
Thursday, August 16, 2012

You're Invited to Can-Fit-Pro 2012


From Tosca:
Plan to be Inspired!

Time to figure out what to do with your Saturday?  Why not plan to come down to the Metro Toronto Convention Center and join me at the Can-Fit-Pro event?  My daughters will be on the booth running the show with their usual charm and sunny energy.  One of them in the bunch may even have good news to share - there is always something happening around our house with all those beautiful daughters of mine.  Rachel has just competed in a triathlon and placed first in her age group.  Chelsea has just written the foreword in her father's new book, Tough Love Bob Workouts.  Kelsey-Lynn will be taking pictures behind the big Nikon - she may just be able to make you a star!  And Kiersten is the Social Media Queen with legs that are ten miles long.  Come see us and bring hugs for us - we have had a tough year.  Love is the thing that fills us up.

I will also be there making appearances on Friday at the opening ceremonies and again all throughout the day on Saturday.  I am speaking at a private session from 9:30-11am, and on the Lecture Stage in the exhibition from 3:30pm-3:50pm. I will be on the booth the rest of the time (booth #621).  My plan is to inspire like never before.  In my mind it is the Year of the Woman and we are here to clean house.

My new sidekick and coach, Rita Catolino, will be on deck as well.  She has been helping me get into shape for my upcoming contest.  Just two short years ago she was standing in line at the event as a personal trainer looking for my books.  Now she is on the other side having the time of her life.  We are both going to bring our A Game and you should see what she has done to my abs!  Never mind my butt!  You never know what is going to happen in life but I love the power of what women can create together.  Rita and I have got your back whether you are looking for inspiration, hugs, Kleenex (we cry too), love or just plain powerful positive energy, we have got it all.

I am looking forward to seeing you there  and I know there is a shining star among you just waiting to be discovered.

See you Saturday! And don't forget to get your FREE E-TICKET!

From Rita:
One Side of the Booth to the Other

This upcoming weekend, August 17-19th is the annual Can-Fit-Pro fitness show and conference in Toronto, Ontario.  Tosca and I will be there all day Saturday to motivate, meet, mingle and have some fun!  We are ready to have a blast with the Eat-Clean crew and all of the other hard working people behind the scenes!

Personally, for me this is more than just a conference. It is more than just a chance to meet you all, listen to your stories, and maybe offer some advice, a hug or smile. It represents what years of dedication, goal setting and perseverance have done for me.

Two years ago, while attending a Can-Fit-Pro as a personal trainer, I spent my time between courses eagerly waiting in line to get my Eat-Clean Diet book (the book that ignited my very own personal weight-loss journey) signed by my mentor, Tosca Reno.  I waited in line. I was nervous.  The line was full of women and men all sharing their stories of how the Eat-Clean Queen and team had influenced changed, and bettered their lives. It was pretty powerful - the line up to meet my mentor served as the journey to the final goal. Both were exciting and important.

I remember Bob coming through the line-up, chatting with his charming British accent to each and every person in line - listening with full-on attention, looking you in the eye, offering words of advice.  It was very comforting.  When I finally arrived to speak with Tosca, she listened to my story, offered some praise, signed my tattered book and got my picture taken with her - I was on cloud nine. It was great to tell the person who helped me change my life - THANK YOU. That is all I needed.

Fast forward to today - I am now in this whirlwind journey (please don’t pinch me if I am dreaming) with one of the most generous, hardworking, determined individuals I know.

I want to say Thank You again - this time on the other side of the booth.

I CANNOT wait to meet you all this weekend!


  1. Wow! I wish I was closer so I could be there this weekend! You two are fitness icons I follow, trust, and love! Thank you for inspiring me to reach further, push harder, and set goals - I am the role model in my home, and you two inspire me and give me the strength I need to push against rising tides! Thank you!!! One day I will be there in line to meet you two!

  2. i too wish i was closer,Im in the UK and im just starting out and have no where to go to get information on where or how to start my adventure! Ive got your books, but i'd love a chance to get advice and help in the gym and kitchen!
    Please come to England!!
