
Friday, September 16, 2011

Can't-Miss Events!

I have a ton of events coming up over the next couple of weeks and I wanted to highlight all of them here in case you were getting confused by all of the blog posts and Facebook invites:

1. Book Signing - September 24 - Toronto, Ontario
Meet me as I get my promotions for Just the Rules underway. Get more details here.

2. Facebook Chat - September 29 - your computer
Do you have burning questions for me? Have them answered and be automatically entered to win great prizes. Get more details here.

3. Susan's 15th Annual Breast Cancer Luncheon - October 14 - Toronto, Ontario
I am honored to be the headlining speaker at this extremely special luncheon in honor of the courageous Susan Stewart and breast cancer battlers, survivors and "breast" friends everywhere. To join me in the honor please get more details here.

4. Fall Fit Women's Weekend - October 14-16 - Haliburton, Ontario
Join me and members of my team in a weekend of hiking, boxing, yoga, wine tasting and more. Get more details here.

For more information on any other events please visit my events calendar.

Can't wait to see you at one of these events!


1 comment:

  1. It's time for you to do a traveling book signing! We'd like you here in Northern California, please.
