iron rock!

  8. It's hard to beleive either of these women had 30+ pounds to lose....but a true inspiration! I'm currently trying to lose 65 myself and it's a tough many temptaions and battles but the biggest one is the one in our heads and with ourselves! Thank you so much for continuing to inspire and teach us!!

    Much love!

  9. I can't wait to see what happens this weekend!!!! Good luck! I hope I win too!! haha

  10. Thanks for sharing your stories. I have always been thin but am learning that thin is not always healthy. Working hard to become healthier by eating clean - and trying to become more consistant at getting to the gym because I know that eating clean is only 80% of the journey. Thanks again for the motivation.

  11. I would love a copy!!! I lost 25lbs and still have an other 25 lbs to loose! You and Bob have always been there for me in the good and bad moments of my life. Thanks for everything!

  12. I love reading these stories. They are an inspiration to me and so many others! Thank you!

  13. Cool, I love that you share some of the stories here on the blog. I would love a copy of the magazine! Thank you!

  14. I am on my way to losing fat and gaining muscle--eating clean 85% and resistance training! I've quit sugar, for the most part; I'm weaning off of it bit by bit and plan to be completely sugar-free by November 1! You both inspire me! No longer a couch potatoe, Deb H

  15. Would love a copy - each one is always so inspiring!

  16. Would love to win a copy! Great work ladies... truly an inspiration!

  17. I would love a copy! These stories are so inspiring. My husband and I have been making Clean Eating Meals for the past month and enjoy making new recipes.

  18. Cant wait to try the egg-white french toast!! My sister is obsessed with french toast! Time to sneak in a healthy option!!! Thanks for this! xoxo

  19. This is such a great post, I'd love to have a copy as well. You are so inspirational.

  20. I would love a copy! I am an Oxygen Magazine subscriber and love all the new recipes and workouts each month. I have lost 44 lbs since April 6th of this year and am hoping to lose another 20 lbs by April of next year! Everyone involved with the Oxygen Mag family are so inspiring! -Heather M.

  21. I would love a copy of this magazine. I am a newly certified Personal Trainer and I am always looking for new information and ideas. I am a fitness magazine addict......pick me.pick me:-))))

  22. I would LOVE a copy of the Off the Couch Magazine. I am on my weight loss journey and I have found that in the past the reading inspirational articles about people that have lost lots of weight (50-100lbs) helps keep me motivated to continue on. Im not discounting lossess less that 50 pounds but when those of use that have a road that is much longer to travel, its inspirational, motivating and encouraging to read articles that I can relate to.

  23. Eating clean is the tool to making a lifelong transformation. What I love most about it is that we truly enjoy the food we eat. It's amazing what happens when we have friends over and we cook for them. They comment on how well they feel after and that they don't feel like they ate too much (but in actual portions they ate more than they would normally eat). It not only affects our physiques but also our mental& spiritual well-being. Food has become a I love and no longer despise because of the way I look.

  24. Me, me, me!! I have struggled with my weight most of my adult life. I have found the only thing that truly works is a healthy lifestyle including heavy lifting and CLEAN EATING. Thank you Oxygen for all you do to promote a healthy lifestyle. I would love a copy of Off the Couch. I'm dirt poor and really want it!! :-)

  25. I'd love a copy!! I'm down 80+ lbs with 20 to go :)

  26. My hubby and I have been paying attention to what we eat over the last few years - and yet, our weight hasn't budged a bit. We are much healthier, but I have weighed exactly the same weight for about ten years now. I really need to change that, and a copy of Off the Couch might help stimulate that change. Thanks for the chance.

  27. I am just starting my eating clean journey and you ladies are so inspiring. I'd love to win a copy and learn more! Thanks!

  28. I would LOVE to win a copy. You both are truly inspirational!! Eating clean has helped me lose weight without trying real hard. The food tastes great! Who needs refined sugars ??? I would love to have more recipes from this issue!!

