
Thursday, February 3, 2011


Robert and I at the service. 

Yesterday, Robert and I attended Jack LaLanne's Celebration of Life memorial service. How much character is it of Jack to insist that his memory be celebrated in this joyous way rather than sitting and crying over him. Although he will be missed, the day was the most creative and happy celebration of life I have ever witnessed.

Jack's family, including Elaine (his wife of 56 years), his children Jon Allen, Yvonne and Dan, were all in attendance. They are as gracious and genuine as Jack himself was.

To emphasize the joy that Jack sowed in life, we were treated to a song, music and words from a host of speakers. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Richard Simmons, Lou Ferrigno, and my husband Robert Kennedy all told beautiful stories about Jack's life.

I had no idea Arnold was such a comedian! He had us roaring when he said that since Jack was in heaven now they were really going to be upset because instead of resting in peace they would have to wake up at 6:00 am, like Jack did every day, to be led in pushups, exercises and weight lifting. Then he joked that the translation for "LaLanne" was "do more pushups you lazy bastard." Lou Ferrigno followed with an incredible Hulk-like most muscular post and more kind words.

Robert, Arnold and I

Bob had us all tearing up as he shared how Jack's early life experiences led him to be a crusader for health and fitness. I was so proud of my honey that he could move people that way.

Forbes Riley, Robert and I 
Jack's son Jon Allen sang and played the harmonica for us and Roger Williams played Jack's favourite songs including "If You Were The Only Girl in the World" on the piano.  Elaine "LaLa" LaLanne made the closing remarks with such grace and strength I totally admired her!

Several other special guests included noted newsman Keith Morrison, Denise Austin, Forbes Riley, Betty and Joe Weider, Patricia Bragg, Ellen Hargitay (widow of Mickey Hargitay and stepmother to Mariska) along with many others.

Robert,  Ellen Hargitay, Silvie Bourdeaux, and Betty and Joe Weider

I owe a debt of gratitude to Jack myself as he began the early movement to Eat Clean.  I vow to continue to do this important work and I can only hope to do it with as much vitality, humor and sincerity as Jack "The Godfather of Fitness" Lalanne did.

As the invitation to this celebration of life said, "In honor of Jack LaLanne, add an extra hour to your workout!"

Have a healthy day everyone!



  1. I used to watch him on TV and was amazed at his health and fitness, especially as he advanced in age. He is a true inspiration to us all. :)

    Now, I just have to take that inspiration and the books I won (THANK YOU, TOSCA!) to turn my life around and get healthy. I am getting ready to be 40 and while I was once a healthy weight, I haven't been for the last six years. You gave me the tools and you and Jack are both fine role models for inspiration. Thank you!

  2. Thank you for such a wonderful, heartfelt post.

  3. Such a beautifully written, eloquent post about an eloquent man and his legacy. I have been inspired by you Tosca for over 10 years since I bought my first copy of Oxygen on my way to a fit body and better health. Keep up the good work as you are an inspiration to all of us "over 50" women out there!

  4. You treated this event like a a photo opp. Jesh, it was a memorial service. I respect your diet and exercise principles however you should be ashamed about acting like this was party time. You were tweeting at the service...telling about the celebs who were sitting around you. Shame on you.
