
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Behind the Camera - Paul Buceta Photographer Extraordinaire

I am completely exhausted by this week of photo shoots. My oh my! It's not easy work, but I am certainly not complaining because we've gotten a ton done. Wow! And who is the expert behind the camera making magic? It's Paul Buceta, of course. You've see his work on the cover of most Oxygen's, throughout the magazine, and on many other RKP publications. He has a few words to share today. Take it away Paul.
Paul's genius business card!
I remember the first time I met Tosca. It was seven years ago and she was alongside Bob working the Robert Kennedy Publishing booth at a fitness expo. I approached, handed her my Oxygen magazine (she was on the cover) and asked if she would mind signing it. I remember mentioning I was a photographer and handing her my card, never suspecting that moment would be so monumental in my career. She had showed the card to Bob, to which he replied, "That's genius!".

I had only met het for a short moment - I'd say less than two minutes and yet, just yesterday, she told me she remembered our first meeting. I looked at her thinking she was pulling my leg. The meeting was so brief and she must have met hundreds of people that weekend. There's no way she could have remembered. She then went ahead and shocked me my reciting what the card I gave her seven years ago read.  I was flattered beyond words.

We have both come such a long way since. I've had the great pleasure to witness Tosca's star rise on both a professional and personal level. I remember being surprised by her lack of confidence at our first shoot.

We took some pics and paused to look at them on the monitor... She started crying. I remember thinking at that moment, Bob is going to fire me for making his wife cry. But looking at her again, I realized, they were in fact, tears of joy. She hadn't seen seen herself so beautiful as her journey was still just beginning.

Now, I look at Tosca quite differently. No longer is she unsure of herself, no longer is she simply a role model, now, she's a woman of confidence, a woman of knowledge, a woman of power and influence, and most importantly to me - my friend.

Paul Buceta
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  1. Awesome blog and great story! Yes it takes less than 60 seconds after meeting Tosca to realize what a phenomenal woman she is!

  2. Wow. Thanks for the post. Love to see how all things work out. Gives me hope. :)
