
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Oxygen Magazine Giveaway

We're giving away 5 copies of Oxygen magazine's September issue with super-hot Lindsay Messina on the cover.

Leave a comment below with your tips to getting a good night sleep for a chance to win! 

Check back tomorrow to see if you've won. 

Sleep tight!


  1. I like to take a hot bath and do a guided meditation (downloaded from Chopra Meditation Center) before bed. I find this calms my mind so I can have a more restful and peaceful sleep!

  2. I used to have crazy insomnia! But now that i have been breaking a sweat at least once a day, eating CLEAN and drinking tons of water i find that my insomnia is GONE and i can fall asleep so much quicker and for longer as well! It's great! Those 3 things would be my daily tips :)

  3. Hot bath and chamomile tea.

  4. A good workout during the day, a hot bath and then sex :)

  5. Going to be before 10pm helps me fall asleep. If I stay up too late and get out of the circadian rhythm, it's much tougher to fall asleep. I also find that having the room a little cool helps me sleep better.

  6. A good book and a nice cup of chamomile tea always do the trick. Oh and definitely love Andi's about some good sex, best night cap there is!

  7. Yoga in the evening or going for a run after work always makes me sleep better at night! Running helps me to let go of all the stress from the day so that when I get home I can relax, and I'm not worrying about things at bedtime.

  8. I go to sleep first...and my husband likes to watch tv before he goes to bed. So I wear an eye mask to avoid the flickering light, and I bought him cordless earphones so I don't have to hear it! Greatest gift I ever gave him (me)!! :)

  9. Getting to bed early is the only way I get a good nights sleep! up with a new born a few times a night!!

  10. Want to know the key to getting a good night's sleep? I'll tell you... Relax! In today's culture we are constantly going, thinking, working, waiting, stressing and cramming. Take time for yourself at night. Dim down the lights early, turn off the TV. Enjoy a good book and get comfy. Snuggle up tight and calm yourself with soothing and peaceful thoughts. Sleep tight!

  11. A cup of chamomile works beautifully... and I have just added listening to soothing music (an app I downloaded on my new iPad!) I set it for 15 minutes and before it ends, I am fast asleep.

  12. Don't be on the computer close to bedtime. Give your mind a chance to wind down. Pick up a good book/magazine Oxygen!

  13. A pitch dark room, not a single light. I also add in some white noise...I sleep like a baby :)

  14. I try to stick to my daily routine, try to keep busy throughout the day, exercise, absolutely no napping during the day, no caffeine after lunch, I turn air down about an hour before bedtime(I sleep better when it's cool), and no brain stimulation prior to bedtime. My mind races when I crawl in the bed, when that happens I meditate or pray myself to sleep.

  15. I make a cup of tea, and then head to the bedroom with my journal and pen in hand to write down the things that I was thankful for that day. My husband, God, eating clean, kitties, and parents always make the list. :) It's the only way to clear my mind from the day and not to hold on to any bad juju. It's great because my husband always asks what I'm grateful for, so I share the list with him and he make a few additions of his own.

  16. exfoliate my feet, then moisturize the heck outta them, drink a cup of warm tea as I read a chapter in a good book, then off to la la land.

  17. Have a regular bedtime and wake-up time to help set your body's rhythm. Turn the A/C down, too. Most people sleep better in a cooler room.

  18. I get a good nights sleep when I workout in the morning, go non-stop at work, and relax with a glass of wine and good conversation with the Hubby!

  19. I go to bed and get up at almost the same time everyday, if my brain won't shut off I gt up and write down what I'm thinking about.

  20. I take Calcium with Vit D plus Melatonin. Of course snuggling with my honey while he lightly rubs his fingers over my back relaxes me soooooo much!

  21. After the kids are asleep, I usually go over my checklist for the next day and make a cup of hot tea with honey ..I may even catch up on one of the piling up shows on our DVR ;) then its sleepy time :)

  22. before bed i make sure ive done everything that i wanted or if i still have things to do and things on my mind i write it down. i make sure my blinds are closed the room is dark. i find if its really dark i sleep better.

  23. My tip for getting a good night sleep is to read a few pages from a good book. I find it clears my mind and I'm able to fall asleep the second I put down the book.

  24. Fortunately, I live near the beach so I imagine sitting on my favorite beach listening to the waves washing ashore. I don't let any thoughts about work, worries, or tasks enter. As I think about the waves, I mindfully relax every muscle as if the sun were kissing it. It used to take me about a half hour to fall asleep, but doing this it only takes a few minutes and I can almost hear the waves and the seagulls.

  25. Take time to yourself and wind down at least 30 minutes before bed. I prefer a nice walk around the block to clear my mind. Also keep electronics out of the bedroom even the LED clock displays can hinder a good night's sleep.

