
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Loving Mom on Mother's Day

Mommy & me in Mexico in December.

Welcome mothers to your big day.  Today I want to thank my mother, Tina.  Early in the weeks and months that we were dealing with Bob's illness my about to be 77 year old mom got into her car and drove three hours in winter weather to be with me.  Taking care of Bob and the other assorted things I had to do in a day was becoming a challenge.  Bob and his healthcare were the priority then and I was spending a lot of time taking him to his various medical, diagnostic and other appointments related to his lung cancer.  During that time Bob also contracted various other illnesses that further impeded his health.  I had no one to help me handle the basic things that needed to get done like cleaning my house, buying groceries, doing dishes or cooking or even taking the garbage out.  I remember one day just having a complete breakdown, calling my mother and blubbering to her on the phone ,"Can you please come and help me?"  Within hours she was there and ended up staying for 6 weeks until the end.

When Bob was well enough I could even go to work and my mother would be there for Bob during the day.  I would come home to a spotless house, dinner on the go and coffee on the brew.  The three of us would sit and chat about our favorite things while sipping coffee.  For my mother that was always politics and religion while for Bob it was art, business, creativity and his family.  Those were lovely times protected by our innocence of what was yet to occur.  Bob and I even had the audacity to plan a trip to the South of France - it was to be a combined birthday and anniversary trip.  Mom and Bob and I spent hours dreaming and laughing this way.

I could not have managed without my mother.  She held Bob's hand and she held mine.  I had many a cry with her as I began to comprehend the situation with Bob.  She cleaned, cooked, listened, watched, supported, wiped my tears and loved me through it all.  My mother had lost her own husband, Bill, my father, when she herself was 54.  She knew only too well what I was going through.

In the final days she made her peace with her friend, my Robert.  She was so strong.  I watched her say goodbye and it broke my heart because I knew she too was losing someone dear to her.

Now she and I have a new relationship with each other.  I depend on her for strength when my days are too emotional to bear.  She makes me coffee and we sit in our living room remembering and holding hands.  I am truly blessed to have a mother such as mine to be with me now and always in this life.

Mom I love you and am grateful to you always.
Love and blessings to all the mothers out there.

PS.  Please also remember to thank your own mother and visit for our Mother's Day contest.

P.P.S.  One more thing.  Please also visit Mom's on Pinterest for some good clean fun. 


  1. Happy Mother's Day to you, and your Mother. May your day be filled with wonderful memories.

    My mother is very ill with Alzheimer's. We are going to see her this morning. It will be very hard.

  2. What a beautiful post. Happy Mother's Day to you

  3. What a beautiful post you made me cry! Enjoy your day and Happy Mother's Day to you!

  4. I lost my Mom to cancer three years ago. There is not a day that goes by I do think about her. Everyday is Mothers day to me and I keep her loving memory alive in my heart. Happy Mothers Day Tosca, you are blessed and highly favored!

  5. You are so blessed to have such a loving mother. It's times like these that you realize you never out grow your mother. Happy Mother's day Tosca.

  6. Happy Mothers Day Tosca (And Tina!!!) You are my personal Warrior, and you continue to amaze and inspire me every day with your strength and your ability to share your struggles whole-heartedly with all of us. I know that this is still a difficult time for you... and you have a long road ahead. But having your Mom there and your girls to support you and to love you is just the best medicine ever. Continue to stay strong, and just know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Love ya, pretty lady! Thank you for all that you do, and all that you share, and all that you give. You are a special and awesome spirit, friend, mentor, and inspiration. We all love you, Tosca!!! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!! XOXOXOXOXO ~Kymberly "Kaptain" Morgan =)

  7. Tosca this post made me cry! I lost my Dad to cancer 7 years ago this month and it just brought all those memories back! I have my Mum and my sister and I love them so dearly. It is good to remember what our Mum's are there for us no matter what! I know this is so true because my husband was diagnosed with bipolar two years ago and my Mum is always only a phone call away! Like you she has been there from simply helping me with my laundry to emergency calls! They really are there for us when the chips are down! Take care Tosca and I am so pleased that you also have your Mum and your daughters around you. Take each day as it comes and one thing I didn't do and that is cry enough- let your emotions flow it is important! Sending hugs x

  8. Tosca, your comments warmed my heart, recalling in my own mind the many sacrifices of love from my own mother during the times I needed her most. I lost her almost two years ago to cancer, and I have never fully dealt with my grief...thus a huge hole remains this Mother's Day in coming to terms with my loss. Thank you for sharing this lovely story with us. Happy Mother's Day to you.

  9. Hi Tosca. I admire you for the strength that you show every day. As someone that follows you through facebook and your websites, I feel like I want to call you and talk about all you have been through just as a friend would. I wish that I could have done more for you during the tough months this past year. It makes me sad that I didn't even know what you were going through. You stayed so strong throughout. And stayed healthy. I probably would have collapsed into a bowl of buttery pasta and become a lump of goo. You are such a role model. I loved this blog about your mother. It really touched me and I am glad you had her strength. You certainly have a strong family of women!