  29. You two are so inspirational. I am winning my battle to lose my baby weight. I have had a few bumps in the road, and now my "baby" is 2 :-0
    I follow Tosca and her journey on Facebook, as well in Oxygen magazine. Gives me that motivation to "get of the couch" when I am having a down day. Eating is the hardest part, but I doing it.
    I would love a copy of the magazine. Any and all motivation and inspiration is a blessing!

  30. I would love a copy. I am currently on a Daniel fast which is basically fruits, veggies, grains, with water being the only drink for 21 days. It's kind of my boot camp for cleaning up my diet. I'd love a copy.

  31. I've been eating clean since May and would love to gave a copy of this magazine for more tips and tricks. Still trying to get my boyfriend and our kids to the clean side of eating. Thanks for the constant inspiration!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I don't know what I would have done without Oxygen, Eat Clean cookbooks, all the great inspiration from your contributors, and Tosca Reno! Because of learning how to eat clean and learning how to train my body, I'm down 87 pounds and my husband and son are on the Eat Clean train with me feeling so much better! My husband cooks recipes out of your magazines and cookbooks all the time - he is our firefighter hero and chef. I still have about 45 or so pounds to go so now I'm learning how eating clean doesn't mean low calorie, it means good calories...I just have to find ways to reduce those calories and portion sizes to break through this plateau! I can't thank you enough. I'll buy the magazine - just want you guys to know that you are changing my life, my husband's life, my son's life, and everyone else that will listen to me! Much love, luck in the competitions, and blessings to you! Keep fighting!

  34. Eating clean requires adequate planning and I suck at organization but you guys are so inspiring.Thank you for sharing your knowledge and being sisters in iron.:)

  35. I love to read anything that is helpful and encouraging when it comes to health.
    The smartest thing i ever did was give up sugar!
    I feel so much better and don't have any mood swings.
    I love you and all the things you do to help us get and stay healthy! keep up the good work.

    And yes, i would love to have a copy!!!

  36. When I am sitting at work all day feeling frustrated that I did not take the time to work out the night before because I was too tired, helping my kid with homework, cooking, cleaning and just doing my work ( from work since no one has a 40 hr week job anymore) It helps to read all these posts and tonight I will break out the TRX or do some push ups in between. I need something to "jolt" me back into my committment to me so I feel better and have more energy. I need that confidence back.. it empowers me to not fear change.. I need that now like most people. Yuo motivate and inspire me to do it for me. to feel good about me.. Thanks you for that!

  37. I was first introduced to Clean Eating when Tosca came to my local Health & FItness Expo in Belleville, On, back in 2009. I had just had a baby the year before, and wanted to lose the weight. I bought the books, but then didn't really look at them. Then I had my 2nd child, and that's when I really started to change my eating and exercise habits. Now I realize it is a lifestyle, and NOT a diet. I have lost most of the baby weight, but am looking to get leaner and stronger. I still have a ways to go, but I feel so much better and have so much more confidence about myself now since I made the change to Eat Clean. Thank you so much for being such an inspiration!

  38. Tosca's Eat Clean series has been transformational for me. I was in a pretty good place in 2010, almost down to my goal weight when I got pregnant. The first half of my pregnancy was awesome - I felt great, and only gained 18 pounds. However, about halfway through I started to become exhausted, and started gaining a LOT of weight. My OB didn't seem concerned, but I was. Well, fast forward to 7 months post-partum, and it turns out that my thyroid started to malfunction, and my primary doc thinks that's why I was so tired and gained so much during the second half of my pregnancy.

    I'm still working on getting back to where I need to be, and staying 100% on the Clean plan has been harder than before, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel :) With some help from a copy of the Off The Couch issue I'm sure I can get there :)

  39. I need to get off the couch! Really need this book for motivation.

  40. My favorite issues are the Off the Couch. Real everyday women who meet their goals!

  41. This recipe is just what I needed. Having trouble eating breakfast lately even though it is my favorite meal. Plus I love Off the Couch. It is another thing I look forward to in the fall.

