
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Evolution to Vegetarianism

Today's Eat-Clean Diet Vegetarian Cookbook guest blogger is Mimi Marie. She Cleaned up her life by Cleaning up her eating and adopting a vegetarian lifestyle. She shares a delicious Tropical Quinoa Salad with us, too. Yummy!
Looking at me today you probably wouldn’t guess that I grew up mostly on a meat, potatoes and fast-food based diet. As a child, eating wasn’t much of a pleasure. The only real enjoyment I got from food was in my breakfast doughnuts and my ice cream desserts.

I've been an evolving vegetarian for about 12 years. I wasn't fully committed from the beginning because I was simply uneducated. When I became pregnant with my first child, I couldn't stomach meat anymore. I was intrigued at the thought of not having to eat meat to survive, yet I was concerned that I’d be depriving my body in the process. Cutting out meat was easy for me because I simply did not like anything about it. It just didn’t seem a natural way of eating for me and my pregnancy was my confirmation.

It was then that I became determined to learn about healthy living and vegetarianism. I ransacked the internet, read books and soaked up whatever I could get my hands on. It started with Jack LaLanne, then Oxygen magazine and ultimately Tosca Reno’s Eat-Clean Diet. The latter brought everything that I had been seeking together in one place and made eating healthy not just easily attainable, but fun and exciting.

I have now been strictly vegetarian lifestyle for over a year and I have found passion in sharing what I’ve learned on my blog. I feel fully educated about my choice, vibrant and healthier than ever. I am so excited for Tosca’s new book! It is so encouraging to have such an inspiring woman lead the way for women to lead a healthy and vibrant life at all ages.

Tropical Quinoa Salad

This may be my best quinoa creation yet! Cool, refreshing, simple and delicious!

1 batch of quinoa (1 cup dry, prepared, then cooled)
1/2 can beet strips
1 can kidney beans, drained
1/2 jicama chopped in small cubes
1 mango chopped (juice and all)
1 tsp. cracked or fresh minced rosemary
1 tsp. black pepper
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1 tbsp. minced ginger or ginger paste
2 tbsp. olive oil
2 tbsp. vinegar of choice (I used honey infused vinegar)

1. Mix above ingredients together and add any extra seasonings or olive oil & vinegar to suit your taste.
2. Refrigerate for about 20-30 minutes, or until cold.
3. Serve on a bed of fresh spinach and top with avocado.



  1. Wonderful to see you here and a great recipe debut! Congrats Mimi!

  2. Awesome how our personal journey's are important to each other and we never know how far reaching our good choices will take us, or others.. Cheers Mimi!

    1. Yes, very awesome! :) Thank you for reading and cheers to you!

  3. What a fantastic recipe! I'm very excited to try it.
    Thank you for sharing some of your story. :)

    1. Thank you for reading! I would love if you'd come back to my page and let me know how you like the recipe! :)

  4. You go gurl! This is an awesome post! I have yet to get on the quinoa bandwagon yet.....I don't know enough about it I guess.... but this recipes makes me want to try it! :)

    1. Callie, you should definitely try it! It's sooo good for you! Thank you so much for your support!! :)

  5. This is a great recipe, I MUST try this! thank you.

    1. Yes, and please let me know how you like it! :) Thanks for your support!
