
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Xtrema Cookware Giveaway!

I love giveaways and today we have a really fabulous one.

Xtrema Cookware has generously offered one of their super popular 10" skillets for 1 lucky Eat-Clean Diet reader.

I love using their products in the kitchen (as you can see in the video above) because they are practical, durable and even green.
Xtrema's 10" skillet. 
All you have to do is be the first person to respond below with your reason for wanting a new skillet.

Thanks Xtrema!

P.S. Don't forget to join me this Thursday, May 17 for my UStream Live Chat


  1. Because my pots and pans are over 20 years old!

  2. I have never owned a skillet that did not chip and become so yucky. I use a skillet for most of all of our meals and would love a new one!!

  3. Because I really need new cookware! LOL

  4. Mine is teflon.....bad bad bad.

  5. The timing of your post is fabulous! I've been on the hunt for a new "safe" skillet to use ... weighing all my options...would love to give this one a try!

  6. I need a new skillet!!!!!!! Please:)

  7. Because I just moved into a new apartment and require kitchen supplies!

  8. Because I believe even our cooking tools should be clean and green!

  9. I would love a new skillet because I am in the process of relocating all the way to Maine from NJ to move in with my BF and we need to stock our new kitchen! We are both Eat-Clean followers for many years and are looking forward to spreading the word on nutrition to clients as well as hosting our friends and families in our new space after 2yrs of commuting back and forth!! What a fun toy for us to cook together! xo

  10. I would love a new skillet from Xtrena Cookware! I love the Eat Clean way of living and eating, and am finding a need for an additional non-stick skillet.
    In fact, since early March, I've lost 16 lbs by following the Eat Clean way of living and exercising.

  11. Because my husband ruined my good ones, and nothing will stop me from cooking CLEAN!!!!!!

  12. I've been searching for just the right peace of cookware to continue cooking my clean meals in that's safe, durable and environmentally friendly. Just like our bodies, we only have one earth, lets keep it green.

  13. I'd really love this because i'm getting married soon and I would love to be able to cook delicious meals on this :)

  14. At 60 years old, I have never had a new pot/pan. Every pot/pan has been handed down from my mother or a "gift" from a friend who was moving or downsizing. Cabinet is full of broken handles, incomplete sets, skillets too big or too small...which do little to make my new life of "clean eating" work.

    Marlene York

  15. Because I use Teflon skillets and my kids deserve to eat properly prepared clean meals.

  16. So that I can present it to my hubby, whose old, non-stick teflon pans I've tossed out :)

  17. I don't want teflon anymore, not healthy. I want Xtrema!

  18. I am always looking for safe cookware that also works well.

  19. I would love to have the opportunity to have this skillet to serve as a reminder of my goal to eat clean daily and finally shed the 100 or so extra pounds. Thank you for offering this. I appreciate it so much.

  20. My birthday is in June and I would love to have a new pan! But I think it is too late to reply since it says the first person to respond. :( Maybe next year I'll get something nice......

  21. I know I would cook more if I had better pans. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Because my cookware is wearing out

  23. Because I had to throw out my Teflon Pan and I won't buy Teflon pans again. I would use it daily;)and I am so in need of this type of generousity.

  24. All my fry pans stick and I really need a good one!Thanks

  25. I would really Appreciate a new Xtrema Cookware pan. We cook a lot. We cook for us and our 3 kids. We cook eggs in the morning, chicken for lunch and fish or something for dinner. This is a typical day for us. Our trainer introduced Tosca Reno 2 years and we have lost over 90 pounds by eating clean and exercise. Tosca Reno has change our lifestyle. I am always buying new pans because they don't last long with us. We would like to try the Trema Cookware and put it to use.

  26. It would be awesome to have this skillet! My husband and I love to cook at home and see what is actually going into our food! Our set of pots & pans were a wedding gift to my parents in 1958! Our skillet just recently fell on the floor and the handle broke off it. So we are actually in need of a new skillet!

  27. I would be thrilled to win this skillet. I am almost one month into the eat clean lifestyle and have learned that my worn Teflon pans are a health hazard.....YIKES! I want to clean up my cookware too and this skillet would be a good start. I would really appreciate it!

  28. Because I will soon be moving out of my parents' home and will need to fill my kitchen with all the necessary things that will help me to continue to eat clean!
    Veronica myeatsandtreats at gmail dot com

  29. I have lost a lot of weight following this Eat Clean plan. How, by doing any and everything NOT in the kitchen, lol. I am NOT a good cook. :) My husband and I have become vegans over the last 4 or so months and have really wanted to cook without oils and what not, this is not easy to do when cooking veggies or riceof things that stick! I have frozen shoulder and cooking for me is a chore right now, so anything that makes things easier, is a blessing. It's funny when I started this journey it was JUST me--now I have a vegan, a vegetarian and a sudo-vegan all in one household. Thank you for this kind offer, it would be very helpful for us during this time of medical bills and healthy eating! :)

  30. I would love to have a skillet to use to teach my children the benefits of getting in the kitchen and cooking for health. It would be wonderful to cook alongside my children as I teach them about eating clean.

  31. When doing your research and buying cookware, you should first read up on the advantages and disadvantages of each type of cookware. best cookware 2020