  42. Love the idea of this recipe and the motivation from Off the couch! endless possibilites...

  43. You ladies are so inspirational - thank you!

  44. Working it one day at a time!
    Beautiful cover!

  45. I'm cooking all the time from Eat-clean recipes, and everyone loved the Carrot Soup (with sweet potato, juice from oranges, ginger) at Thanksgiving Dinner this past weekend! :)

    Thanks for continuing to inspire and keep us all motivated!

  46. I stumbled across Oxygen Magazine late in 2011 and started off 2012 experimenting and "trying" to eat clean. Being Mexican and loving our heritage food has been difficult. Kelsey and Rita are both extremely inspirational. I have been following Kelsey's facebook page religiously. My biggest problem (aside from evil Mexican food) is my hypothyroidism, I find that I don't have the energy to "get off the couch" after a full day of work! I would LOVE to win a copy of this special edition and learn what needs to be done. THANK you for all the extremely helpful information and recipes! I hope one day (not too far from today) I will be one of your inspirational stories! Much Love!! :)

  47. It is great to read articles about real life people who have overcome obstacles in their lives. It gives us the courage to take control of our lives to do with them what we want to become better as a whole.

  48. Oxygen has been an inspiration for me as a busy University student. each time i read the articles it helps me get my butt to the gym each day. With my homework, exams, friends and a job i don't have time for the gym... but Oxygen helps me understand you have to make time for the gym. i love the gym and i thank Oxygen and my sister for starting my love affair with weight lifting. ( i can now back squat 160lbs :D)

  49. What inspiring women! Thank you for sharing your stories, and to Tosca for being an incredible woman that has shaped my life more than she knows! My Mom taught me how to be unhealthy right from the get go, and now, since my re-education curtesy ofr Tosca and her Eat Clean Diet, I am teaching my Mom how to live life to its fullest! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  50. I would love a copy of Off The Couch! What a great magazine and blog and information that you put out, it is all very inspiring. Thanks :)

  51. They are gorgeous and inspiring. I am 42 and focusing on an clean diet too. Can't wait to see the results in a few months. I'd love a copy of the magazine!

  52. I am working with a trainer who subscribes to eating clean-one of many reasons I chose her, and I have lost 18 lbs, and 9% body fat so far. Lots of hard work, but sooooo worth it. I appreciate anything that keeps me on this path, so I would love to win Off! The Couch! Thanks for the contest.

  53. I love Oxygen and these Off the Couch editions are so motivating.. I've lost 36 lbs this year.. 30 more to go!

  54. Such an inspiration! I would LOVE to get my hands on a copy of this issue especially. My EAT CLEAN journey has just begun and at times it's frustrating - especially when a craving comes creeping up on me. I need this to keep with me at ALL TIMES so when I think about turning back, I can have a constant reminder! Thanks so much :)

  55. have lost almost 20% of my body weight since Christmas 2011 thanks to the Eat Clean Diet. I just completed a half marathon and shaved 15mins off my p.b. Thanks for your inspiration & for sharing your knowledge! (and please pick me to receive Off the Couch - thank you!)

  56. So inspiring! I feel so rundown when I don't eat clean and so powerful when I do. Keep up all the great posts. Your information is invaluable!

  57. I am within 10-12 pounds of being at goal. I am always inspired by others and their stories of hard work and good nutrition.
    Working in family practice health care, I continue to promote the Eat Clean Diet for my patients, friends, and family members.
    Would love a copy of the article for myself and my desk at work!

  58. Great inspirations! Since I've started following Kelsey I've stepped my game up a few notches and hope to get in the best shape of my life! Congrats on the cover photo!

  59. I actually don't need a copy because I HAD to buy it! This magazine kicked my booty last night with the 20 minute sizzle bootcamp routine! I loved it! Keep up the good work Oxygen!

  60. So inspiring. Way to GO Ladies! I have day 1 everyday. Just trying to take baby steps and try to improve everyday. Its a learning process, and a training process. Learning what I need to do to have a healthy life style, and training myself to have that healthy life style. Its not easy, but it will be worth it, because I am worth it.
    Thank you.

