
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Building Super Moms!

Today's Eat-Clean Diet Vegetarian Cookbook guest blogger is supermom, Carrie Zamora, AADP, HC. Not only is she a superfit health, nutrition & lifestyle coach, she is also a mommy to 3! Take it away Carrie...

When I first read Tosca’s story, I realized my personal fitness goals were within my reach; I didn’t need to settle for where I was physically. Having three kids wasn’t an excuse for not being my personal best!  

Tosca’s inspiration gave me the confidence to do walking lunges and side squats through the neighborhood without a care in the world and the realization that Eating Clean was the gateway to achieving the body I wanted!  Reaching my goals was thrilling, soon I realized I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up – who cares that I was 37.  I wanted to inspire and support others the way Tosca inspired me. My passion for nutrition and wellness would be my new career path. I received my certification as a Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach. Tosca’s Eat-Clean Diet Cookbook and Oxygen magazine are invaluable resources that I regularly use with clients.

Maybe Tosca, myself and others are simply late bloomers; late bloomers clearly produce magnificent results!
As the only vegetarian in our family, mealtime can be challenging.  I’ve had to learn to prepare one meal that will satisfy the entire family. Tosca’s Eat-Clean Vegetarian Cookbook brings fresh meal-time ideas! Dinner needs to be a family affair and shouldn’t require separate meals.  I focus on meals that have choices and variety; simple fresh veggies, brown rice or quinoa, beans/legumes and a lean meat so everyone can build a delicious plate they will enjoy.

I love the outdoors.  My favorite workout is 90 minutes on the jogging trail through the neighborhood.  Begin with 20 minutes of brisk walking then alternate sprints and walking recovery.  Work in 3 sets each, 15-20 reps of walking lunges, walking side squats, high skipping, and jump squats.

There is no excuse!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see other Vegetarian moms. At our house my Partner was not vegetarian but as we had our first child who is 16 months right now she turned vegetarian.

    It turns out to be very practical in many ways. I sounds like you have to prepare various meal options when dinner times comes around.

    Glad you are taking a better approach at life!
