
Monday, July 25, 2011


Atlanta was Hotlanta!!!

I left Toronto on Thursday in sweltering temperatures of 120 degrees F.  Atlanta, the home of Coca Cola,  wasn't even that warm!!

As you know I live for meeting my Eat Clean friends at the seminars I conduct.  Though I don't mind handling the microphone and sharing my passion for this life altering lifestyle I really get a kick out of hearing what you all have to say.  In Atlanta I did a seminar I call, Ten Gifts.  During my talk I shared with the audience 10 simple things each of us can do that will alter your life in a meaningful way so that your health and fitness are improved.  Each of these Ten Gifts cost little or no money at all, a fact that is enormously comforting in these challenging economic times.  The seminar was fun and sobering at times.  Not only do people have an opportunity to laugh and learn but they take away powerful tools to help evaluate their level of hydration, whether or not they have a food sensitivity and how tight and toned their tush is.  The funniest thing that was asked by a little girl was "Chocolate is good food because it is brown."  She is partly right especially if you eat good quality dark chocolate containing at least 75% or better cocoa.

Pretty little Alex was my youngest seminar attendee.  She was adorable and so well behaved even in that heat and her dad John was taking notes with his free hand.  Good job, Dad!  Your daughter is off to a good start with the foundation of Eating Clean.

Paula Molinari did a fabulous job of doing my makeup over the two days I was there (see the top photo).  She had a busy schedule doing hair and makeup for some of the contestants in the show as well as doing the same for those selected to shoot for Oxygen with Stacy Jarvis and Jason Breeze.  Our team worked long hard hours to capture the fun and hard work it takes to shape a competitive physique.

Olga Svyrydova, who won the Bikini title, and her brother Nikita shared a laugh and a drink when the hectic schedule of contest prep and photo shoots was over.  I even taught Nikita how to do a one arm pushup in the lobby of the hotel.  I can never pass up the opportunity to do so!!

You never know what you are going to learn and who you are going to meet at these events but one thing is certain, memories are always made.

Let me know what you would like me to cover in a seminar coming to a venue near you, very soon!

Keeping it tight.
Tosca Reno

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