
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Clean Long-Weekend Popsicle Treats

Protein Smoothie Popsicles from The Eat-Clean Diet for Family and Kids
Photo Credit: Donna Griffith
This weekend is a long one here in Canada as we celebrate Canada Day. I know my American readers have a day off coming up next week too as you celebrate Independence Day. With days off and warm weather comes the need for yummy treats - but Clean ones of course.

Today I have a delicious treat to share with you... Protein Smoothie Popsicles from The Eat-Clean Diet for Family and Kids. These are simple, easy and super tasty while also healthy and cooling. Your kids will love them and you won't have to worry about looking fabulous in your new bikini. These are totally bikini-bod friendly. Substitute Agave Nectar for Maple Syrup and show your Canadian Eat-Clean Pride.

P.S. Looking for more Long-Weekend Healthy Tips? Check out my daughter's post on your best At-The-Cottage Health Kit


  1. Hi Tosca!

    This is the perfect recipe for our new Zoku gadget!!
    And I just wanted to say I thought your quote in your protein shake Oxygen article was amazing-- the one about no t disrespecting our finely tuned cells! As a person whose faith in my Creator is paramount, I appreciated this quote on so many levels. It made me realize that taking care of my body is both for my own benefit and as a act of gratitude and appreciation for Gods creative handiwork. Thank you for that!

    I even managed to add your quote to a scrapping project on my blog. I just loved it!:):) You can see it here:

    Thank you, lovely!


  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Krista your blog is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing my quote - what a great scrapbook. TR

  4. I love this recipe...been making it since i bought the book a few couple of years ago.
