
Thursday, April 28, 2011


It has been brought to my attention by many Eat-Clean Diet® followers and current media that adults need to be concerned about a new eating disorder, Orthorexia. The following article has been sent to me numerous times over the last 24 hours and I thought I would share my opinion in regards to Orthorexia and the Eat-Clean Diet®.

Any kind of healthy eating might be considered control but it is only "control" in a negative manner when the result is unhealthy.  In no way has the Eat-Clean Diet® ever promoted control in such a fashion.  I don't even say that I have control over my food.  I say that the Eat-Clean Diet® is a lifestyle way of eating that is long term and promotes good health.  In our own household we have had a close encounter with an Eating Disorder so I am sensitive to those issues.  Simply having a structure as to what to eat and when to eat it is no different than the Food Guide suggesting when and what to eat.  If the Food Guide were doing such a good job and our food choices were so amazing then why at this time are there 2/3 of the North American population overweight or obese and at the same time malnourished.  Eating Clean only promotes health in the best way possible.


  1. Never questioned that, Tosca.

  2. True. Well spoken, clear and concise!

  3. Many people don't realize how overly controlling their diet is ultimately limiting and that's never healthy.

  4. I love to think of the Eat Clean Diet as a lifestyle and not a diet I think it makes it so much easier to follow!

  5. When I read that article yesterday, my first thought was that it's the processed food industry demonizing healthy eating therefore potentially reducing their

  6. Why is it that eating in a healthy manner and choosing from a guide of healthy foods could be construed as bad and yet fast food places are freely allowed to promote their triple thick stack bacon cheeseburger and fries during prime time America?

  7. The eat clean diet has kept me at my healthiest. I have never felt better and don't feel that it is a control issue! Thanks for posting this

  8. Well said. Thanks for addressing it.

  9. I read this yesterday and can totally understand how it can happen. If you are compulsive, obsessive or addictive in your personality, you can become legalistic in your approach to eating any diet that restricts certain things. My grandmother had a list of things she was to cut out for gout and took that to the extreme and it became detrimental to her health. That is the concern--going to the EXTREME and not feeding your body the fuel it needs.

  10. Tosca, I first heard of Orthorexia in my Holistic Nutrition Studies. Any kind of control can become a disorder. I also think eating clean is just promoting good health. Any way of eating can be taken to the extreme. You are doing a fabulous job, keep on educating us :)


  11. Well said! I think a lot of people have an all-or-nothing mentality when it comes to nutrition - they don't see the distinction between a structured approach to food and a rigid approach. Anything labeled as a "diet" must be about restriction and denial, when another use of the term "diet" is just the foods eaten, as by a particular person or group.

    Behaviors become disorders when they're taken to extremes, interfere with life/functioning/relationships, and cause distress.

  12. i agree carrie!!!!!!!
    eat clean is the way it was once upon a time before the big industries destroyed our food!!!now it's become a problem for some! i say get over it true food as close to the earth as possible that's all we consume !!!tosca you are an inspiration!!!!
    THANKYOU from a new mom who's yet to shed her weight!!!!???
