
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Raw Rebecca Eats Clean & Gets Healthy

Raw Rebecca is our fabulous Eat-Clean Diet Vegetarian Cookbook guest blogger. She changed her life switching to a Clean, plant-based diet, ditching her health issues, and lots of weight. She shares her story, favourite recipe and workout here with us today. 
Rebecca gets super fit with a raw, Eat-Clean lifestyle!
The year was 2010.  I had reached an all-time low in regards to my health, weight and emotional well-being.  I had ridden the overweight roller-coaster for many years, trying every diet on the market with short-lived success.  This left me feeling depressed, sick, and helpless.  I also suffered numerous medical problems for which I often sought medical advice.  Yet I always left the doctor appointment with more prescription drugs that caused unpleasant side effects, rather than real advice.  Then, Tosca Reno entered my life through a link on Facebook from a friend.

I read her book, The Eat-Clean Diet Recharged, in one day.  Minutes after closing the book, all processed food in my kitchen hit the trash can, and my grocery list changed overnight.  I realized that I had been poisoning my poor body since childhood.  I ate “anti-foods” like white flour and sugar every single day.  This was my problem!  This is what the doctors weren’t telling me!  Tosca made me realize I could rely on noone but myself to make this much-needed change.

Using Tosca’s Eat-Clean principles, I started my weight-loss journey in early 2011 and never looked back.  After just a few weeks, I felt better than I had felt in years.  After a few months, I went Vegetarian and started eating as many super foods as I could find.  I felt incredible and the weight continued to melt off.  Then, I went Plant-Based (Vegan) and started juicing every day to increase my consumption of raw fruits and vegetables.  I felt even better and to my surprise, my numerous medical problems vanished naturally.

Since I started Eating Clean and plant-based I feel like a new person. Overall, I lost 40 pounds and gained amazing health and vitality.  I went from a size 14 to a size 2 and I cannot believe how easy it is now to keep my weight off.  I don’t have to count calories or anything; I simply eat real foods with real nutrients and enjoy real satisfaction.  I am off all medications for depression, panic attacks, insomnia, migraines, acne, allergies, chronic back pain, endometriosis, PMS, and more.  I was sick often, with a cold or flu every few months, and bronchitis every winter.  I have not been sick, with as much as a sniffle, in over one year.  Eating Clean and plant-based literally gave me my life back and I sing its praises every day via my Raw Rebecca Facebook page and on my blog .  I have dedicated my life to helping others, which is the best job in the world.

P.S. This is my favorite workout:

I get bored easily, so I keep my work outs fun by trying out new home-workout DVDs, and different classes at my local gym.  I especially love BodyPump and Yoga.  A nice variety is great for muscle confusion, too!  I also love to run or Nordic Walk to my favorite music.  On nice days, I enjoy visiting my local park for an hour-long power walk with ankle and hand weights.

P.P.S. This is my favorite recipe:
I LOVE kale.  Kale is a super food and many say it’s the “new” beef!  Kale contains glucosinolates and methyl cysteine sulfoxieds, which activate the detoxifying enyzmes in the liver.  These enzymes play a role in neutralizing carcinogens, something we’re exposed to most every day!  Kale is chock full of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, B6, C, K, calcium, copper, manganese, iron and potassium.  It’s a good source of fiber, too.  One cup has only 36 calories but provides 192% of our daily recommendation for vitamin A and 90% of vitamin C.

Studies have shown that kale sustains weight loss, lowers cholesterol, reduces risk of cancer, and protects against arthritis, among other degenerative diseases.  It’s no wonder why kale is the main ingredient in my favorite Plant-Based recipe!  And quinoa has 14 grams of protein per 3.5 ounces, so this is a great dish for plant-based folks or anyone looking for a delicious, filling meat-less meal or side dish.

“Raw Rebecca’s Awesome Asian Salad”
½ cup Quinoa (cooked in vegetable broth or water)
2 cups Kale, chopped
½ cup Edamame
1 tsp Sesame Seed Oil
3 tsps Tamari (or low-sodium soy sauce)
1/2 tbsp Sesame Seeds (optional)

Bring out the anti-cancer properties in the kale by chopping it well.  Place in a large bowl and add quinoa and edamame.  Pour sesame oil and tamari over the mixture and massage well.  Sprinkle with sesame seeds and enjoy.  This dish will keep nicely in the refrigerator for a day or two, but rarely lasts that long!


  1. Congratulations, Rebecca! The ECD IS amazing, isn't it? Your recipe sounds amazing! I love kale, too!

    1. Thanks, Carmen! It sure is amazing :) I hope you like my recipe!

  2. Tosca,

    I love the guest posts! I've been to Rebecca's blog and read the whole thing. I've seen some of her videos - - she is so vulnerable and inspiring (a true Clean Eating ambassador!).

