
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Cold-Fighting Tea

My husband, Robert. He doesn't have a man cold here!

I love my husband, Robert, however, he is currently suffering from a cold, or as we call it in my house - a man cold! This means there is extra blubbering on top of all the coughing, sneezing, and running of the nose.

And now I am fighting off the same cold. So if you don't mind, I'm going to take the next 2 minutes to blubber and be done with it:

I have a sore throat, a headache, and I'm achy in my neck and shoulders. I'm drinking tea like it's going out of style (see my tea recipe below) and I got up at 4am this morning to take some supplements to help my immune system fight fight fight!

I really can't afford to be sick right now because I am heading into 2 very busy weeks of work, which will take me to New York City for lots of appearances.

Here is a naturopathic cold-fighting tea remedy my daughter Rachel gave me. It certainly does not have a pleasant taste, but it feels like it is working. Fingers crossed!
- 1 cup green tea
- 1 teaspoon fresh, grated ginger
- 1 clove garlic, mashed
- 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
- juice of 1/2 a lemon
- 1 tbsp honey

Okay, I'm done blubbering now. Any tips out there?


  1. Battling the same cold. Green tea and a visit to the acupuncturist have helped me immensely!

  2. I have the same thing this morning, but have a slight fever as well. What supplements are you taking??

  3. Garggle with salt water! My doc even suggested I crush up some pain relievers and garggle with that too, I never tried it though :)

  4. As soon as I feel achy, I take 2 probiotics (25-64 billion cells preferred), 2 digestive enzymes to aide the probiotics, 2-3 dropper fulls of really good quality Echinacea Goldenseal, double up on my awesome vitamins and last but not least is somthing like what your daughter told you to take, just a bit different. I take about 1 inch of fresh ginger, 1-2 cloves of garlic, mince them and then add them to a saucepan of chicken broth, bring to a boil and then simmer at least 30 minutes. The broth tastes sooo good and its super infused with the ginger and garlic. I have little people and a hubby in the army, so I have no time for a day off, this has dramatically improved the length and severity of any illnesses I have gotten the past couple of years since my sister told me this info! :) I do this same routine 2-3 times a day for two days, then lower the doseage of the probiotics only 1 with 2 dig enzymes and everything else stays the same. Honeslty though, by the second day I'm already feeling better. Hope you do to, I know you know this but I'm gonna say it anyways, don't forget to rest and drink lots of water! :)

    Thanks again for talking with us yesterday on facebook, hope you weren't feeling sick then.

    FEEL BETTER!!!! :)

  5. Vicks vapo rub on the bottom of your feet(with socks) Dad swears by it!

  6. I always eat a little more when I feel like I'm coming down with a cold. That, lots of liquids and rest, and I usually end up fighting it... and winning.

  7. Visible Voice is correct; Vicks on the soles of your feet covered with socks will nip a cough in the bud in minutes! Also, sit in a steamy bathroom for 10 minutes and then immediately inhale freezer air to help open sinuses and lungs.

  8. I also make a sicky's similiar, squeeze lemon into hot water, fresh shredded ginger, cinnamon and a little honey

  9. there is an amazing product called UNDA 515
    nathurapathic that will zap any cold, you take it on the onset of the cold and you will either not get it , or the symptoms will be very light and you will recover quicklyi swear by it ( INNER MEDICINE naturalpathic clinic
    this is a preventative if your at the point like you are now... well lots of echinacea and if your into homepathic remedies get the dr reckweg R1-R9 10 drops of each every 4-6 hours
    also always have on hand in my house. you`ll be better in no time!!! i other tips as well let me know if you need anything else!

  10. Great to see the use of herbal/food therapy as a form of common cold therapy. Smart daughter!

    This tea may be a good remedy dependent on the type of cold you have. If the cold is the type with symptoms such chills, white nasal drip, scratchy sore throat, and achy muscles this may be helpful since the majority of the herbs are very warming, however this may be too warming. Green tea and lemon are cooling and hopefully will offset the extreme heat of the others. Warming herbs in general like the ginger and garlic are great for the onset of herbs, cinnamon also. What you may want to avoid is getting too warm. Aside from being cooling, lemon can cut phlegm and honey has shown to have antibiotic properties.

    How did it work for you? From your symptoms it sounds like this should help, if it wasn't too warming.

    However if the cold is warm or hot with symptoms such as fever, creamy or yellow mucous, hot and painful sore throat this could actually backfire.

    Cold type symptoms: Chills, white mucous, achy, slight scratchy throat, cough, onset sneezing and itching; White tongue coating

    Try: Ginger tea and cinnamon add lemon if phlegm (Ginger and cinnamon are common cold specific herbs for cold-type colds) Right on amygrant!

    Hot type cold symptoms: Fever, yellow, hot & scratchy, painful sore throat, harsh cough, itching, sneezing; creamy or yellow tongue coating

    Try: Mint tea; add lemon if phlegm

    Avoid Orange juice if phlegm or cold type cold; Orange juice is cooling in nature so it is good for hot type colds that don't involve too much phlegm

    Add lemon for heat and/or phlegm
    Add honey for antibiotic-type properties, cough, phlegm

    Good indicators of impending colds that should illicit food therapy per above recommendations: Itching, achy muscles (especially in the wind gate area-upper back, trap/neck area), sneezing. Sneezing and itching are excellent indicators of external wind attack (Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis). Tongue coating is one of the best indicators of colds-if not sure if hot or cold-if tongue has a yellow coating-hot; white-cold.

    I am curious about the naturopathic formulas listed above, thanks for posting new mom. I will look into those. The Vicks on the soles of the feet sounds relieving visible voice an jo! Going to have to try it.

    Initializing a sweat to open the pores and release the cold can be beneficial for all colds, especially in a cold-type cold without sweating. Just be cautious not to overdo it.

    I tend to use food therapy and Initial Defense from Kan Herbal dependent on the type of cold.

    Great stuff guys! Be Well! HealthU