  61. Ahhh i love both you girls! Such inspirations! Would love to win a copy :)

  62. Very inspiring. Struggling at the moment to clean up my diet. Could use the extra info & motivation. Love your blog. Thx

  63. Just looking at your pictures is energizing! I would LOVE a copy of the magazine.

  64. Thank you for sharing!! I have been in need of a bit of motivation, and you've helped me tremendously!

  65. I would love to win a copy. I have a good 40 lbs to lose and could really use the information and inspiration. Thank you!

  66. Love the recipes. I'd also love a copy of the magazine, too. I searched everywhere locally and I couldn't find it! I even called B & N and they didn't have it or not yet. So, it'd be great if I won it *fingers crossed*

  67. I was going to buy this copy because I had been looking forward to getting it once I heard about it, but I didn't have the money to get it. Still don't yet. Not sure I can justify buying a magazine to my husband when we literally bought one stamp today to mail a bill. We usually buy a book of stamps. Things just aren't looking up, and it zaps any possibility of motivation. I could use some motivation. Gosh that sounds pitiful, but still the truth. :)

  68. Get Off the Couch!!! Well for me it would be more like Turn Off the Computer!!! I find it amazing how many hours one can spend in front of the screen. Especially lately for me doing all kind of research about our new puppy that will be arriving at the end of January. I am 52y/o I workout approximately 8 to 10 hrs/week. I do a variety of exercises: circuits (plyometric, multi muscle toning), weight lifting, cardio and biking. Until 6 months ago I was dry with a 12% body fat, 54kg for my 1m63cm frame, but pre-menopause or plain menopause came and I don't seem able to shake these extra 5kg off. Or may be 54kg is no longer my ideal weight.....I feel good, I feel strong, energetic, perky and have a nice muscle mass but I have these little handles of fat that settled at my lower back area. I see them every time I ware clothe that have an elastic lol. I can loose the weight for 4-5 days but it seem it always find its way back. I eat clean (I like to follow Tosca's recipes) except for the little glass of wine at diner sometimes (hey, I live in France and can't always say no to a nice Médoc) BUT even though the scale says 59Kg “I Will Not Give Up”. Why? Because for all the good I do my body, my heart, my lungs, my brain....Nothing beats the satisfaction after a good workout, the feeling of accomplishment, the words that come to mind after the last rep that kills.....YEAHH!!!... I am working towards my retirement, I think staying fit is worth more then all the money saved in the bank....I am planing a healthy path for my old age. If God’s willing, I will not need that much money for drugs and doctors consultations if I keep my health. So Get Off the Couch Ladies and Gentlemen! Believe you me, nothing is more motivating then putting on my running shoes and get on my bike to go to the gym. I haven't driven my car since February, I bike everywhere, whenever I can. Except on long distance trips of course. BTW living in France I will not find that issue on the shelf at supermarket. If my words are not chosen for the contest, could anyone suggest how can I get a copy of this issue Please? I am a faithful reader of Oxygen Mag, it is the best thing the mail man brings in the whole month lol. Many thanks to the Oxygen team, I appreciate the ideas on healthy living and all the exercises moves. Au revoir et merci

  69. My fiancé and I have just started our journey of eating clean and incorporating daily fitness into our lives. Three weeks in, and I'm down 14 lbs, while he's down 19, even with a newly broken foot! Many thanks to the inspiration from Tosca, Oxygen, and the Eat Clean team!!

  70. I would love to win a copy of "Off the Couch". You are a great motivator and your stories are all so inspirational. Sometimes we get to a point in our lives when we have to something for ourselves...and that's taking care of our bodies. We get caught up in everyday distractions, eat the wrong foods, find excuses for eating...yet we are the ones in control of our bodies. Learning to eat right and exercise is the best thing we can do for ourselves to stay healthy. I lost 75 lbs 10 yrs ago, I'm now 52 and struggle a little at least 10 lbs that needs to go, but would be thrilled with 20. My body is different now and losing is not as easy. I would love the chance to read the inspirational stories in this magazine and incorporate some of the recipes into my meals. Thanks for being such a great inspiration.

