
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Manitoba Harvest Hemp Giveaway

Mmmmm! Who doesn't love hemp hearts? And who doesn't love a giveaway? We've got 2 of my favourite things together in one today!

Manitoba Harvest has been kind enough to offer a bag of hemp hearts to one lucky reader today. Simply comment below with your favourite use of hemp hearts. We'll randomly select a winner. Check back for the results tomorrow.

Not quite sure what hemp hearts have to offer? They're little powerhouses full of protein, fiber, and omega fatty acids. They boast a nearly complete protein complex, too, which makes them an excellent vegetarian option.

I sprinkle hemp hearts in my morning seed bowl, on top of my salads, and in my smoothies. Yum!

And don't fret - hemp hearts will not make you high. They contain 0.001% THC which means no psychoactive side effects.

Comment below to win!


  1. Never tried them, but would LOVE to!!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  2. I have never tried them, but they look like a healthy choice.

  3. I just LOVE hemp!!!

    I dip my banana's in them, perfect snack! I'll add them in my Greek yogurt with berry fruits and it's just delicious! I eat it everyday in my seed breakfast bowl and in my salads. Being vegetarian, it is the perfect way to get my protein source with each of my meals.

    I love you Tosca!! Thanks for all your tips on health, you are my true role model <3


  4. Love hemp hearts! Have some every morning with my steel cut oats.

  5. I am new to hemp hearts and purchased some a couple of weeks ago. Last night I try a dessert recipe with them and it was delicious. I can't wait to try them in more recipes.

  6. Morning oatmeal, smoothies, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, salad sprinkle..oh let me count the ways

  7. I tried some once and really liked them! Thanks for the giveaway!! I would use them on my oatmeal.

  8. I like to sprinkle them on toast right on top of the raw almond butter. Of course they ALWAYS end up in my oatmeal

  9. I've only used hemp oil and really like it. I can just imagine how good the hemp hearts are. I'll have to try them.

  10. I've never tried hemp heart but are would love to see what these little guys have to offer!

  11. I've never tried them - but I bet they would make an amazing addition to my morning smoothies! (BTW thanks for the tips in this month's Oxygen magazine - it totally changed the way I think of my smoothies and what I put in them!)

  12. I have them with my steel cut oats. The rolled in banana sounds like a great suggestions. I'll have to try that next.

  13. I've never had them but I would love to add them to my morning oats!

  14. Never had them but would like to try. Always looking for more vegetarian protein options. Thank you.

  15. On salad or mixed in with greek yogurt.

  16. Would LOVE to try these! I'm sure there would be great in homemade granola or fruit-nut bars!

  17. Once I'm done blending my smoothie, I top it with a pile of hemp hearts and give it a quick whirl. I love the crunchy/chewy texture it gives my smoothie.

  18. I was going to try them with my oatmeal. Just need to buy them. Costco started carrying a hemp product. Not sure of the brand.

  19. I've wanted to try them for a while!

  20. It's not fancy, but I sprinkle two tablespoons on my morning cereal... LOVE the nutty flavour of Hemp Hearts!

  21. I have not tried hemp hearts, but I sure do LOVE hemp protein!! Keeps the important things moving right along. ;D I'd love to win, win, win, win!!

  22. Recently tried hemp hearts and actually put them in an all seed breakfast combo. YUMMY!!! Chia goodness is what I call it. Chia seeds, hemp hearts, cacoa powder, buckwheat groats, cacao nibs, maca powder and some sea salt!!! AMAZING!!!! I make a huge batch of this and have it for a fast and go to breakfast!!!!

  23. I sprinkle hemp hearts in my morning cereal/oatmeal nut mixture every morning. I just started eating a vegan diet a few weeks ago (before I was only eating chicken and eggs). I also throw them in my green protein smoothies. YUM

  24. I've never tried Hemp heart... but I'd like to !

  25. o! this looks like a fantastic product. I am always interested in new finds but sadly I live in a city that has zero focus on health so the products aren't easy to find.

  26. I love them in Oatmeal but they are pretty good in a spinach and Strawberry salad...mmmmm.

  27. I love to use them in my homemade granola recipe

  28. I've never tried hemp hearts, but I bet they would be good sprinkled onto popcorn or oatmeal! Maybe mixed into some greek yogurt...

  29. Haven't tried them, but sounds like something new to try in my morning smoothie or oatmeal. Here's to trying something new!

  30. I like them sprinkled onto my salads :)

  31. I love it on salad and greek yogurt!

    hun423 at

  32. I have never tried them, but I would love to!