  26. I like to start with a warm bubble bath, once dried off I use some lavender-vanilla scented lotion and once I have crawled into bed I breathe deeply and try to five different things that I am grateful for, proud of, or made me happy during that day. Leaves me feeling at peace and I can easily fall asleep as I continue to breathe deeply.

  27. Reading Oxygen Mag or one of Tosca's books before bed, leads to positive dreams and waking up ready to exercise and eating clean!

  28. Make sure the room is dark, quiet and cool. No distractions, no cell phone/laptop/tv. The bedroom is for sleeping (and other good things).

  29. Cup of chamomile tea, warm socks, cool room...Perfect...

  30. Workout early in the day...shut off the comp and TV at least half an hour before bed, drink something warm while reading til you start feeling all warm, cuddly and dozy

  31. I start off by turning off my cell phone, computer, and main lights in my room about 45 minutes before going to bed. I then slip into my silk pjs and make sure I drop the temp. in my room about 1 or 2 degrees because a cooler room helps induce sleep. I then lay down, cover myself with cool sheets, and place all my worries out of my mind. Once I've done all this I feel relaxed and I'm ready for a good nights sleep.

  32. Getting some exercise in earlier in the day, shutting off the television and iPhone an hour before bed, and taking a magnesium supplement. Works for me!

  33. ear plugs, eye mask and the fan turned on that's all I need to go to sleep fast!

  34. I start to unwind and get ready for bed about an hour before. I practice a little yoga routine, drink my magnesium and journal my worries away. I also review my fitness goals again to keep focus.

  35. Restorative yoga does it for me every time.

  36. working out before bed is a good one, that and listening to a meditation cd .. although the best for me is reading my son a book and lying down beside him - once I do that - I am out

  37. Blue light of the computer imitates the sun, which tricks us into thinking it's daytime. Installing f.lux on my computer, a program which make the computer screen more of a warm color, helps me check my email before bed.

    A cuppa hot tea! I love bijabody Nightly Beauty tea. (FYI Their completely natural antiaging body serum is wonderful too)

    Lavender and Valerian Essential oils on my big toes, neck and under my nose makes me steep into a dreamy deep sleep.

    Ahhh... Beauty Sleep

    Buona Notte Bella!

  38. Camomile tea an hour or two before bed and winding down in bed for 20-30 mins with some light reading.

  39. Best tip is to do what I've been doing this summer: up at 4:45 for a 5:30 run. By 9pm I'm dead tired and getting my zzzz's!

  40. A fan, cool room, no electronics an hour before bed.

    Try to still your mind for 3 minutes. Just LISTEN. Don't drift. Concentrate as if you're listening to a friend in the silence.

  41. I was an insomniac as a teen, and what I've learnt is that routine is my best friend! A fan for white noise, a cool room for comfort, and no electronic helps too ;) I find that getting to bed around the same time, following the same wind down routine, and getting up at the same time are key to my best sleep.

  42. i like to drink a warm cup of honey-vanilla chamomile tea and take 1 dose of 5htp about 1hr before helps me mellow and i feel well rested the next day...which is what i need with 2 toddlers to chase around :-)

  43. I go to bed at the same time every night.

  44. Prayer. Giving all my worries over to God leaves my mind at peace and I sleep like a rock. :)

  45. My naturopath recommended melatonin to me, and I love it because it's not addictive and is super effective :)Just take it 1/2 hr - 1 hr before bed and you'll be good to sleep in no time! (putting away the laptop also helps!)

  46. GO TO BED HAPPY! Waking up feeling FANTASTIC after a good night's rest is the best feeling! Getting good sleep requires a consistent schedule and a good sweat ;) but what I think is most important is surrounding yourself with people you love and admire at the end of the day, whether it be a mother, father, brother, sister, kids, etc. Every night, my boyfriend and I lay in bed and talk about our days and just catch up :) It is a type of meditation, by feeling relaxed and comfortable. Going to bed happy with a smile is the secret to a happy future. I leave all the stress and anger behind, I do not carry it with me to bed. Focus on the positive and on the good. Go to bed happy, to achieve the impossible tomorrow!

  47. "Power down" a few hours before bed time. That means shut off the computer and even the television if you've been having trouble falling asleep. Also, cut off caffeine consumption by 2:00 (I have to quit by noon); dim the lights a touch (artificial light programs us to stay awake especially when bright); meditate and/or read for a while, but NOT in bed; reserve you bed for sleep and sex - no TV, no iPad, no reading...

  48. a cup of fruity herbal tea, sometimes some melatonin supplements and reading a good book!

  49. Sleep is the ancient fat regulator and why I truly value it. Here are some of my tips to getting quality sleep taking into account a great workout session at some point during the day, preferably to be completed earlier in the day or evening so that the muscles have relaxed.