  71. Thanks for sharing Tosca you have truely been an inspiration to me. However, I still lacked the motivation to put the gears in motion, until just a few days ago, when I got on the scale and saw the weight creeping up on me. I it has been years since I have weighed this much and it truely scares. Me I am on day 3 for eating cleaning. So far so good, but I know it is just the beginning. My only fear is falling off the and having to start over again and over again with more weight to loose. I know weight loss is a slow and patient commitment and sometimes we reward ourselves too soon when we see the slightest achievement. Hopefully this time will be a success. What turned into 5 lbs to lose a few years ago is now 20 lbs to lose. Which scares me. Thanks for all your words in encouragement, you truly are a role model for women.

  72. Plain and simple...pick me!!! pick me!!!!

  73. I would love to add this copy of OFF THE COUCH to my Oxygen mag. collection. LOVE everything about the magazine and all of you hard working ladies(and gents) that make it all possible. I have a good 30 pounds to lose to get back to where I feel good and have more energy! HOPE TO SEE THIS IN MY MAILBOX!! :)

  74. I love Oxygen and really need to get my butt in gear! I need Get Off The Couch! I have gained 30 pounds in 1 year and really want to get healthy again! Hope I win!

  75. As I read this, I am guessed it...on the couch! I have recently started eating clean and would truly love a copy of this for motivation and inspiration!

  76. I am 25 pounds down, and 25 to go! Would love a copy, been looking everywhere for it :)!! Ive been following Kelsey through out my journey, she is so inspiring. As are Rita and Tosca ;)

  77. I'd love to win a copy- thanks for the chance!

  78. I so need a copy! I live in Belgium and they don't have ANY fitness magazines here :(

    1. Helo Aenor, I am Canadian and live in France and got a subscription with Oxygen (by far the best women fitness mag) through their webpage and I get my monthly issue in the mail. It never failes. You won't regret it.

  79. Very inspiring! I would love to see more! I have at least 60lb to lose and could use some motivation. :)

  80. Tosca, im about to be 25 (in october 27). I was overweight not too long ago. I decided to get my life together and get fit. I started doing p90x and eating clean. I went from 147 to 134lbs in 3 months. I have 15 lbs to go to my goal weight. I feel awesome! You inspire me sooo much!!

  81. I love this blog entry! I started from a similar place, but with more years on the ole' body! With Tosca's guidance, clean eating and daily trips to the gym I'm down 46 lbs since January 15, 2012 with only 19 to go before my 50th birthday in February 2013!

  82. I love reading all of these inspirational stories. It gives me the feeling that I am not alone on my journey. Earlier this year I was faced with a health scare that opened my eyes and made me realize that the only way I was going to get healthy was to have a proactive instead of a reactive approach to my health. I am so thankful to Tosca Reno and the many others that help to inspire me with their stories. It has given me the strength to take charge of my nutrition and my body. Thank You! I still have 80 lbs to go! Keep up the awesome work!

  83. I really love the concept of this blog.In June I decided to make a life style change and committed to getting fit. I was well over 300lbs pre-diabetic with high blood pressure. I was introduced to the 90 day challenge with Visalus Sciences via a frend and can proudly testify that I an down 62lbs, with a goal of 70 more pounds to loose. 2 Healthy protien shakes, 3 lo-cal snacks , a sensible meal and walking got me there and will help me achieve my goals. I was tired of Obese and morbid obese being attached to my name on my medical files and got tired of being sick and tired. I thank you for the information that you share as well...very inspirational. I do not eat red meat or pork and focus on lean protiens mostly fish.
    If anyone is interested in learning about the 90 day challenge please message me or log onto
    I wish you all luck on your personal journey to improve your life...As many of us have stated it's a struggle, but it can be done, whatever, your goal is...Be true to yourself, stay faithful, be accountible for your actions and grab a support system, and by all means stay tuned to this blog!
    Peace & Blessing Everyone
