
Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Weekender 4

This is one of the biggest weekends of the summer! Canadians celebrate Canada Day on July 1 and Americans celebrate Independence Day on July 4. Let's hope the weather is warm and the sun is shining down on all of us. I can't wait to kick back by the pool with my husband and my dogs (all the kids are heading north to Muskoka or east to Ottawa).

But I am wondering how many of you are worried about the finer details of the weekend including lots of alcohol and lots of less-than-healthy fare. I remember when I lived in the US we had July 4th BBQs full of white bread rolls, creamy potato salads, greasy burgers and fries, and desserts galore. Yuck! No wonder I wound up overweight and out of shape.

I'm going to challenge you this long weekend to stick to your Eat-Clean Diet plan. And PLAN is the operative word here. Decide when you will indulge in a treat and do it just that one time. Limit your alcohol by drinking water in between. Have lots of veggies available for munching so you are less likely to grab the chips. Have healthy snacks like nuts and fruit with you so you in case you're in a pinch. You can also sub out unclean foods for much cleaner options.

Here are a few recipe suggestions:

Switch out corn dogs for Kefir Marinated Lamb Kebabs

Trade your greasy burgers for hearty Bison Burgers

Side your dish with Tangy Pumpkinseed Salad rather than chips or fries

Ditch the ice cream and replace it with decadent Tofu Chocolate Mousse

I want to hear your ideas too! Share them in the comments section.

Happy Long Weekend!


  1. Hopefully this weekend brings a lot of sunshine for everyone here in the US and for you guys in Canada as well.

    I know I will be eating those burgers and almost everything else you mentioned. Hey its my birthday weekend and I do good every other week. I agree however that you make some great suggestions for substitutions.

    The bison burgers and lamb kebabs are great.

    Glad to have found your site. Please visit me at Waist Hips and Thighs

  2. I know this is off topic but I've been meaning to ask you something since your posts about coconut. My husband and I have a great aversion to the taste of coconut. I've tried coconut oil and milk in the past and can't stand either of them. But I was wondering about coconut water does it taste like coconut as well?