    1. Don't eat before bed

    2. Nice and cozy sheets

    3. Create optimal darkness for doses of melatonin during the night

  50. I train hard 6 days a week, every night I plan my eat clean menu for my family. Lights off....oh do not forget the melatonin.

  51. I grow my own lavender in my yard, so I make my own lavender potpourri and squeeze out the lavender oil to scent our pillows and bedding in our room. I then dim the lights and cozy into bed with some calming sounds from nature (on my ipod), a cup of warm almond milk, and a good book. I usually read for about 30 minutes and then turn off the lights and snuggle under the covers.

  52. I deal with a lot of anxiety which exercise and the gym has helped with immensely but for the longest time I still had issues with falling asleep.
    Now I try and relax before bed as best I can...bubble baths, yummy hot tea, sometimes (but rarely) a glass of red wine, some low lighting and food network in the background. :P
    But honestly...just getting to bed relaxed and practising some gratitude before hitting the hay helps with the sweet dreams. :))

  53. I calm all the noise, light a candle, get in a comfortable position and close my eyes. I reflect on my day...all the good choices I made, where I could do better and give thanks for another day and my wonderful family and friends in my life. Than I quiet my mind for a bit. Blow out the candle and it's lights out till the morning.

  54. Definitely warm cup of tea and unplugging everything about an hour before bed.

  55. For me, maintaining an active lifestyle with healthy eating habits helps me get a great nights sleep. Just before bedtime I have a cup of decaf green tea, while I read a little...then it's lights out for me!

  56. I love Crazy Sexy Diet by Kris Carr- she recommends optimal sleep hours as 11-7. I try and follow that guideline to have a rested and energetic morning and day!

  57. Run 10km before ex husband drops my girls off back home after his weekly visit; and when the girls are tucked in, wind down to David Letterman as I curl some weights, push ups and work on abs. Cause that's what this single mom does if she wants to stay fit with little time. My time is precious. I may not get enough sleep, but any sleep is good sleep to me! :O (yawn)

  58. I get a good nights sleep by cooling my room down with the air conditioner, sipping on sleepy time tea and praying, works everyone.

  59. I try to stick to a regular routine in the evening. For me, that's gym, shower and getting my clean meals/snacks ready to go for the next day. I also stick to a "media curfew." No computer, TV or phone after a certain time-just a little reading before I turn out the light!

  60. I start winding down at 9:45pm by getting into my jammies and lying in bed with a good book. Before I know it, my eyes are heavy and it's off to La-la Land for a great night's sleep.


  61. I like to drink hot tea or decaf coffee with a magazine or book right before bed :) The warm drink always soothes me to sleep.

  62. I like to take a few moments to stretch, I read my Bible then I pray for friends and family. Together those things relax me and help quiet my noisy mind :)

  63. Turning off my computer and going to bed by a set right now!

  64. The only successful remedy I EVER found was to workout fairly hard during the day, relax for about 1/2 hour prior to an early shut-eye, then clear the mind. The brain has to be clear of thoughts which is sometimes difficult, but a necessary must to fall asleep. I think of the Power of Now and listen to my surroundings. An open window and crickets helps.

  65. A consistent routine works for my children and I have found that works for me too! The bedtime ritual relaxes me and prepares my body to sleep.

  66. I use a herbal mixture called Rescue put 4 drops into a glass of water about 30 minutes before going to like a charm.

  67. Reading while enjoying a cup of Dave's Tea Mother's Helper.

  68. If you drink caffeine, have your last swallow at least 3-4 hours before you head to bed. Keep your room cool and dark. Peaceful sleeping.

  69. Unplug a few hours before you go to bed - I mean computer, iPhone, even the TV. I also avoid caffeine after noon.

  70. I always do a stretching routine a few minutes before going to bed and then I lay in my bed and read something positive for about 15 minutes before closing the lights and doing a couple of minutes of meditation. Sleep comes usually not very long after this.

  71. I find the biggest thing is my sleep environment: I leave the windows open before bed to cool down the room, close the blinds and curtains and have clean, comfortable, fluffy bedding and pillows to wiggle into.

  72. Staying well hydrated during the day. Getting some exercise in and then a nice relaxing bath...and of course falling into nice soft flannel bed. :)

  73. A hot bath with jasimine vanilla bubble bath, a warm glass of almond milk and honey, Fifty Shades of Grey and your grandmas knitted blanket to snuggle up in. Good night.

  74. Exercise during the day, don't eat too close to bedtime, and disconnect! You'll sleep better in a dark room with no distractions like TV or computer to interrupt your natural sleep pattern.

  75. Shut off the iphone and every other electronic light!
